All killers need nerfed and this is why

Every killer in this game is just to op for my solo survivors to handle. I know my solo survivors are allergic to generators and only know how to cleanse totems, and open chests, and hide in the corner of the map while doing nothing to progress the game. It's just not fair that my solo survivors can't do anything other than lose every game and scream killer op. We clearly need more buffs so good killers can lose to bad survivors. Solo survivors should not be required to use teamwork in a team-based game. It is not fair that solo survivors are required to help one another to stay alive and win. It is not fair when a solo survivor sandbags another survivor in chase and gets downed because of it. It is not fair when solo survivors let another solo survivor go to death hook phase and there is nothing, they can do about it. It is not fair that my solo survivors go down every 10 seconds or less because they have no idea how to loop pallets, or windows. It is not fair that my solo survivors 3 gen themselves every game because they don't know how to split generators. It is not fair that my solo survivors fail generator skill checks all game. It is not fair that my solo survivors can't do a healing skill check. It is not fair that my solo survivors never body block for one another. It is not fair that my solo survivors miss every flashlight save. It is not fair that my solo survivors don't know how to 99 an exit gate. It is not fair that solo survivors have to hold one button to progress a generator. It is not fair that my solo survivors run from an exit gate when it is open. It is just simply not fair and means that killers need more nerfs and survivors need more buffs, and this is visual proof.

