Can someone tell me is this killer using a perk or is he hacking?

I met a killer trapper i swear i didnt step on any of his trap but he instantly down me with one basic attack even when I'm at healthy state. Lucky me I have recorded a video when streaming to get developers look into this. Skip to 13:40 and the fun part is about start
Best Answer
you must be new to the game, but that nothing bad. its maybe one of the most hated killer perks in the game. its called noed (No One Escapes Death) its a Hex totem that apears in the Endgame and let the killer onehit everyone as long the hex dosn't get cleansed.
You ate a NOED.
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Its No One Escapes Death.
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It’s a perk - No One Escapes Death. Once the generators are completed you become exposed and go down in one hit as long as the totem stands. You can see the exposed icon on the side of your screen once the other survivor goes down.
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People started to forget about NOED existing. Shame on you, killers!
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When you get this skull status, comes with a spine chilled feeling sound effect, EXPOSED means 1 hit to down. It can be killer's powers, perks,addons....
You can watch this short vid to understand when you're being Exposed. Its better to not contact with killers
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At the end of the game when all survivors are dead it does show what perks/addons the killer used so if something strange happens it's a good thing to check there
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Maybe I shouldn't have come back for her after all lol
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Just be glad there was no blood warden.
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For future reference, at the end of the match you can hover over the killer's perks and addons and read what they do.
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Yep the sauce is at 13:10.
Once your Kate got hit by an auto attack, the notification popped at 13:12 top right, and you could see the exposed skull symbol on the right under the hex icon. Getting used to and looking for the icons on the right hand side for conditions is a good habit to get into in general ^^
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Its sad that the Trapper decided to troll you in end game after using such a noob perk. 🤦♂️
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Probably a 12 years old too happy to get his first win ever.
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To be fair, newer players dont have access to much nor are they told much either.
Back in 2018, when I was new to the game, I thought hitting people on hook increased the pace of sacrifice progress, mainly because a friend told me that and it took me 50+ matches of being cussed out in the post-game to final understand that I was BMing without realizing it.
Not to say that this is the same kind of thing of course, some people might just BM because they were in a gaming environment where that is the norm, though I think resulting to insults over it is not a good example to set forth (not saying that you did, but moreso just saying that it's something we shouldnt do).