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Does high prestige warrant tunneling?

Title. Ive noticed that killers tend to target the survivors that have really high prestige levels and was wondering what the correlation is behind this? I've seen a lot of advocacy for hiding prestige levels and I didn't think much about it until I started noticing that killers were actively trying to remove the highest prestige at the fastest rate possible. What takes do you all have on this?

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  • Member Posts: 7

    This is something that crosses my mind as well, if the killer goes out of their way to do this on purpose or they just happened to find you/your teammate with a cracked prestige level by chance?

    I kind of miss the old prestige system where P3 was the highest and it didn't really take like hella hours to get there, most of the reason why people never prestiged back then was 'cause it would wipe out your entire inventory so say goodbye to like limited time/seasonal offerings and items/addons - so now that we have the new prestige system, going up to P100, I feel like killers might be more inclined to play more sweaty and/or try to remove a survivor from the match ASAP if they see high prestige survivors in the lobby? maybe not

    though iirc from the official dbd subreddit, like right after the prestige system was reworked and people were saying "how is X person already like prestige 50-70?" and some others chimed in and said that "time spent doesn't = skill" which seemed like majority of the people agreed;

    I kinda hate to be this person but like, in my solo queue lobbies, sometimes I'll lurk on someone's profile and they were like a survivor teammate who had 3-4k hours in DBD and they like go down in 5 seconds and immediately DC/pull themselves on the hook, lmao though everyone is different, unique in their own way and perhaps that guy has like 2,999 hours playing Nurse and he just was playing survivor for a match to do a challenge/ritual and switch back to killer role (but it wasn't just one guy or two or three, but... you get the idea)

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    I'd expect the opposite to be true. If I planned to use tunnelling as my strategy in a game, I'd be actively avoiding the P100. Killers might just be tunnelling the first survivor they see, or the one that seems the weakest, which could be the P100.

  • Member Posts: 857

    I always prioritize lower prestige survivors whenever I can, on the basis that hopefully they have less hours and by extension less experience. I play a lot of M1 killers in nice, non-tunneling ways, so a good team can absolutely demolish me. Meanwhile all those high level Blight and Nurse players who could only be offered a challenging game by Oracle or Misery will do it as ego stroking. "Man I'm so awesome for playing the most broken things in the game and completely demolishing this P100 survivor who can only be a P100 because they are super good at the game and not because they poured all the BPs I reserve for my completely fair and balanced addons. I finally feel something in that shriveled husk of an organ people call heart."

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    I get actively avoided more often than not.

  • Member Posts: 368

    I think the target depends on what your trying to accomplish. The p100 Élodie that found me and teabagged and clicked in order to get chased, I tend to show extreme attention just because they're usually the teams best looper and I love the practice. If I'm playing to tunnel I'm ignoring her and finding the baby Dwight that drops every god pallet before the first gen pops. The p100 ttv Meg that never touches a gen and just follows to get flashy saves or sabos hooks definitely is getting tunneled.

    I never seek out the high prestige on purpose though.

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited November 2023

    There is no correlation in my games. I have tracked this very thing in close to 100 recent games. Only three killers seriously attempted to tunnel me during this time, and all three failed. Killers will typically avoid you if you have high prestige and/or high hours. Saying "killers target me because of high prestige" is more likely to be a cope that bad loopers use to rationalize why they get targeted so often. In the games I tracked, the survivors who get tunneled are almost always the worst players on the team. Killers will almost always drop the chase or even refuse to chase a survivor who is good or perceived to be good. I will keep tracking this until I reach 500 games, but I don't expect it to change much.

  • Member Posts: 9,390

    I pay so little attention in the lobby that I often need to press escape to see what offerings were used.

    You know, the higher prestige survivors may try to get the killers attention than play gen jockey. Maybe that gives the illusion of tunneling out the high prestige survivor.

  • Member Posts: 2,475
    edited November 2023

    Little to none. Killers tend to avoid high prestige in my experience when evaluating risk vs reward chasing p100s. Similar to what @I_CAME said, I see killers dropping chase or not even pursuing if they think players are going to be good enough to eat into their time. Heck, I notice that even openly challenging killers with the slightest of moxie in my old bloody p3 Quentin outfit will have them double-thinking if they want to chase me, especially around strong tiles.

    Post edited by Nun_So_Vile on
  • Member Posts: 8,588
    edited November 2023

    It's just the DbD community totally not being competitive at all and being very casual in how they approach the game. It's an ego thing. Scroll DbD videos on youtube and half the killer videos are title "SALTY P100 SWF" yada yada, as if being P100 means anything

  • Member Posts: 8,756

    I feel like it's mostly just from a difference in play from the survivor. Newbies don't tend to do things like bodyblock, and they tend to try hiding more. The ppl with alot of hours in-game though don't stealth much, making them easier to find. They are also the ppl who will make sure to bodyblock using the endurance from being unhooked.

    In this way... no, I didn't tunnel the P100, I chased the guy who hunted me down with OTR. That guy INSISTED I hit him.

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