
Y0L0 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 5
edited January 2024 in General Discussions

Out of the last 15 matches I have has 3 games of cheaters. One game the Surv had NO SCRATCH MARKS , the other she was like a bullet train around the map, and the last game I had with cheaters you hit them 100000 times and they never go down. Why is this game so ######### about cheaters??? The sad part is you can't report them cause of the anonymous mode setting in game and also, STEAM you can change your name whenever you want. This game has become the worst ever due to cheats. Take my money for BP and COSMETICS but cant help with the cheaters?, keep ruining my MMR BHVR.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Massquwatt
    Massquwatt Member Posts: 479

    I came across a cheater the other day too, I'm pretty sure they were using an Epic Game account but they were blatantly using cheats too. Although the worst part is that they named who I was in the lobby to everyone despite me using anonymous mode. Honestly kinda spooked the hell out of me. That being said you can still report them but if they're Epic Game users then unfortunately it doesn't mean much since cheaters probably horde the hell out of free accounts with dbd on it.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129
    edited November 2023

    I’ve come across a 4 man who ignored all generators and cleansed 4 out of 5 dull totems at the start of the game

    I was playing Plague with Corrupt, Plaything, Pentimento and Deadlock.

    I ended up getting no value out of Plaything because there were hardly any dull totems left when I got to hooking them.

    Games like this really make you question if it was pure coincidence that the team decided to cleanse totems first over touching gens or they knew my build and decided to counter Plaything by cleansing the totems first.

  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,955
    edited November 2023

    You can report anonymous players as per usual. Support needs the match ID and your player ID, so an in-game report is mandatory, and submitting a ticket significantly improves the odds of action being talen.

    With video evidence, the rest can be inferred.

  • Mondhirsch
    Mondhirsch Member Posts: 237
    edited November 2023

    Since rare Cosmetics don't exist on EPIC-Accounts (EPIC-Accounts are too new) can't they make a "rare Item in Ingame-Inventory = ban"-Filter for Epic-Accounts?

    I mean:

    • Bloodletting Shirt = only redeemable on Steam (don't exist on Epic-Accounts)
    • DiaHype Shirt = only redeemable on Steam (don't exist on Epic-Accounts)
    • Legacy Cosmetics = there were no Epic-Accounts back in 2016
    • King Kong TV Shirts = only exist on Steam (there were no Epic-Accounts back when they got distributed)
    • Panda TV Shirts = only exist on Steam (there were no Epic-Accounts back when they got distributed)
    • Twitch Shirts = possible on EPIC-Accounts (only the new ones)
    • Ohmwrecker Wraith = possible on EPIC-Accounts (only the Ingame-Redeemcode-Version from 2022)

    This would at least stop EPIC-Players from buying Cheat-Software for Cosmetics.

    It's known that the majority of Cheaters play from EPIC-Accounts.

    (Don't know if this would work with Cross-Progression now)

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    This is correct. I reported an anonymous cheating Myers, then linked the footage via a support ticket. A day or two later I booted up the game and got a notification from BHVR saying that they had acted on the evidence I sent.

  • ironligma
    ironligma Member Posts: 121

    Was it no scratch marks while injured?

  • altruistic
    altruistic Member Posts: 1,141

    I have been reporting the same cheater for 6 months.

    Behaviour refuses to acknowledge the blatant security flaw in regards to Epic Games Store / Microsoft Store. I can't even remember the last time I saw a cheater on Steam, but these EGS/Windows gamers I see very often.

    Either 1. They do not care. or 2. They are unable to stop these people, which is even more concerning.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    I've been having a string of suspicious games lately.

    Pallets stunning me before I'm even near them, survivors halfway to the next loop after I also ditch loop once they predrop and hold W, survivors running faster than my 4.6 killer to bodyblock hurt survivors...

  • LazyClown
    LazyClown Member Posts: 173

    The devs won't do anything about it, they already let many players cheat and manipulate their file structures to begin with, as well as allowing content creators to even show the players how to do it in the first place. The vanilla players/ console players continually get screwed over while the cheaters get to do what they want to do. I have even mentioned many feedback posts to the devs and still to do this day have not received a reply on how they are going to solve the epidemic of cheating. I'll probably be censored for saying this, but they just don't care about the players that play fair. The fix that needs to go ASAP, make it in the user agreement that any file manipulation whatsoever, could be even so much as perk icon changed will be BANNED and also you will LOSE ALL OF YOUR PROGRESS. After this you will need to put in your legitimate phone number and also provided it to be certified or YOU CANNOT PLAY THE GAME. This will protect vanilla play and allow these devs to actually start balancing the game, and if you're one of those players "MUH ACCESSIBILITY" go play single player, this is a LIVE SERVICE TITLE and only will be there for its paying customers only who don't abuse the system. "BUT I PAYED A BUNCH OF MONEY AND NOW I'M BANNED" well too bad you have hurt vanilla play long enough.

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