How many times do Killers give you Hatch or Exit Gate?

Last time I was on RPD, it was a Bubba who was downing my 2 solo Q teammates ( I was duoing with my boy πŸ˜ƒ) and he said we should have went next cuz they all were death hook at 4 gens. I had the anti tunnel build (OTR-DS and DH) and I stalled a lot of time and faked going in to the void and he was nodding at me at far distance lmao made me chuckle and then he let me wiggle free and he found the last survivor. Then he brought me to hatch and I gave my medkit to him πŸ˜„

aside from that wholesome Bubba, I barely get hatch or exit gate from Killers. Not that I mind that much cuz I don’t wanna get my hopes up too high and expect mercy every game. Sometimes I play Killer and I’m not afraid to admit when someone is playing as (David,Felix,Vittorio,Leon,Chris,Carlos,Claire or Sheva) I always give them hatch or exit gate cuz they are my favorite survivors ❀️

How about you guys, you get hatch/exit gate often from Killers or spare some survivors cuz they are your main?


  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,186

    If I'm the last man standing, I'd guess I get Hatch/Gate once every...six games or so.

    As a killer, I will give Hatch if the survivor impressed me somehow during the game or if they drop their item as I will accept their replacement sacrifice. I also give Hatch for what I call The Lottery where if I wasn't going to give them Hatch but I run into the Hatch on my way to hooking them, I will give them Hatch.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,430

    I tend to 2 hook ppl who use BPS or similar event offerings if I can tell who used it. I'll still play the game and give chase, but when it comes to downing them... I'll just give em a little nod rather than get a 3rd hook. After their teammates are all dead, then can go ahead and go about their business.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,750

    I have been given hatch here and there, though it's hard to say how many times it happens in my survivor matches.

    I tend to give hatch as a sign of respect or after a rough match for the survivors. When someone goes above and beyond for their team or is incredibly good in chase, I respect that and give that person hatch. It's a sign of good sportsmanship just as a simple "gg wp" and it can go a long way. We don't need to hate wach others guts over a video game.

  • Atsuka_Anarchy
    Atsuka_Anarchy Member Posts: 379
    edited November 2023

    I'm what you call a "friendly" Pig main. I just want my boops and only hook2win(h2w) if I'm playing against MLG survivors with flashies. I have sinned recently though on RPD, I had this ttv survivor who was using Thalita and was the last one alive, I found and caught her, and was going to find the hatch for her. I found it but it was directly under a hook.... I pressed hook instead of releasing her. I felt so sinister doing that. πŸ‘Ή

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 1,939

    About 2-4 times a year between the 3 of us. We can double the number probably if we counted fake outs (killer kills us before we escape through the door/hatch.)

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,092

    roughly about once every 15 to 20 matches

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Get given it once every 100 games or so. I always give it providing I have 3k and they played well.

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 602
    edited November 2023

    I get hatch & or gate quite a lot to be honest.

    I'd like to think some of it is karma because I always try to give last survivor hatch (usually gate) when I'm killer.

    Only exception being if they keep trying to wriggle free when I'm clearly not trying to hook them or if its steve or Leon (sorry to those two players but I just can't πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ)

    I also don't go out of my way to annoy the killer with stupid antics either so perhaps they prefer me to some of my "teammates"

    That said if i'm last & I'm down zero issue if the killer wants to kill me!

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,439

    As survivor 1 in 6 games last man standing.

    As killer majority of the time I just let the last person find it because I hate playing the gate game for 2 min straight.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    If a killer Witnesses me attempting what is normally an impossible save or just refusing to abandon a teammate, I find it's pretty likely they give me hatch. Although that also depends on how much hell the team put them through.

    As killer I'll always give the entire team the gate as long as they don't abandon someone and leave them to bleed out. If a Survivors start to spend an unusually long period on the ground I take it as the team not playing cooperatively and then the gates off the table.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 418

    Maybe once every few months, but that may be because I don't care about hatch at all and wouldn't even look for it if I was the last survivor. Too much RNG and no MMR increase, so I don't bother. Therefore if it's down to two survivors, I will usually let the killer find me and then kill me on hook so that the other survivor has a chance to find hatch (unless there's a chance we get the last gen done).

    Last time I was given hatch was ... a month ago? It was another PlayStation player. We played together two years ago (not SWF) and he messaged me after the match. He probably checked my profile in lobby and found the old messages.

    Before that? A Blight, probably 4-5 months back, maybe even longer. I was the only one doing gens and my three teammates were constantly swarming round the killer and unhooking right in his face and I couldn't even finish two gens before two teammates were dead already. I vault spammed to draw attention on me and pointed at a hook because I wanted out of that game. He slugged me, killed the other of the I assume 3SWF and then picked and dropped me until I was back on my feet and we had a fun little chase (was kind of sad my teammates ruined the match, would sure have been great) and he let me jump into hatch.

  • Xyvielia
    Xyvielia Member Posts: 2,415

    About 50/50 when it’s a multi Gen chase from me that loses them the game, wether Killers will give me hatch/gate props or perform the slug-camp of shame.

    Often post-match convo will reveal the truth of their intentions… especially when escapes are granted over players having a soft spot for whichever character I played as.

    I pretty much always give hatch to last survivor, especially if it’s one of my bestie girls🫢🏽

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,960

    1/50 games

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,186

    I've been around, I'm just almost always in off topic. There's only so much to talk about on this forum and basically every thread is a thread I've seen already πŸ˜…

    For your pain and suffering of having less Tippy in your life:

  • CrimsonVoid
    CrimsonVoid Member Posts: 18

    Always, if there no tome challenge, daily ritual or Trophy/achievement that requires me to kill the survivors them I will always aim to 2 Hook everyone and let them escape while giving them chases and some downs after the second hook but never 3rd hooking them. Of course, if they are replaced by a bot I will kill them and several times other survs will refuse to rescue the other survs from the hook and they end up being sacrified with pisses me off.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,566

    As killer almost everytime.

    As surv i get it very rarely when i am the last.

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,159

    To bring a little bit "us vs them" spice into this thread:

    Probably way more often than a survivor sacrifices themselves on a potential 4e.

    (Of course I know that the point loss/gain isn't really comparable for both scenarios.)

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685

    As killer, if I'm not giving gate to the team or last two survivors, I always give hatch with the exception of needing the 4k to finish a challenge or the last survivor was particularly disrespectful to me or their team. Mostly it's that I already know I won so I can't be bothered to go chasing the last person down or running around looking for the hatch. Most of the time I'll park myself in a highly visible spot and just scroll on the phone.

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 602


    I hope some of that karma makes it way to you eventually.

    I do think played character does also have a significant part to play in it some (mostly girls in my experience) get way more hatches than male characters.

    But good luck in the fog regardless of the side your on!

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,067

    This is quite a rare phenomenon these days. I think due to the state the game is in currently Killers just go for 4K whenever they can. Just today I had a match with Billy who let 3 survivors go. He quickly got to stage 2 with the 3 of us and just let us heal each other so that we could play some more. He kept chasing only one person but got all of us near the main building in Badham. Then decided to let us do the last gen and we were allowed to open the gate and leave. Rarity these days.

    As for me as the killer: I usually let the last person find the hatch. If I have some energy left I go into the Void for ghost hunting while the survivor is out there looking.

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,686

    I've been given hatch a handful of times. It's a nice sentiment, but it does make me feel a little embarrassed to have the killer take pity on me, especially if they're going out of their way to find the hatch for me. But it's appreciated nonetheless.

    On the flipside I rarely give hatch. I will sometimes give hatch if it's convenient or if the survivors were clearly just messing around, not taking the game seriously. But usually I just do whatever ends the game faster, be it putting them on the hook or letting them have the hatch if I catch them near it.

    On some occasions I will slug the second-to-last survivor simply because the other remaining survivor annoyed the hell out of me for one reason or another and I want to dunk them onto a hook. In that case, after that's done, I'll give hatch to the slugged survivor as an apology for leaving them to sit on the ground so long.

    One time as Myers I downed a Leon when he was just 5 meters away from the hatch. Decided to stand completely still and stare at him as he crawled for it. Felt in-character.

    Another time a Ghost Face pretended to give me hatch, then closed it at the last second and Mori'd me on top of it. I guess that was also in-character.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    The last time I was given hatch was in like 2020 or 2021, can't even remember it's been so long.

    I was allowed to leave through the exit gate twice this year.

    As a Killer if someone DCs, gives up early and the team wasn't a toxic SWF I'll let the last person leave. If I'm not trying to double pip, I'll also let the last person go if they give me their item. No taksie-backsies though.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,804

    As survivor, maybe one in ten games.

    As killer I usually give hatch to the last survivor standing. It doesn't matter if he was annoying, tea-bagging or whatever*. If he is the last one I grab for a hook, he is out.

    *) If he single-handily killed his team (e.g. stubbornly pushing a gen with two hooked/slugged and one in a chase) he goes up though. I have no sympathy for these players.

  • Nightmarefan
    Nightmarefan Member Posts: 65

    Maybe 15% of the time I'm in that situation. Michael gives it most often in my experience and the strongest killers(nurse,blight,spirit, etc) give it the least.

  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,698

    The only survivors I'm willingly giving a hatch, are new players who's trying their best and stick to the very end..=)

    Giving hatch to a strong survivor players unnessesary imo. They can escape by themselves in the next match.

    Sometimes strong survivors even get angry at you for giving a hatch, and they will deny it. (I think it's EGO issues)

  • Hexling
    Hexling Member Posts: 657

    Like once a year.

  • MadDormouse
    MadDormouse Member Posts: 6

    Rarely if ever. That being Saif a Unicorndav3333 did get let my team escape. Otherwise Killera tend to be sweaty for the 4K.

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454

    A year and half+ ago often, farming pigs and ghostface too. Now a days hardly ever.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 900

    I don't get hatch all that often. Most Killers I face like to 4K when given the opportunity and I rarely play well enough to earn hatch anyway. That said, I don't particularly care about hatch or escaping, so long as I got the chance to earn BP or get challenges done and / or somebody else gets out.

    But in my Killer games, I almost always let the last Survivor escape (though hatch or gate, it's all the same to me). My way of making sure my ranking doesn't creep up into the sweaty leagues and also an acknowledgement / consolation that the MMR system rarely works as intended, since it often puts me against Survivors that had no realistic chance of escaping.

  • I_CAME
    I_CAME Member Posts: 1,270
    edited November 2023

    I've actually been tracking this along with a variety of other things over the past few weeks. In 64 solo queue games I have received the hatch twice and both times it was the same killer. Most killers I run into just slug for the 4K. The thought of giving hatch doesn't even compute with most players these days.