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The unspoken power of Aura Reading

lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

Of the new perks released with the Alien DLC, Ultimate Weapon by far was the most prevalent. To the point that Calm Spirit started seeing general use. But my SQ experience these days has been quite remarkable. Most killers I played against seem to have just ditched the perk aside and went back to aura reading (Lethal, BBQ, Nowhere to Hide, etc).

Aura Reading is way more comfortable to use and, most importantly, it does not alert survivors while screams do. One of the most important functions of Distortion is letting a survivor know that a killer is reading their aura. OoO can also be used like that, but it is way riskier due to the obsession blinking effect. Currently, there is no equivalent Killer mechanic.

IMO, that needs to be assessed for both sides. A visual cue for a very short duration (0.3 seconds) to let the player know that their aura started being read by the opposite side. For a survivor, their own model could shine briefly, just like when they take an endurance hit. Meanwhile for Killer, a visual effect similar to the undetectable shining briefly on the side of the screen would be ok.

This idea would also promote and reward deeper game knowledge. Opinions?


  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,723

    no. ooo counterpart for killers might be a perk idea but i don't think notifying people of aura reads is a good idea. i hate alien instinct for this exact reason, you can't use the aura it just keeps them on their toes, which isn't the actual purpose of an aura reveal.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,243

    Im not sure what exactly you are asking that Distortion dosnt already do?

    Do you want a basekit warning that your aura is being read? if thats the case, then im against it, it would prob. end up killing aura reading perks.

    Also one if the strong factors with perks like Darkness Revealed is that you dont know you are getting revealed, and gives the killer a chance to sneak up on you.

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 1,708

    Aura Reading is way more comfortable to use and, most importantly, it does not alert survivors while screams do

    If a killer has multiple aura reading perks, they can also deplete all of distortions stacks. Calm Spirit completely neutralizes Ultimate Weapon.

    A visual cue for a very short duration (0.3 seconds) to let the player know that their aura started being read by the opposite side.

    What? Why?

    As you said, one of the main reasons to take aura reading is that the other side doesn't know their aura reading is being read. Ultimate Weapon notifies via the scream, but it also inflicts a blind, can disrupt heals (Sloppy), totems, or a lucky gen break, and it only takes a single perk slot.

    This idea would also promote and reward deeper game knowledge. Opinions?

    Why would we want to promote people with thousands of hours having another advantage over newer players.

    "I memorized all of the perks, my aura was revealed as I moved across the map, a gen was just completed so its probably dark sense, that means there is likely a survivor 24 meters ahead of me".

    I don't want anything like that.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,912
    edited November 2023

    I definitely do not feel either side should know their aura has been read at basekit, as having that will be a significant nerf to most aura reading perks, and make quite a few on them completely unusable.

    If you know your aura is read you can use that information to work out where people are and/or what to do to counter it. E.g. Barbecue and Chill/Alien Instinct, everyone hops in a locker whenever someone is about to be hooked. Wiretap becomes quite useless as the killer immediately knows its in effect, and Dark Sense can even give you away to the killer instead of helping.

    I do however also feel Spine Chill should also trigger when your aura is read to make that perk actually have a use. It would not as good as Distortion as your aura is still read, but you have that knowledge guaranteed instead of having to maintain token charges.

    The idea of a killer perk that let's you know when your aura is being read is interesting... I don't think it'd be useful enough to be taken on its own... but it might be a cool buff to Whispers to get a different audio cue when your aura is read...

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • lagosta
    lagosta Member Posts: 1,871

    @NerfDHalready There are a few reasons why I think this should be basekit for both sides, the main ones being:

    1-Quiet Aura Reading has a huge potential impact on chases for how short the average DBD match tends to be. The worst part is not knowing if you could've done something different based on knowledge withheld by the other party.

    2-Reliance on Perks, mostly Distortion and possibly more if a killer equivalent was to be implemented. In my view, this feature should be basekit, or else we run the risk of having another Small Game as a substitute for a totem counter situation. Little impact/too situational to waste a perk slot.

  • ironligma
    ironligma Member Posts: 119

    It would be cool to know your being seen but I feel that might be a problem. Like a Michael spamming stalk with scratched mirror, cause bye bye your ears.

  • DredgeyEdgey
    DredgeyEdgey Member Posts: 1,373

    The way to know your aura was read is when the killer or you dose sometimes and unnaturally knows your location

    The skill part is picking up on that so you don't fall for it again

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,352

    Neither side needs a basekit notification that their aura is being read

  • kin
    kin Member Posts: 552

    Okay, you see a survivor, but what's next? you join them somewhere in 95% of cases, And the chase seems to be the most fun and not constantly thing in the game and will greatly depend on 3 facts: The killer's skill, the survivor's skill, random. Am I not right?

    You found a survivor, well done, and now catch him. It's not always easy, you know, and depends on 2 points that practically do not depend on the killer (if it's an experienced survivor on the autoheaven who knows the map and knows how to loop in the shack and main-you as a killer will be bad, to put it mildly. And if we take Midwich, it will be bad for the survivor) And if a survivor knows how to play on and you play with him on a good map for survivors (of which there are a lot in the game) and you are not a mesestra or a mor/rin with 1000, it will be very difficult for you to catch him.

    It's the same with the average survivor on maps with a good enough amount of resources to escape (some maps have a lot of pallets and they are close to each other)

    In short, I don't think that the information perks are too strong because after them there is often a process that depends not only on the killer.

    And for the survivors, they are practically useless because if you believe the guides, in many constructions there are places where you can safely stand still and see what the killer is doing (for example, a shack).

    The information perks are fine.