The super green tint should be removed from Hawkins

The super green tint should be removed from Hawkins. It's outdated, and we don't need maps that have a super saturated glowing effect. It's also annoying when the map just keeps switching between normal tint and super green tint, because the super green glow is sometimes just randomly sprinkled throughout the map in small areas.
I don't have an issue with it. I think it looks cool and makes the map unique
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I would like it toned down a little, but not removed. It makes seeing Trapper's beartraps surprisingly difficult, and I presume the same for Hag's traps too.
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It's literally part of the map. The green area is the Upside Down.
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Look at Autoheaven. There ist's a lot worse. Hawkins is fine.
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Noooooo,stop the "MAKE EVERY MAP GREY" syndromeee. Old Macmillan was so blue and pretty in the color department and now it's "natural" and boring. Same for Red Forest. It's a fine tint
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Huh? Why?
I get wanting to remove the tint from something like Borgo, because that actually makes a difference to the killer's ability to track survivors, but Hawkins' green tint isn't affecting anything like that. It's just a neat visual gimmick for the map, there's no problems it's causing.
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The "neat gimmick" looks cheap and tacky. If BHVR wants to show off the upside down by having spores float around, that's fine. But having my screen alternate back and forth between normal tint and super green glow, makes the map feel like a dance club.
The random "upside down" parts don't even make sense. In the show, the characters are either in the upside down, or they aren't, and the only exceptions might be the areas directly next to a portal. But this map randomly decides that parts of random hallways count as the upside down, because reasons?
The worst part of "long ago" DBD are the super saturated glowing effects that the maps were back then. Many maps were literally just one giant blob of the same color glow. We don't need that effect back in the game.
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they still are one giant blob of the same color. the only difference now is that colors are a bit nicer looking. green tint used to be the color of autohaven maps. I don't see any issues with hawkin map. the map bring back great nostalgia.
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I really don’t know how anyone can say the new maps are just “a bit nicer looking”. Look how bad these screenshots are, of what maps used to look like. I can’t even tell what color most of the objects are supposed to be, because they’ll all drowning in a super saturated color filter.
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It absolutely does make sense. The characters enter the laboratory after the Upside Down has breached into the normal world, and is beginning to encroach on their dimension. The lab starts to become overgrown with the fleshy vines and the Upside Down is trying to envelop the lab and the entire town.
Just because you don't like the color doesn't mean it doesn't make sense. Not outdated at all. In fact, it looks like it's been polished to be a little more up to date. It's still entirely accurate to the show.
If you dislike it so bad, stay in the areas that aren't green.
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dark time macmillan estate. wow that is old. those maps are old art -style. old art-style was not as sharp looking. all object felt repetitive and monotonous. new maps are more detailed and have a distinct features that make each area stand out a bit more. Hawkin is an indoor map. the color filter and upside down rooms are main distinct details of the map. indoor map are straight forward. the color filter does not obstruct vision. it is just add little bit flavor to the map.
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The only ugly part of those screenshots is the survivor model. The maps looks great. Hawkins has many issues but the color filter isn't one of them imo.