Dead By Daylight: Return of the Demodoggy

Alright, this one's gonna be short-but-sweet, considering that Demodoggy has finally returned to the Fog:
Let's all share our united love for Demodoggy here, for we all cherish our beloved doggy, who can now enjoy playing with Xenokitty properly!
Demodoggy was never gone for me because I bought the DLC before it was removed.
HOWEVER I missed the hamster jumping in a cage of the second floor in Hawkins.
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Well, he may not have been GONE-gone, but considering how rare Demo became after he was pulled off the shelves, we all missed him!
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For sure! I got Stranger Things before it's removal was announced and I bought all the outfits including Johanthan in the last chance sale, but i am one to be very happy they have returned for new players to enjoy... and my name has been "Scoops Robin for DBD" since the day it was removed. I had given up all hope, and now I have hope again! It WILL happen! Hopefully sooner rather than later!
These three belong together!
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It’s a rat!
and also… it’s not in the cage anymore 😭 first thing I checked and while the cage is still rattling, there is nothing in it!!
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The killer and chapter that got me introduced to dbd.
He was my second main since then (exception of a year period where Sadako took his spot and he was third).
Since sadako is no longer a fun killer, he's second again.
It's so good to see him back in action. Maybe more people will play him now.
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Well, demo not anymore rarest killer, twins get their deserved first spot.
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In my headcanon is an angry hamster roborowski.
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Now all I need is something for Demodoggy to fetch.