Can't unhook myself on 2nd hook easily

So while being face camped on second hook, like how do you unhook exactly? I get the prompt to Press R but the L button skill checks keep flying at me and if I press R to unhook it just misses the L skill check and I'm really confused on why it doesn't register that I hit the R button until the 3rd time. Missing those skill checks is scary.
I've been face camped twice since the new mechanic and getting off the 2nd hook is dangerous because the L skill checks continue to fly even when you're in the unhooking animation and still delete some health If you miss them.
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I had the same issue the other day. The killer kept patrolling right past me and my anticamp metre filled. The option to unhook popped up as I was almost sacrificed, so held it down but as the skill check popped up it cancelled the unhook and of course I missed the skill check and died lol
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No BOTS attempted to come save you? 😄
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My team may as well have been bots - none of them even tried to hook trade lol
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You can escape while you are struggling too! I killer camped with me at basement, my anti facecamp bar filled up and I insta unhook myself.
What I rarely succeeded is simply unhook myself! For the achievement or just simply when bots not coming to help or the team is at the other end of the map. Only Jake and Ace I had successful unhooks.