I am tired of community reactions
Developers put out blog talking about future changes coming on test server next week, so we can test them. Everything and very likely something, will be subject to change.
Now imagine how many content creators, people on social media and here on forums start Trickters apocalypse, MFT dead etc when the PTB is a Week away from now to test. Trickster changes are huge and need to be tested yet everyone seems to allready have access to them and played like 10 games with him.
Can you all stop overreacting and wait for that PTB to show up and then you can seriously talk about this. I am tired, maybe I should take like 48h break after each blog post / major update from dbd media until you guys all chill out and it becomes old news.
This type of reaction is exactly why the devs don't tell us anything.
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Honestly it's a shame to see so many people immediately decide the Trickster changes are too much when Trickster is one of the few killers I haven't seen in forever, because he's just bad in a way that can't be redeemed. Now the changes are actually giving him the ability to be a threat and people don't like that.
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You would have a point if people didn't correctly predict the effect of changes to a far greater accuracy than the devs.
Boil Over buff? Everyone knew what was going to happen. Devs had to nerf instead of the usual just wait it out spiel. Same with COH, Eruption meta etc.
The suggested healing speed nerf for other survivors is basically the only thing that BHVR walked back on after community pressure. And maybe that horrible last man standing idea that was a complete dumpster fire on the PTB so much so that even BHVR didn't dare to release it.
Trickster is going to be an absolute nightmare to play against and you are going to see a huge increase in DC-ing against him because apparently removing counterplay is the only way BHVR can balance the game instead of finally overhauling all the maps and killer strengths.
Of course by the time this all happens everyone will have moved on to the next [current point of discussion] and nobody will care that we told you so. I swear to god if the devs released a perk called Rebirth that allowed every survivor to come back to life after being sacrificed with 0 hook states some people would just mindlessly shout: JuSt WaIt aNd SeE!
Oh well, see you in a few weeks I guess.
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Yes, these changes look like he will be finaly fun to play as probably or at least much more than before. His pickrate is one of the weakest. You see 1 Trickster maybe in like 40 games.
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Best part is, everyone claims MfT is dead/useless. While it now is effectively stronger than before.
You couldn´t mix it with exhaustion perks. Now you can.
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I trust devs so i am not worried by these exaggerated reactions spreaded by content creators.
People hated legion when they got buffed but devs never went back on the changes.
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I wouldn't say it's effectively stronger. You still have to be deep wounded for the speed boost which is far more restrictive than not being exhausted. And it's far easier for the killer to avoid chasing deep wounded survivors than it is for them to avoid chasing injured survivors.
It's not dead, but it's also not a perk that is a must run on everyone.
It's basically the dead hard nerf situation all over again. People complaining that the dead hard changes completely kill the perk only for it to turn out to be a pretty decent perk when used correctly.
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Yeah. I’ve always advocated for better developer communications, but every developer update makes me second guess whether it was a good idea or not.
People just seem incapable of giving a measured response. The devs can’t say anything without people acting like it’s hitting the live servers unchanged the next day.
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I think its less restrictive. Since it keeps its annoying endurance effect for healing, that is so loved by SWF. While it also allows to mix it with all exhaustion perks. I expect more people to run DH or OtR+SB/Lithe with it.
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It's already pretty common to see DH ran with MFT.
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Yeah, but now you have the bonus speed after the DH hit. They just changed when you get the bonus speed.
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DbD playerbase where many players like "their" fairness and are overdramatic.
Post edited by lav3 on1 -
you aren't seriously arguing that mft is stronger holy #########
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Cool story bro.
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I absolutely am.
Right now, you can´t mix it with exhaustion perks. Which is kinda limiting. After the "nerf" you can run it with SB, Lithe, or whatever you want. Take OtR, MfT, Lithe, WoO and a runner gets all the benefits from both MfT and Lithe. They don´t have to choose between having a permanent 3% speed boost or a short 150% speed boost. They effectively get both.
Killers complained about SWF picking each other up with MfT. That didn´t change one bit. They still get the speed boost, they still get the Enduring effect.
Like seriously, am i the only one who is seeing that?
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That makes it a good anti tunnel perk then, if combined with OTR and DH. That's a lot better than 3% as a reward for the killer doing their objective. I can live with that. I'd even be fine, if they reworked it a bit more and made it 7% haste for 60 seconds after an unhook and have it deactivate when performing a conspicuous action.
On the topic: I'm not sure how much stronger / weaker Trickster will become but I have a feeling it's gonna make him even nastier. Especially with Main Event being easier to trigger. I'm happy that they revisited Red Forest again (hopefully, this time it will get nicer to play on) and the change to GoJ has been a long time coming. Against my better judgement, I'll stay optimistic on the map reworks.
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Thank you. I´m glad you´re entertained.
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Exactly! It will still be a great perk. But right now everyone is in panic mode and doesn´t see the benefits.
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This is a forum for discussion about a video game. That includes discussing about future updates. It's perfectly fine and normal for people to talk about and have concerns about any update before something goes live (or before a play test). If you don't like people talking about what they have read about a blog post including issues they see that could arise, then either ignore it - or realize that forums are just not for you because you don't like hearing opinions that don't align to yours.
Or I guess you could just create an entire thread telling people how to react to an updated blog post about a video game. Choices.
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So the perk is bad.
It can be triggered like, twice per game.
It's #########, not worth running and is another absolute failure from BHVR to nerf a perk without obliterating it.
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Its now a anti-tunnel perk and it won´t move from the top 10 list of most used perks.
Also, SWF will trigger it far more often than twice. Because it still has the Enduring effect on healing/picking someone up.
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My only problem with proposed changes is with the PTB system itself.
The scale of what they want to do with Trickster is massive and needs thorough testing. One of the big changes is removal of the awful recoil, the main reason he was poop with a controller and not run on console because of it.
But none of the consoles can participate in any PTB, and neither can Windows players. Just Steam. So the vast majority of the playerbase, largely using controllers, won't be able to try this version of Trickster for what, 6-7 weeks from now or more? Crazy.
Both Minecraft and DayZ have separate experimental game versions on Xbox, and I'm sure other titles do as well. I know there's a cost associated with them, and Entity knows what coding issues would crop up, but just Steam alone is not enough of us to test anything significant on.
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You know the perk is gonna be super bad when the folks that current MFT makes angry are now cheerfully telling you it's going to be stronger than before lol
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I am tired of people being tired of people reacting.
Yes it sucks. But it is where we are as humans. Its not going to change. The change needs to come from you if this does bother you. I don't think it does, I think you like this attention for the moment.
Your solution is just as you said, just take a short vacation. The fact you made a post about this shows you aren't -that- bothered by all this. But anyway, wanna SWF sometime?
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This is why I say nothing, read people comment and then LMAO at it. Clearly the right to do that is in the next Dev blog where the dev explain the changes from PTB to live servers. The only comment I made is map being change are coming and I am happy that they making change to them.
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It'll be on the top ten used at the top like.. 5% of players? So high level SWFS and such.
Do you seriously think this will be used as much as it was pre-nerf? It will not, imo. But I would like to hear your thoughts.
The amount of coordination needed to get 'enough' value out of it is ridiculous. I dont see the average player using it at all anymore.
And that will remove it from top ten, quick.
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Another absolute fail from players to not know the difference between nerfed and obliterated.
I agree it's 100% nerfed. But it still pairs up well with dead hard or other ways to give yourself endurance.
Just cause something isn't superstrong and top 10 pickrate doesn't mean it's "obliterated".
It's fine. good players can still make good use of it. Just requires a bit more thought now
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Copypasting myself from a different threat:
Lets say a survivor takes MfT, DH, OtR and DS. After the first hook, OtR kicks in (80 seconds of old IW) if the killer tunnels, he gets the Enduring effect of OtR + the 3% speed bonus (1rst hit). If the chase lasts less than 60 seconds DS (2nd hit) = reset on the Endurance effect. DH (3rd hit) starts another Enduring effect for 3% and it requires 4 hits to down the survivor.
Current pick rate was 20something %. Second most used survivor perk after WoO. It will get a pick rate hit. But not a significant one. Only because other exhaustion perks, that now work with it, will see an increase in their pick rate.
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This topic entirely depends on what it is that's being discussed, though. The community makes knee-jerk reactions all the time without testing, and they make silly knee-jerk conclusions after testing too. And yet some things don't need to be tested to form an opinion on.
The Trickster update involves a lot of moving parts on a killer that's already extremely dependent on the map. Without seeing anything in action it's impossible to know what will and won't be a good change.
The MFT change doesn't need involve anything special. It's plain as day the perk has been nerfed into the ground.
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True. Trickstar need to be tested befor jugeing anithing and MFT needed that nerf and like DH is now a perk, that need more skill to use and isnt a get out of jail card for free.
Im happy to see that the devs do changes the comunity request or think. Yes some changes in the past were weard, but they improve.
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Most of the update looked pretty good - I'm concerned about a few Trickster changes but I don't see them as bad or poorly thought out. They all seem sensible and the effort to make big changes is appreciated. Yeah some things stay the same but I don't see that as a bad thing.
I'm super happy about the recent Trapper changes - those were great. Looking forward to this PTB as well.
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No, it's dead for the vast majority of players.
If your perk relies on another perk, which relies on PING to get value, neither perk is good.
MFT is just a poor man's Buckle Up and it will kill more people than it will save.
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Survivors have access to plenty of endurance effects. While MFT is weaker than live, it's not "nerfed into the ground".
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Did you just call DH bad?
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A perk that relies on ping is fundamentally bad, especially in a game like DBD where the Killer has general action priority.
That's not to say that they shouldn't, just that it's a fact of DBD.
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Be real here, this is a knee jerk reaction.
Been awhile since i've been on the forums but weren't you the one who said DH is not a good perk cause killers turn it off by hitting you off hook? If killers do it that often you still get vallue out of the perk. It's not hard to get in deep wounds
This version of MfT is still better then the mayority of other survivor perks
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I'm 50/50 with SWF'ing on coms and Solo'Q®.
Do you think MFT will be good for SoloQ? I really don't think that sort of coordination will be present for most. Prior to this change in function, as I don't see this as a nerf, MFT was used by a LOT of Solo'Qers. I don't see it being a top pick anymore.
Now SWFs are a different story ofc. But even then, how many are a group of drunk friends having fun with the game (Yeah, I'm guilty.) vs sweaty top focused teams? Still feel it'll take a hit, just a much smaller one than Solo'Q.
Thoughts on that?
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If what you say is true then DH would have been a bad perk even prior to its latest nerf and would not have dominated the meta. Having more uses of a "fundamentally bad" perk would not make much of a difference after all.
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You say that as if triggering those Endurance effects isn't still massively more demanding than just getting M1'd. The reason MFT is so strong in its current state is precisely because it's virtually always live. It's certainly not the 1% difference that's keeping Dark Theory in the trash. And there's a reason Hope was a permanent 7% for a full year before anyone ever uttered a complaint about it.
A 3% bonus only earned after triggering a specific game state is niche and completely removes the entire reason the perk was meta in the first place. Yes, it is nerfed into the ground.
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Dh for distance wasn't because it was....well, DH for distance. It was just that OP.
I don't think the slightly newer DH was that oppressive. It did have unlimited uses going for it, which I think helped it a lot.
Current DH has a maximum usage of twice per match, whilst causing Exhaustion so you can't use other Exhaustion perks, it's still ping dependant and it's Killer dependant.
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I think MfT will be fine for solo. Slap on Dead Hard and you have a neat combo.
Will it be the absolute best way to guarantee victory? No, but it will be a fun combo that you can pull off effectivelly pretty much every match.
Dead hard is still in the top 10 of perks so a lot of players enjoy it and this perk fits perfectly with it. It doesn't need to be a powerhouse to not be bad.
Don't get me wrong, it's nerfed a lot. I don't think it will be meta anymore.
But there is a very large margin between meta and "obliterated into uselessness"
It's fine, it will still see play.
I think it's just a lot of kneejerk reactions of 3k+ players who forget that they don't represent the game as a whole. Mayority of players will 100% still be able to play well with this. It's still as powerfull as it was, just more tricky to activate.
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Dh for distance was much stronger and more reliable. No disagreement here.
But my point about the more recent pre nerf DH still stands. A failed DH usually results in a down. That is a rather large downside. If the perk was as unreliable as you say with such a big downside then it would have been bad and unpopular even with unlimited uses.
Even the current limited DH is still fairly popular. Its not really at the top of the meta but definitely still viable.
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It might be best to avoid the community for a while. Stay away from the forums and social media. Let people tire themselves out. See what happens.
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I don't see DH hardly at all and I think I can count on one hand the amount of times I've seen a successful DH. Entirely anecdotal but still.
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in 90% of all changes you can imagine whats going to happen wit an 100% accurancy. Its not magic to udnerstand how simple this game is and what effect changes will have. You dont even need much game sense for this.
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Then don't read them? Or watch a video about it????
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omG!!!!!! i freaking kr!
I usually just naturally react to utterly disgusting takes by rolling my eyes back into their skull sockets so hard, it’s painful😩😔
I’m thankful you always comment sensible replies to them so I can vote you up and feel solace and a presence of sanity amidst the absolute lunacy of concepts so asinine (especially when from ppl who seem to have a finger on the pulse) you’d think they were just intentionally trying to be shocking; But no… they’re totally serious.
I absolutely cannot believe the nonsensicality
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it is useless my guy
who wants to waste a perk slot to maybe get use if they manage a successful dead hard once? Not twice cause once you use it that killer is gonna wait it out the second time and godspeed if the killer swings and misses
once you do get mft, great, now you need to run around with a dark, bloody screen hampering you and if the killer leaves you well, time to mend
it was better off with a timer or something, this is useless and is immediately out of my rotation
juce is not worth the squeeze
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I dont think MFT will be top 10 after a month, especially for SoloQ. MFT+DH is neat. But that's it. Its just neat. Neat like Any exhaustion perk+vigil: Yes its used and neat, but its not top 10 used.
And the small amount of time you'll be running while DeepW'd is minuscule compared to just having the 3% MS. imo ofc. I'd never run MFT+DH. DH is vastly superior imo.
The 'More tricky to activate' is what will kill it for SoloQ. The Endurance part is still the 'powerhouse' and will be used by coordinated SWFS. That, imo, will be the best value of the perk. The 3% will be forgotten into the void.
I'm actually curious to see this play out! Its... kinda fun discussion and speculating what we think will happen lol
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New level of bias
I start to think reasons the currently Ruin is actually a buff. No, I really do!