I hate distortion.

Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215
edited November 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Buuuut not for the reason you'd think.

I hate it more as a Survivor as the teammates who use it are becoming more and more common I've noticed they often never take chases, are usually the obsession when killer has stbfl and as a result never take hits ensuring max stacks most of the game.

They often play very immersed and are often a detriment to the team. I see this perk more and more as my matches feel like they're getting even worse for soloq standards.

I'm not saying nerf it or anything as it's a fine perk and often the only counter to strong killers running full tracking builds. But i wish it'd regain tokens for chase time or gen percentage completion to reward good team play instead of hiding and letting your team die.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    I'm not saying everyone who uses it is bad or anything i just think it's a bit unhealthy at the moment for solo and gets frustrating to deal with a massive increase in super immersed teammates.

    And before I'm called a "killer main" or told about how mft is getting nerfed, i also hate stbfl and want it changed too. There's quite a few unhealthy(imo) perks on both sides

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,816

    I'd love it doing gens refilled it! Maybe that's a good happy medium.t

    It sucks when you go against a stealth killer because you spend so little time in their terror radius. And if it's Wraith or Myers with aura add ons? It's a dead perk in 30 seconds lol.

    Plus how is simply being in a killer's TR outside of a chase a way to "earn" a perk? I could be crouching in a corner accomplishing nothing just to regain tokens.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Recently I play Myer without info perks, sometimes its hard to find that one survivor, I dont think Distortion matter, manytimes I could use Empathy for info just to stay away from Killers by seeing injured teammates running around, lead to others 3 keep getting chased. In the end, I had to show myself to take chase.

  • Dweet_Unfairfield
    Dweet_Unfairfield Member Posts: 215

    Exactly. I thought that would be a fair option for those who don't like getting chased while incentive for being useful instead of hiding and playing for last alive type escapes

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,619

    I consider Distortion an unhealthy perk because it can counter several perks (and even addons) at once and his tokens can be reloaded.

    Imagine you equip Lethal Pursuer and BBQ (common combo due the synergy), two of your perks are useless against a survivor with just one perk slot, which activate passively and can also be reloaded. In fact the problem has worsened lately because it has become more popular. I've even seen a match with three people equiping it.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,963

    It's only real problem is it recharges even when in chase. If it worked like stake out, it'd be much less useful to rats who hide the whole game.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,150

    It doesn't bother me when team mates run it. Those folk would play the same way with or without it.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    Distortion is one the the most difficult perks to go against for me. As killer, I usually play Nurse with a full detection build.

    Survivors with it have way more chance to live (longer) that the ones that don't.

    Lethal Pursuer doesn't show them immediately at the start which is already one big advantage.

  • Gylfie
    Gylfie Member Posts: 646

    I had a match last week where all four survivors had it equipped. I was so confused when I never saw any healing being done with Nurse's. That explained it lmao.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,324
    edited November 2023

    I use distortion but i take chase and hooks for people that are in need. I used to absolutely hate and still am a valid hater of distortion because MOST not all but MOST people that run distortion escape the matches with 0 hooks giving 0 f about teammates.

    I mostly use it to identify the killers perks.

    ( also i go against blights and nurses with aura reading way too often )

    This being said i don't like how distortion works. I'm a full survivor main nowdays i havent played killer in probably 6 months before someone tells me im killer main. I think distortion shouldn't get stacks back that easily. I think they should be related to unhooking or healing someone. Also the fact that this perk completely counters so many perks killers use. If distortion becomes meta 4 gen defense perks are going to be in every game again. Then another topic rises that booo killers are using 4 gen defense perks nerf plz. Also the passive survivors hiding with distortion, calm spirit, urban evasion isn't healthy for teamplay. SoloQ you see these people and they won't even unhook anyone. This is why distortion stacks should be tied to unhooking or healing.

    Post edited by Hannacia on
  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The problem with distortion is not only the before mentioned but also that it incentives killers to not run aura reading, and instead something more reliable like Gen slowdown, if I bring BBQ in for tracking and half the players isn't 40m away and the other half uses distortion I might as well get some more consistent perk, which is sad on two levels, because first I would like to chase someone else and not stay close by, because that's what BBQ is for but if I don't get value I must assume they are all close, otherwise 3 people are running distortion in which case I would need to wander around the map to perhaps find someone so it is less annoying to just stay close and go for the person that unhook, which is pretty boring tbh. The killer finding a different chase is like the best outcome for both sides 1.he is not proxy camping or tunneling, since he is going for someone else 2. You can get a safe unhook and perhaps even heal up 3. Your odds are higher to evenly spread hooks and not have someone dead early in the game...

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,353

    I would run Distortion when in a SWF. Since I'm poop in chase I do gens and heal others etc. but I'm almost the scout. I'd usually figure out their loadout and often their add-ons too.

    Often the first thing I tell my mates is "Leathal Persurer defend yourselves!" Figuring out if a Wraith is all seeing, going for that timely save or the gate against BBQ, things like that.

    Once I know a surv is running Distortion as killer I play around that. Knowing how I run it as a surv I can intercept them from odd angles based on where I'd be right then. Another reason why players should play both roles some. It's all about game sense.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,924

    Actually, you are right.

    I've noticed that too. Some survivors just don't take any chases, and in the end game they have... Distortion.

    It's hard to tell from a killer side tho. Running onto them on a map is complete random.

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141
    edited November 2023

    I will gladly take a chase, but you aren't getting aura on me for free with your 3 gen perk + UW Nurse or alc ring Blight.

    I really wish Distortion would become top of the meta, it really should with how the game is played right now. You don't have to hide in corners or be afraid to take chase.

    You deny a potential snowball from aura perks, add ons and powers. It can shift momentum really fast.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,960

    This is exactly why I don't consider Distortion a well designed perk. The killer has a harder time finding one survivor in particular. But if they don't show themself, then the killer will just spread their hooks on the other 3. It's a double-edged blade, if used mindlessly.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    if you don't i'll say it: 90% of people that use it are bad.

  • Foempticol
    Foempticol Member Posts: 232

    I really like what @UndeddJester said. Distortion shouldn't recharge tokens while you're in chase. @Beatricks is %100 accurate about solo Q. The first person found usually gets camped/tunneled out which is not fun so they DC or give up on hook.

  • Aura reading is very common on killers. It's a counterpick at this point. It's almost like killers running Fearmonger because they know how common Exhaustion perks are for survivor.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The question is what will killers run if aura reading does not give them more value? I think some aura reading is healthier for the game than just 4 regression perks every game, and by reducing the value of the aura perks through distortion you incentivise people to just go for regression, which cannot really be countered by a perk like aura reading or other tracking can.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    the issue is more the distortion users and not the perk itself. the killer already can't find the user with their aura perks, and if they also hard immerse and not take necessary risks/aggro off their teammates, survivors lose that match most of the time.

    killer didn't even see you and 2 of your teammates died and now you "have to" wait for the last one to die so you can get hatch. good job i guess?

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    I have the 2 sides of a Distortion user in my SWF group.

    One plays more carefully but she isn't the typical immersed survivor. Her chase is OK but seems weak for her hours played. The reason is, that she played dbd on a very bad laptop for a long time (11 fps) which made chases impossible for her and therefore she preferred not to be found.

    The other teammate is still newish and uses a full-on stealth build. Distortion, IW, Calm Spirit and Bond. He is someone quick to get angry about teammates "who bring the killer to him" even if they have no idea he is hiding there. And usually his chases are very short resulting in him getting tunneled out quickly.

    If we all three play together it is usual, that I (and the random) end up with 2 hooks while my 2 friends still have none. This is the only problem I have with Distortion: It became so good and also necessary against powerful aura builds that killers only chase those who they can see which is often to the detriment of the team.

    I personally like to use Object instead. It gives you the same information as Distortion but does not hide you. And aura addons usually become an UNO reverse card. (OoO against a Mirror Myers is fun. You get a warning if he is in 32m around you because the perk lights up even with Undetectable.)

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    Distortion is a perk like Urban Evasion or Self Care. It kills the team when used wrong but can be very helpful if used correctly.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    I do wish distortion did not have a way to regain its tokens and so then it has to be used as a team perk (calling out tracking perks/addons) rather than it just always being on and so tracking builds just get destroyed. This would also fix the problem you mentioned in your thread.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    But you can only call out via cons, so I solo q it would be kind of useless for that purpose...

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    You yourself can still know and play around it so its not useless even then. My main point is; I feel like 1 perk that just shuts down entire builds is a feels bad and kills a lot of the fun. For example, I really wanted to try aura reading huntress but I know that it would be pointless since just a couple of distortions would literally make the build useless.

  • EvilSerje
    EvilSerje Member Posts: 1,070

    Distortion is great and I take it every single game. It's the only counter to "Nowhere to hide" and "Darkness", when you can waste a lot of killer time while he is searching the area around gens, also a supper helpful vs. "Lethal" so you don't end on the hook in the first minute. Overall very great perk that prolong your inmatch time.

    Some wrong statements:

    • survivors only hide. These survivors would hide and ignore gens with or without this perk.
    • bad at chase. Yes, they are. And I am. On your god-like MMR where everyone is tournament player probably it's common, but on my MMR almost everyone bad at chase. After 1600 hours I still don't know how to chase more than 15 seconds, unless killer is very sloppy. On the other hand, if you have hiding crouching survivors, maybe you are on the very low MMR with new players.

    If you don't use infoperks, then this perk is a waste of slot, btw.

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 547

    My only problem with it is that it hides scratch-marks.

    It's okay, you countered my perk / addon, but why should it also counter the basekit way of tracking?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    edited November 2023

    On a greater level it makes it so perks that cannot be countered by other perks, like regression will overcome aura reading and such, which makes games not really better... Now you don't have the 4 aura perks nurse that trashes you in 5 min but 4 regression perks that does the same but in 10 min

    Post edited by Archol123 on
  • Dustin
    Dustin Member Posts: 2,337

    Personally I agree- I think it's too easy to get tokens by following the killer if your goal is specifically to survive. It's similar to survivors who only play immersed with Urban Evasion for example when they're new.

    Usually this perk is detrimental to anyone on the team not running it.

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    This. For someone who hides in the bushes all game, yeah it's going to wreck the team. I use it every game and it let's me be the one that gets most of the gens done, safe unhooks and heals because I'm able to operate mostly unmolested. Once we get to where the rest of the team has a hook state or two, I start putting myself in front of the killer, body blocking to get thier attention so the rest of the team has time to finish things up.

    As killer, it's a little frustrating, but we have many ways of tracking, and if losing auras on a couple survivors is wrecking your game, you are relying on auras too much.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    survivors only hide. These survivors would hide and ignore gens with or without this perk.

    at least they can be found without the perk and be chased. they are more useful on the ground or on the hook than when they are being a bush even when the killer is nowhere near or chasing someone else.

    bad at chase. Yes, they are.

    and they won't ever get any better since they aren't practicing it at all.

    maybe you are on the very low MMR with new players.

    or maybe the matchmaking system isn't working properly as majority of playerbase complain about it?

  • Mooks
    Mooks Member Posts: 14,893

    Buuuut not for the reason you'd think.

    except it exactly the very most common argument people use against Distortion so…

    also, I can’t confirm this sentiment at all from my matches. I use it often myself though and I am not the best looper but I contribute to matches in any aspect. But there is people not contributing to the match with all kinds of builds. It’s not solely Distortion users.

    There are survs only running around with a flashlight failing any and every save attempt miserably. Survs trying to moonwalk all the time. Survs with flashy outfits, teabagging and clicking at the killer at first side and going down in 5 sec.

    the distortion users i see often do more gens than just hiding.

  • Jeoz
    Jeoz Member Posts: 32

    i love distortion, aura perks, and add-ons just limit so many play one can do as survivor, and it would be great if distortion filled with doing gens instead of hiding in the killer terror radius, BUT, when playing with distortion it becomes difficult to take chase even if i want too, and knowing that the killer with BBQ it is going after an injured teammate that i don't know were it is frustrating, i would like it if it also hide the aura of teammates around me so i can have the option of protecting other from being targets, and not feeling it useless against nurse's now that self healing sucks, or having some way to share the killer perks with the other players in solo q, would be a good option too

  • surv43
    surv43 Member Posts: 331

    At one time I asked to create this skill.

    Then he asked to improve it by making it possible to renew tokens since in the original version it was not playable.

    I'll start with the fact that the survivors have an emblem, to collect it you need to find a maniac and run after him for several minutes or spend the entire game repairing generators in the killer's terror zone.

    The survivor also loses half of the emblem simply because he will never escape from the killer if he wants.

    And I will answer the comment that you can just sit and do nothing. Of course, you can sit somewhere in the corner, but you will lower your rank if you do not actively run after the maniac, treat/save survivors, or repair generators.

    The skill is also spent during the chase, just as it is restored.

    To be honest, maniacs have too many detection skills and the classic principle of maniacs searching for survivors is used less and less in the match.

    Indeed, I very often encounter abuses on the nurse to detect players after Halloween.

    You figure out how this skill works.

    In reality, how many times during the repair of the generator will the skill work against the same nurse mentioned above?

    So much that three tokens are clearly not enough, in short, there’s no point in crying about the excessive usefulness of this skill.

    You completely forget that the maniac must find, catch up and kill, and not half the actions as the maniac wants and the game is almost entirely facilitated by skills.

    This skill was requested in response to the use of barbecue in every match by almost all players.

    I knew that the players would whine about the release of the skill, apparently the whining is still not going away.

    There is also a player among you who uses third-party software to gain an advantage and, oddly enough, calls it gaming instinct.

    One person says that those who oppose skills to detect all players without visual contact are bad, ridiculous.

    All weak maniac players are recognized by the fact that they take skills to search for survivors; maniacs of at least an average level no longer use search skills.

    Well, since everyone is writing, I’ll write too, I would like maniacs not to have the skills to detect survivors, so that they don’t need the skill to hide. This is countered by simply moving the character forward.

    Sharing the distortion skill would be nice, but a whole page of whining above would be a drop in comparison to what kind of whining it would be if this skill was hidden by those around him.

    They've been whining incessantly for several years now))

  • Archael
    Archael Member Posts: 855

    You really want me to hide and unhook some better chasers, doing gens in the meantime rather than die in first 2 min of the trial... i mean, you have better chance of winning if killer will NOT find and chase me.