About Wraith

Why Wraith is so op? Like why he gets speed boost while running? All of the killers are mostly no skill why is that? Survivor is so much harder unlike killers. Killers require minium 80 iq to play meanwhile you have to have +20 iq to play against killers. Please is there any reason that this game has so idiotic balance?
OK buddy, if you have any arguments or anything usefull to say then do otherwise this is quite the waste of time, btw. Wraith seriously? He is around average at best xD
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All of this, except the part about breaking him out of his power with flashlights and flashbangs still works.
Overall Wraith is not that strong. Definitely not op as you will realise with a bit more practice. Wraith is one of the few killers that is indeed easier to play as than against, which makes sense considering that he is the easiest or 2nd easiest killer (depending on how you rate Legion) in the game. He is what I'd consider a noob stomper. With time, you will learn how to use his weaknesses against him though, which takes a lot of the threat away from him.
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Then play killer.
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I'm not going to into detail about this as this person clearly has never played killer. Killer is just as stressful as survivor maybe even more. Yes you have more control on how the game goes do you camp, tunnell? But you need to know how to mindgame, time manage when to give up chase. Even killers like Blight and Nurse require practice as they don't come naturally to most people.
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Wraith OP?
You cant be serious.
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While we're at talking about OP killers like Wraith can we finally talk about the Clown nerf that we've been asking for? XD
I kid, I kid... we have fun here LOL
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Wraith is much stronger after Med Kits changes, but he isn't very strong. I would say he is B Tier (before he was like C Tier).
Killers between B-A are perfect balanced.
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Bait uses to be believable....
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Me when I me when when I when me when I when me in I me when I me when when me when...
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Please don't post dirty pictures
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I hate his bing bonging a$$ and still wouldn't call him OP
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Hang in there. I sent help to your house. You'll be fine.