Do you think we'll ever get OG Freddy Krueger...?

We haven't really had any new 'A Nightmare on Elm Street' updates in a few years, and so far, Freddy is the only Killer without any cosmetics (I mean, he's Freddy, but still...), along with Quinten, who is the only licensed Survivor, besides Laurie Strode, who hasn't gotten an Ugly Sweater.
The only updates for Freddy we've ever had since, I presume, was the rework of his Power, which while it did help make him better, it made him boring in return, his original power was what made him unique, despite the balancing issues. And on top of that, obvious enough, this is... well... He's 2010's Reboot Freddy, not the real Robert Englund Freddy, which doesn't really make anything better if you've watched that movie...
There hasn't really been any updates on him for a few years now; balances to his power, maybe. It's been 7 or so years, and we've still not got any cosmetics for Freddy or Quinten, so I'm wondering if anyone thinks that it's possible that we could see a change sometime in the future. So far, BHVR has obtained the Alien vs. Predator license (apparently, they had a relationship with Disney before), and now Chucky's coming. These are big licenses, so I'm wondering, could we see the TRUE, ORIGINAL Freddy Krueger come to the game?
Sure, though, you'd probably have to trade out the old chapter for the new, meaning no more Quinten Smith. And it would also mean, no more Badham Preschool; while I did like the map, I don't think anyone else would miss it, am I wrong? Oh, and one more thing...
They could base the chapter on almost entirely 'Dream Warriors'. To obtain the license, they'd more than likely have to talk with Wes Craven's Estate, and if they say no, then it's a no, they could try again next year. And all Robert Englund would have to do is voice him, and I hope I'm not wrong, but I'm sure he'd love to voice him. Same with Heather Langenkamp, the actress who played Nancy Thompson in the first or third movies. I don't see a problem with having TWO Nancy's in the game, do you? Unless, he'd have to be a paragraph, which would kind of suck, but at least he'd be Robert Englund's Freddy.
Feel free to share your opinion? Do you think it's possible for BHVR to obtain the ORIGINAL 'A Nightmare On Elm Street' license, maybe not as of this year, but in the distant future? Also, do you think he'll have voicelines, because I yearn the day for him to call me a *****...
Do you think we'll ever get OG Freddy Krueger...? 20 votes
I find it unlikely to happen...
We have a higher chance of getting OG Jason in the game than we ever have of getting OG Freddy.
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I find it unlikely to happen...
I think it's possible to have a "re-vamp" of Freddy, new voicelines, new cosmetics etc...
But it presumably costs a fair bit of money to aquire the IP, so unless theres a lot of people wanting it. Theres probably no chance
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I find it unlikely to happen...
It would be nice, but I doubt it will happen.
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Well, from one source, he's stated that he retired form being Freddy, simply because he's too old. All he'd have to do in this case is voice him. At the end though, it's entirely up to him whether or not he'd be interested in taking part.
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I find it unlikely to happen...
The rights of the Nightmare on Elm Street franchise are difficult to navigate at the moment. Warner Brothers still owns the international rights for the IP, but the Craven estate owns the North American rights and has since 2019.
To get classic Freddy BHVR would need to play ball with Warner Brothers (who are apparently incredibly stingy with their IPs- Fred didn't get anything for years when they owned all of it) as well as the Craven estate, who might want to play ball either- allegedly, Blumhouse has been interested in rebooting ANOES but the Craven estate has priced the IP too high for them. All 3 parties would need to come to an agreement, and considering how tough it was for BHVR to grab Nightmare years ago, it's not a great position for them.
If they did, though, Robert Englund would almost certainly be game. He loves the character and has done voice acting for him before (MK9), and the main reason he's retired from Krueger is because he's "too old and thick" to do fight scenes any more.
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I honestly did not know he actually voiced Freddy in MK9!!! It sounded exactly like him, too. Perhaps this may be a stretch, but if I'm not wrong, Stephen King's "IT" is also owned by Warner. Maybe if BHVR managed to get the Pennywise license, and it was successful, perhaps Warner would be convinced into considering trading in OG Freddy. I might be delusional, who knows.
Hopefully one day, we'll see Robert Englund in the game, as the Dream Demon we love, and that character that he enjoys. And not as Reboot Freddy.