Stop requesting nerfs!



  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    We might have lost track of something so apologies if we're off.

    What we're understanding is that you don't want ANYTHING nerfed below a certain point. This point however seems to be REALLY high. Killers will have to deal with whatever perk up to 4+ times a match depending on what and how it works.

    Ex: if 4 survivors ran DH and used it each time then the killer has to deal with it 8 times that match at maximum. Now imagine that on something super good, it's not gonna be a fun time for the average killer.

    Now if they buffed killer to MATCH that, then the average survivor will probably run that perk just to stand up to the killer. The game will get stale quickly or go 180 and keep buffing both into broken.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    I didn't say it's a bad perk.

    It bridges the gap between soloq and swf.

    Making a few perks far stronger facilitates meta. There will always be a meta but if all perks are better balanced it wouldn't then be the same exact perks for a specific objective or playstyle like it is now.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 663

    No they can all be trash, like scene partner.

    If they are all trash make the killer weaker ie faster gens, less bloodlust.

    If they are all good make the killer stronger. All the perks are good so it doesn't matter the killer is stronger. BUT we now have a variety of perks that make games more diverse.

  • jesterkind
    jesterkind Member Posts: 8,322

    You said they gutted it, which is what I'm responding to primarily. They didn't, it's still a good perk.

    There's always going to be a meta, and that means that you are always primarily going to see the same handful of perks. People don't gravitate towards the best few options, they gravitate towards the best option. This is obvious now, where there are a lot of good perks for various different things, but people don't run them.

    For example: healing perks are exceptional, but the prevailing narrative right now is that healing isn't worth it. There are a fair few good chase perks, but nobody runs anything but a few Exhaustion perks and Windows. There are good stealth perks but nobody runs any but Distortion (and now Calm Spirit, but that's bound to be temporary). There's even good options for gen speed that people don't use because they require a bit of going out of your way.

    We are at the point where there are good options to choose between, so we must contend with the reality that stale perk variety is equally a community attitude problem just as much as it's a game balance problem.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    So you want diversity, in which case it's back to the player base fault. As it currently stands, 90+% of perks are serviceable but people refuse to run them.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    Then we'll ask for buffs to the weaker perks

    Bloodhound, Predator... could use the buff but IDK how to buff them

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    Bloodhound could get bloodlust faster while Predator could have haste while not in chase following scratch marks. Since everyone is on the speed topic this seems fitting no?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    i agree with your post. MFT change killed the perk for me. The player-base seems want to perks to be subtle that the perks have low impact. funny you mention DS. I think DS will go back to meta after MFT gets changed.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    uh huh yeah. i'm currently iri 1 on survivor and just got iri 4 on killer and mft is on EVERY SINGLE survivor build of mine. try again. i just want a balanced game.

  • xEmoGirlxAlexisx
    xEmoGirlxAlexisx Member Posts: 614

    Survivor Main who get carries by MfT is now mad that his broken Perk got nerfed ? 🤷🏻‍♀️

  • ad19970
    ad19970 Member Posts: 6,493

    What the actual frick are you talking about? Just because people want MFT nerfed doesn't mean they don't want a challenge. Killer can be very challenging.

    I also have no idea why you would assume that Chucky will release in a broken state. Which killer in recent time has released in a broken state so far? Xenomorphs cooldown at release was a bit too good but that's it.

  • UnusedAccount
    UnusedAccount Member Posts: 130

    Survivors do need to get out of their comfort zone and try different perks. People scoff at Aftercare but I've saved so many teammates with this perk, it should be illegal to have constant aura reading 90% of the match.

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    Yes I would be.

    There is plenty of ways to apply the exposed status effect thus making Made For This utterly useless. Instead of countering a perk with another perk, the playerbase was upset they had to change a perk slot for something that was situational and cried nerf!!!

    The irony in this, is that when the survivors scream nerf Ultimate Weapon, the response is just run calm spirit as it counters Ultimate Weapon.

    The more nerfs and changes the Devs are forced to make, the more unenjoyable and stale the game becomes.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    It is illegal, we need to delete Object asap.....please? We'll beg and play pig so ppl can boop out snoot for 100 matches....

    Side note anyone know why we're not getting notifications anymore?

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,779

    How much of an impact do you think Exposed has against MFT/Resilience/WoO/X after the first down?

  • ays12151
    ays12151 Member Posts: 678

    Survivors got used to play with very strong perks and now they can not appreciate them. That's my honest opinion.

    SWF can bring 16 strong perks & 4 Items with strong addons as well.

    Killer can use only 4 Perks that are not stronger than Survivors Perks. Okay. We shouldn't compare Survivor Perk to Killer Perk.

    But it's easy to notice how much value only 1 Survivor Perk can make.

    What strong perks Survivors can use at current DBD? Dead Hard, Sprint Burst, Lithe, Balanced Landing, Adrenaline , Unbreakable, Resilence, Windows Of Opportunity, Buckle Up, For The People, Made For This, Hope and more and more, but not that strong at these things.

    I need to repeat this - it's 4 Perks Vs 16 Perks.

    What Killer can play?

    Pop Goes The Weasel - he need to down someone first and carry him to the hook and next hope than Survivors will not finish the gen before he kicks it.

    Pain Resonance - to get constant value from this Perk Killer needs to chase different Survivors.

    Only these two Perks Regresion are strong and viable.

    Dead Lock & No Way Out - only 2 decent slowdown perks.

    Aaaaa I forgot Distorion on Survivor side - it basically reveals Killer's Perks and let them avoid Aura reveal. Poor Huntress...

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    As of what we have right now, I can't think of any killer perks I wish were nerfed. But I'm gonna emphasize what you briefly said about survivor/killer perks. Comparing them as though the role of killer and survivor teams is the same, is a mistake. It's true that killers only have 4 perks, whereas survivors have 16. But survivors have to navigate all the pitfalls of teamwork, that's assuming they are even able to communicate with each other. Survivors can sink each other and the whole team by themselves. Killers never have to deal with this. The roles are different, so perk comparison feels kind of pointless.

    Those are 4 good perks. I did notice that there's no undectable ones on there though. I love undectable. You can do some serious damage with it. To me, it feels like the most underrated effect in the game.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    nice argument bro. go to twitter if you are gonna throw nonsense around and not say anything productive.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,657


    Can you prove your point of them being an "dirty killa main"?

    Because throwing these terms around is also supporting us VS them.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,593

    I have been preaching this for years.

    There are tons of amazing perks, the game isnt stale or restricting, the player is restricting themselves and making the game stale for themselves.

    We have hundreds of perks, all allowing for different and diverse ways of playing, some are victims of power creep, of course, but frankly they still hold up rather well even today.

  • WaveyTrey
    WaveyTrey Member Posts: 658
    edited November 2023

    I know this is off topic, but this should be a thing… Given that people brought up Dark Theory quite a bit.

    If survivors have to take time to bless totems… Then a killer should have to take time to hex totems...

    It sounds outlandish, but hear me out…

    The the issue with Hexes are that they enter the trial lit. Unless they activate through some other means like NOED or Plaything… Most times Hex totems spawn in a stupid position that can’t be protected, and even where survivors spawn at the start…. Meaning if the killer was across the map a survivor could break the totem before the killer even used it. Unless the killer has insane mobility, or range (Artist).

    If killers can CHOOSE when/where certain hexes activate that would definitely bring balance to the weakest killers. Hexes like Third Seal, Blood Favor, Ruin, Crowd Control should be hexes that killers can choose to activate at a Dull totem that they found. While Devour and Lullaby are lit at the start of the trial.

  • Spiritwolf1214
    Spiritwolf1214 Member Posts: 6

    I think that nerfs should only be used if absolutely needed. In Dead By Daylight, both Survivors and Killers are supposed to challenge each other. I play both Killer and Survivor with the Knight as my main.

    I try to be fair to the Survivors in order so that everyone has fun. So far, no one has DC'ed when I play Knight. I don't camp the hook nor do I waste my guards guarding a hooked Survivor. To me, they already have been hooked, so there's no need to stay there. That and I find camping boring. Hell, I'll discover Survivors healing under the hook and leave them be. Why? Because I want them to have fun as well.

    I usually will ignore a Survivor that I just hooked as long as I don't find them near the same generator I found them, especially if it's near the hook they were on. Common sense, don't go to the gen where the Killer last found you. I don't like bully squads or toxic players so that I will take them out without mercy. But I usually try to be fair and will give the survivors a nod of approval if they succeed in escaping.

    All I want is to be a good player and have fun. I'm sorry if your favorite perks were nerfed. I see DBD as a video game with an underdog story or David vs Goliath. Killers are supposed to be a threat to survivors.

    Would you rather say that you defeat a weak Killer or defeat a Killer that was a worthy challenge? To me, I prefer to have the challenging Killer due when I play Survivor due to it is testing my skills as a player. When I play as one of my Killers, I basically start the trial observing the survivors to see what I'm dealing with. I hate winning a trial without a single gen done; I find it boring. As a Killer, I want a challenge to test my skills. So, I think that nerfs should be last resort. Only if needed.

  • ironligma
    ironligma Member Posts: 121

    Same I throw on super altruistic perks just so I can heal teamates really fast or just run mom because I like taking protective hits.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    For me the problem has been that super strong perks can be stacked by a really good SWF team, I remember facing a lot of 4 player lobbies all with dead hard, decisive strike. If they introduce ''roles'' as every player has to choose a role like ''healer'' ''Chaser'' and each role had a different set of perks without the possibility of choosing 4 survivors of the same role this wouldn't be an issue....

  • Rickprado
    Rickprado Member Posts: 566
    edited November 2023

    Lets stop with perks giving health states for free. They make the low tier killers worse.

    If the survivor remained broken for 240 seconds or the killer had 240 seconds of aura reading, i would agree. But this way it would only make the mettle of man problem all over again

    Edit: about the OP discussion, survivors still have very strong and realiable perks to use: Dead Hard, Decisive, Windows of Opportunity, Resilence, Deja Vu, many exhaustion perks, Boon + Overzealous.

    MFT was a problem in the game and I'm happy its gone from its original state (still will be a strong perk in some combos). Survivors still have plenty of good perks to use

    Post edited by Rickprado on