Singularity EMP Question
You have the chance to alter the EMPs, which change would you make?
Singularity EMP Question 13 votes
Full rework: Replace the area of effect with a more specific targeting system (when charging the EMP, you get a target icon over what you want to use the EMP on, upping the effective range but removing the ability of disabling multiple parts of the Singularity’s power)
Sabotage function: Give the Singularity the ability to sabotage printers, making them generate slower and reducing the range of the EMP that comes from the box
Full rework: Replace the area of effect with a more specific targeting system (when charging the EMP, you get a target icon over what you want to use the EMP on, upping the effective range but removing the ability of disabling multiple parts of the Singularity’s power)
What I'd really like to see it EMPs break each other. 3 survivors get together and one person uses EMP, the other 2 EMPs are now busted. They could also make it so that instead of printing EMPs the cases just recharge them. You'd have to go drop off your EMP after using it and come pick it back up later. This could be balanced by giving everyone a charged EMP at the start of the match.