Forum notification doesn´t work

There seems to be an issue with the forum notification system. Where i don´t get notified after someone answers.
Same, it's been happening for a few days now (to me at least)
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Had the same issue.
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Same for me too.
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I thought it was only me.
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Points are bugged as well, I've been stuck at 32 points for ages
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Yeah, I thought my post didn't get any interaction but it did indeed. It's been like this for at least a few days or longer, as I've only been on here again the last few days.
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Same here
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I've recently noticed I'm not getting notifications for people replying to my comments. I found out by accident today when I discovered someone had replied to one, yet this didn't show in the notifications. Any way to amend this?
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Same here!
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Been having the same issue since last week. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t. Haven’t found any pattern for it.
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Yeah, same
Also, my notifications always says I have 1 additional reply more than the amount of notifications from my actual inbox. Repeated attempts to clear it hasn’t been successful.
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If were talking forum bugs am I the only one whose twitter side bar thing doesn't work anymore? It's stuck from last year when the AoT skins came out and never updated.
Also the notifications never work for me either. Never even thought to report it.
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That happened to me too. Was like this for a few weaks and annoyed me quite a bit. Eventually it just disappeard by itself.
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Thank you.
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omg ikr! Was getting super ocd over it😄
Also, I wouldn’t have even known to reply had I not hopped back into this thread n saw you replied. Wondering when this glitch started n how many ppl I’ve missed replying to, now🤔
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Yeah this is what I'm getting as well.