MFT nerf coming, every survivor is now running this perk

Survivors do enjoy abusing a overpowered perk for their personal amusement and you wonder why BP incentive is 100% on killer. They really make me turn my stomach. Don't complain if your queue times are long.
I’m sorry you have to deal with that, I’ve been trying out different exhaustion perks to prepare instead.
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How are they abusing the perk?
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Tried it but no luck. They prematurely run away as soon as they hear my terror radius so Mindbreaker is already useless. Any other exhaustion perk is garbage. I guess I'll just have to play meta killers?
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The timing of this post is comical to me because I literally just faced a Clown on Hawkins who got angry at a Claudette for having MFT and 'gen rushing' while injured.
You know, even though she died in the end and he got two kills. 😐️
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People using something in the game is not abusing something.
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Made for This is only "overpowered" if you're below average with anticipation during a chase.
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I'm not the only killer who is tired of seeing this broken OP perk. Thankfully, it's getting gutted soon. Then all Behaviour has to do is nerf For the People + Buckle Up combo then this game is balanced enough for killers to return and actually enjoy the game.
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Another lame excuse to keep this perk, same as you guys made excuses for Dead Hard for the past 6 years or so. I'm glad Behaviour has finally started to listen to legitimate complaints about unbalanced perks.
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This happens literally everytime there's a nerf coming. People will use the thing before it becomes weaker.
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More goal post moving.
Never change forums.
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It's completely normal for perks like Windows of Opportunity and MFT to have a high usage rate. It makes me question why they don't run perks like Overcome.
Oh, right. Yeah, that's not abusing a perk that is overly tuned or something.
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Thanks for proving my point.
Cool story, bro.
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This isn't exactly new, everytime something that's strong is on the chopping block the usage rate goes up.
For example:
Brand new parts
Iri head
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If Overcome was used with the frequency of MFT then they calls for it to be nerfed would be just as loud.
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They are using Perks which are good. And not Perks which are bad. This is not "abusing" something.
Otherwise we can say that Killers are abusing Sloppy Butcher. Or any Slowdown-Perk. But this would obviously not be the same for you, eh?
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And yet you don't see nobody running Overcome, so what are you trying to say? 'If' statements don't get you anywhere.
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Deal with what? People playing the game with a perk? Man, some of you...
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Same difference when Killers were getting their last face camps in before the AFC system.
I stopped using this perk as soon as I learned it was on the chopping block. I didn't want to become reliant on a perk that I knew was going to be gutted, but I guess others still want to get their money's worth. Can you really blame them?
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I'm happy they nerfed these perks and addons. It just proves that players want the easy mode, turn-off-your-brain perks.
What makes me sad is how people keep using these things before the inevitable happens, because they know they're abusing a OP perk before it gets nerfed by Behaviour.
Whatever makes you happy. That last sentence won't work on me.
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so survivor’s using an OP perk and having fun before it gets nerfed is really terrible? What about killers spamming Eruption and making games drag forever before it got nerfed? Just as an example.
the “us vs. them” rhetoric just doesn’t work as there are glaring issues for both sides and let’s not pretend both killers and survivors have been guilty of overusing perks the opposing side hates.
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BP incentive is like almost all the time on Survivor with 100%, at least in my region.
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It may come as a surprise, but yes people do use overpowered stuff in video games.
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This + also wow another us vs them thread I can do it too:
Remember when spirit was bugged and bhvr refused to kill switch her because they had just released a new skin for her? (Officially because "it wasn't game breaking" xd) and suddenly her pickrate skyrocketed, surely because people wanted to play that skin obviously
Or again when merciless storm was bugged and literally everyone was using it?
Those are actual abuses.
When iri head was announced to be nerfed, or when spirits addon went through an addon pass, everyone started using them. And people kept using Eruption cob oc until the very end too. That is *not* abuse. Same for mft being used until it works like this
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Maybe just let players enjoy what they paid for with their money and time while they still can? You act like it's not getting nuked by BHVR in a matter of weeks. Be patient. The nerf is coming, you should be happy.
While we're complaining, pretty soon I'll have three dud perks and a Survivor that I'll hardly ever play as, so...
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They are already nerfing MFT to appease all the entitled killer forum warriors.
How much more do you want your hand held exactly?
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You have the audacity to say that when MFT is handholding survivors? You're all complaining to nerf Nurse, Blight, Wesker because it's inconvenient for your OP build?
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I mean... Nurse is busted and should not be in the game. She is a relic from the past, basically the last broken thing from back then which is allowed to exist.
Blight gets complained about his Add Ons. And as long as someone is not insanely biased, they would agree that his Add Ons ARE way too powerful for such a strong Killer. Especially because they are strong and there are so many of them.
And Wesker is mainly complained about because people face him very often. (Which is not a problem for me, personally)
Let alone that many people in this Thread have not really complained about anything you mentioned that much. So "You are all complaining" is not really correct.
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Play the hell out of PTB Trickster, before he becomes mediocre again in life :D :D :D
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And yet here you're complaining about it. Hit a nerve there.
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I mean, your first thread in this forum is an Us vs. Them-Argument which will be resolved in 3 weeks. And it is still not "abusing" something when someone uses stuff which will be changed in the near future. Players on both sides are doing it. And it is totally fine to do that.
Yet you complain.
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No but survivors still have plenty of strong stuff, but I think this is a healthy change because haste has a much wider game impact then some of their other effects due to speed differentials being important especially for weaker killers
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I'm not seeing mft at all. Most survivors i ran into been running SB. i can only assume they are prepping for the nerf.
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People use strong stuff in a game? Yeah, that's how it usually goes.
I'm sure most people agree that very strong stuff can get toned down and the myriad of weak perks, add-ons, entire items, killers and whatever else could use a tweak in the opposite direction but until then.. of course people will use the stuff that stands out on the strong end.
It's not "abuse" to do so, just like it's not abuse to use whatever is the Best Gun in any given patch of a fps or a high tier character in a fighting game. Or to bring it back to DBD, it's not abuse to dare to click on the Nurse on killer select either just because she's very powerful.
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Spirit when survivors use something she doesnt like
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This made my day.
Tanks ^^
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Somebody shouldn’t have to read every comment in a discussion in order to make sense of it, though? You made your points pretty clear in the original post.
Hypocritical… how exactly? The start of my post regarding Eruption was supposed to be sarcastic and exemplify my main point which is that every side has grievences with the other and that it’s futile turning this game into an “us vs. then” situation when both sides are equally guilty of exploiting OP/meta perks.
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Tried this perk the first time. Forgot about it and thought a quick moment that a cheater speeding me up somehow, lol.
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Not everyone, i haven’t used MFT for such a long time and idc about the perk being gutted. We all looped Killers even before MFT debuted so what makes gutting 1 perk think killers won’t complain about something else? Seriously, skill issue since if you think every survivor is using MFT or you get looped when someone doesn’t have MFT. Can’t wait to see killer mains complain about ‘cRuTcH sWf’ since everyone knows solo Q is just painfully bad and we just want some reliable teammates..
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I suppose this means you wouldn’t use a strong killer perk before it is confirmed to soon become weaker?
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"I'm so sorry you have to deal with survivors using perks... You're going through such hard times...Wishing you the best.😞"
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TElling the pink elephant sitting in a glasshouse.
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And it wasn't being used much before the announcement? How exactly are they abusing it more than usual?
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So people are allowed to complain about seeing lots of weskers, but not about seeing 4 people with mft evey game. Got it.
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NGL, I don't even need this perk, but I've been running it almost as long as it's been in the game just because Killers were instantly whining about it. Might as well run it knowing it's going to be nerfed just to piss them off.
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I can't wait for Made For This to be nerfed I'm tired of hearing people complain and it will be glorious when it's gone and people get cooked anyway realizing they're just bad at the game and MFT wasn't the only reason they lost.
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which just means these kinda people will find another perk to complain about. --- My guess is SB.
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Trust me, the goal posts ALWAYS move to the next thing, no matter how many complaints are met with nerfs/buffs.
All the Killers played it up super hard that DH getting nerfed wouldn't result in other Exhaustion perks getting targeted, saying crap like "I'd rather face 4 Sprint Bursts" LOL that lasted like 3 days at most.
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Exhibit A
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That you only got this from my post is outstanding. Especially when I wrote that I dont mind to go against a lot of Wesker-players.
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I don't mind mft as long as the survivor isn't cheating, if they are cheating omg it will be the worst experience of all time.