PERKS:Barbie Eat Your Heart Out
Bride's Rage
ADD-ONS:Black Lipstick
Tiff's Necklace
Chucky Tattoo
Doll Brush
Glenda's Pink Ribbon
Bride's Veil
Voodoo for Dummies Textbook.
SURVIVOR:Jeniffer Tilly
MAP:An old abandoned theatre or movie set.
COSMETICS:She comes in her classic Bride's gown and black leather jacket but a cool cosmetic would be her default look before the makeover when she was a brunette. Also maybe a free cosmetic for the look after she was burnt in the oven.
Heres an example of all looks:
Sorry, I'm so girly ❤️
(Posted this in another section of forums in somebody else's topic. Pretty much made me curious to see what other ideas people come up with.) Please feel free to give feedback and post your suggested Killer(s) you wish to see in the game! :chuffed: