Can we get more emotes for both roles?

This would be amazing, I could image a Myers dancing in front of me while I'm on a hook. Maybe a survivor laughing at me when I mess up on a skill check. Perhaps the emotes can be scary like a Trapper popping his knuckles or a Wraith admiring his weapon! There are so many possibilities to this, just imagine anything and it could be a possibility with emotes!
Tell me what emotes you want to see adding in Dead by Daylight?
I'm all for serious (!) emotes for survivors for example, to give solos some sort of possibility to coordinate.
But emotes just for fun... I dont think they will fit the dbd environment, it's to childish you know what I mean? Maybe a thing in a separate casual mode. Also it reminds me of fortnite, and just thinking about that community makes me vomit.
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I'd rather this game not become Fortnite. Emotes sound good on paper but, this is a horror game whether you like it or not. Maybe some more communication emotes would be good though
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I wouldn't see myself using Killer emotes at all.
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I need a middle finger emote for survivors.
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Ctrl is a thing.
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The only time I "needed" another Emote was, when a "Shrug"-Emote would be great.
Leatherface standing near the Hook with Insidious, I am pointing and waving at him so that he comes over, he shakes... A "Shrug"-Emote to indicate "Well, whatever then" before going away would have been great.
Other than that, not really needed, maybe for Survivors for basic (and useful) communication.
For Killers I dont see any reason. A dacing Myers would just make the game even less Horror than it is. This is not Fortnite.
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Yes, let's assume I'm trying to make the game into Fortnite. Logic. 😂
This is just something that came across my mind since survivors already have some emotes, ya know? Not because I seen it off of Fortnite thank you very much and besides, game is stupid imo.
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I don't think some killers should have emotes. Example, Michael Myers. He is just like he needs to be. Shape, no expressions.
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Basic communication emotes, sure. Dancing, definitely not. Can we at least try to keep this a horror game please?
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The game wasn't scary in the first place to be honest but, I wouldn't mind seeing a trapper have an emote that shows him cracking his knuckles.
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I find some killers scary, for me it is both scary and funny.
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i would love emotes that are interactive with the other side.
like a high five the survivors can give each other AND the killer.
(i would mess around with that a lot as killer... stuff like "you wanna rescue him? high five me." or "i wonder if your in this locker... ima just gonna stand here and ask for a high five until you come out!")
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I'll like to see an emote that shows the killer admiring their weapon. Some emotes could be killer specific such as the trapper looking at his trap, seeing how sharp it is.
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And for killers as well?
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No thanks.
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Imagine a clapping emote for survivors I would probably start playing survivor again.
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Why do people say 'fun' emotes like dancing, laughing or whatsoever do not fit in this environment? They wouldn't fit in a horror game, but Dead by Daylight isn't one so they would fit in very well as this game is all about pissing off the other side and taunting each other.
Yes to emotes please, seeing people spam CTRL became boring.
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Give survivors finger guns and I’ll be happy
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The reason why this game doesn't have voice chat is because devs wanted to make a serious game and to make the player being alone
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I keep seeing people say this but I also watch the community go fanboy over things like a pizza delivery skin, valentine’s skins, Santa skins, etc.
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default fortnite dance
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@Nickenzie If you're being serious about more emotes then I believe that all that would make sense are gestures and reasonable actions.
Things that would make sense for survivors:
- Being able to sit down.
- A greeting (Wave or Salute)
- A firm handshake (group emote)
- Finger guns (It'd make sense on Ace)
- Stoic T-Pose:
(The reasoning for the Stoic T-Pose is the existence of the art of body blocking the killer.)
- The only other survivor emote I could thing of would an accusatory point. For when someone messes up a skillcheck.
For killer emotes I'm afraid that for the most part you'd just have to add the option to buy different Mori execution animations from the shop:
- A quick and effective mori
- A brutal/savage mori
- A merciful mori which shows the killer having regret for the execution (fits with Nurse's lore, might be a nice touch for other killers.)
Back on subject of emotes for killers, all I can really think of that would make sense would be stern pointing:
and then miscellaneous power events (Nurse pausing to hold her blink wrist with the other hand, Clown sniffing his bottle, Huntress examining hatchets, etc.)
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how about some emotes , theres no voice chat, its fun but also would enjoy the option for voice or not , idk but it would be more interactive i think
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Of course.
When dbd battle royale comes out.