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General Discussions

Should I drop Pig for Chucky?

Member Posts: 12,871
edited November 2023 in General Discussions

Obviously a definitive answer is gonna have to wait until we see what changes are being made to him for live, but going from playing a few games as Chucky back to the Pig feels depressing for me, not gonna lie. She just feels so limited at everything compared to Chucky apart from slowdown since Chucky has none of that in his toolkit. I've stuck with the Pig through thick and thin for the majority of my time playing this game, but I feel like my willpower for standing by her has been running thin for a while. It's hard for me to see the way the Chuck plays and not feel like Pig is obsolete the way Bubba used to be compared to pre-nerf Billy or pre-PTB Trickster is compared to Huntress (granted, Bubba and Trickster came out after Billy and Huntress respectively, so "obsolete" technically is the wrong word to use for them, but I imagine you get what I mean).

Is there anything The Pig might have that can give her a meaningful leg up over The Good Guy, or do you think there is no point to sticking with the Pig beyond having an attachment to the character or for memes like snoot booping?

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  • Member Posts: 1,749

    if you are comparing the dashes, chucky's is definitely better and seems more fun too. but they are different killers after all, his stealth is limited with a cooldown, and he doesn't have traps; but he is 3rd person and, well, very small so mind games with him should be very easy and strong. wait until mft nerf and see how you feel playing pig after that and if you are going to enjoy playing her any further i'd say.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    The way I personally see it is like this (and anyone is free to argue otherwise):

    Pig's advantages are as follows:

    1) Faster movement speed

    2) Zero cool-down and unlimited duration for stealth mode

    3) Full control over turning when dashing (Chucky is limited in his ability to turn)

    4) Built-in slowdown in her tool kit

    5) No warning that she is in stealth mode (Chucky has fake footprints to warn Survivors, and Survivors can hear him snickering when he is nearby)

    Chucky's advantages are as follows:

    1) No penalty to movement speed while stealthing (Pig moves slower than a non-teleporting Nurse)

    2) Does not have to stop moving while charging up his ambush attack

    3) He can go through pallets without having to break them, and can dash over a vault spot as well

    4) Smaller penalty if he misses his dash attack

    5) Instantaneous stealth (Pig takes over a second to crouch unless she is using Combat Straps)

    Out of all of these, the ones that really tip the scales in favor of Chucky are his lack of penalty to movement speed while stealthing and his ability to stay fully mobile while trying to line up a dash attack. Mind you, I think #3 and #4 are live to be nerfed when the chapter hits live, so this all could easily change.

  • Member Posts: 12,871
    edited November 2023

    My question, though, is "What reason do I have to stick with Pig gameplay-wise when Chucky exists?"

    EDIT: Lemme try framing it in a different way: I'm having a crisis of faith with the Pig, and here comes a shiny new Killer that, at a glance, outPigs the Pig (except for headtraps). What stops me from abandoning her?

  • Member Posts: 6,564
    edited November 2023

    Because Pig can use her power whenever she want, her cooldown is more forgiving. Headtraps are good slowdown. Pig can use her stealth whenever she want.

    Chucky and Pig shares only one similar power but Chucky's base-kit built around it. So ofcourse his dash power will be better than Pig's. But this does not remove anything from Pig, you still can play both killers.

    Just because i started play Xeno ( which is much better than Nemmy ) i did not stop play Nemesis. They both had similar powers but Nemmy also has some unique abilities. Like zombies and pallet break with tentacle. That's what kept him in my killer rost.

    But ofcourse you can play whoever you want, it's your game after all.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    Pig can use her power whenever she wants, but using it willy nilly is hugely detrimental due to the time wasted by her slow stealth speed. In practice, she is only using it during specific times at specific points. Hidey-Ho mode has a cooldown, yes, but 20 seconds is not very unforgiving and is more than made up for by being usable a far greater percentage of the time. You are free to use Pig's ambush whenever you want, but it's Chucky's Hidey-Ho mode that is versatile enough to allow you the luxury of firing it off without skipping a beat.

    It's not just a matter of "Oh, this Killer is better than my current main, I should switch." It's a matter of "My main has left me increasingly unsatisfied for some time, and this new Killer threatens to be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me."

  • Member Posts: 1,165

    The Pig has one of the worst chase powers in the game and her Stealth mode is unnecessarily hampered by her incredibly slow speed. Lots of pigs don't seem to even bother using it. I do kinda feel like you have to play her extra mean with her traps and addons (by endlessly harassing Survivors at her boxes) if you want to be consistently successful with her and I don't really like playing that way.

    If you want to chase, I think Chucky has the potential to be a much stronger Killer, to be honest. There's been something of a power creep with Killer design over the years in my opinion. Ghost Face is the best parts of Myers and Pig, Xeno is a better Demo etc.

  • Member Posts: 1,925

    I guess it depends on why you play Pig.

    Do you play her mainly for Ambush? Then Chucky is better for you.

    Do you want access to built-in slowdown with RBTs? Then Pig is better.

    Can you deal with playing a 110 killer? If not stick with Pig.

    Do you play her mainly for stealth? Neither Pig nor Chucky's stealth is particularly great so go based on the other points or just play a stealth killer like Wraith.

    If you don't like Pig then don't keep playing her but I don't think Chucky is going to play much like Pig does aside from both having a dash.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    He is likely to get a few nerfs here and there, mainly his Fast Vault ability which is just insane on pallets, allowing him to easily secure hits and downs with little to no effort.

  • Member Posts: 6,564
    edited November 2023

    Chucky is feeling very balanced honestly. I don't think big changes will happen after PTB. I enjoyed so much against him and playing him made me love this game again. Seriously i was needing him to enjoy this game again lol.

    Maybe they can nerf his pallet ability a bit and buff his cooldown. So closer to Wesker. More chance to use power but less oppressive.

    Can't wait to buy him

  • Member Posts: 12,871
    edited November 2023

    1 + 2) I was drawn to Pig by her RBTs because I love the idea of an alternate way of kill Survivors by forcing them into a minigame. Stalling is also nice, especially with the buff she received to her Trap consistency. The problem is that she is still dependant on using her Ambush power to get downs on anyone better than potato-level regardless of what your gameplan is. I do not think her built-in slowdown makes up for her painfully limited Ambush power.

    3) Definitely I can.

    4) A bit, but it most certainly is not the meat of my gameplan with her because she is so goddamn slow while stealthing. I think Chucky is more on par with a Killer like Wraith for stealthing because while he does technically have a tell to give himself away, he can still definitely close a good amount of distance in his stealth before getting caught if he plays his cards right.

    I disagree on Chucky "not playing like Pig because Dash is all they have in common" because I think Dash makes up the bulk of Pig's gameplay. Much as I appreciate what the RBTs bring to the table, I don't feel they do much to change Pig's gameplan of "sneak if you think you've got an opportunity to surprise and use her antiloop to try ans antiloop." Chucky has the same schtick, except hos dash can also be used outside of that as well.

  • Member Posts: 6,564
    edited November 2023

    Honestly if they nerf Scamper, they will need to make him 115% and reduce his cooldown. And his power is very limited with turning, so he is not like Wesker where killer has 2 rushes ( first one for LoS and second one for hit ). Chucky has only one dash for very limited time. And then long cooldown starts.

    He is just perfect in PTB, they should not change him.

  • Member Posts: 1,165

    I am a little concerned about his vaulting ability, to be honest (scamper).

    I've seen some footage of it on Reddit that made it seem like he could near infinitely vault windows and pallets with it. Is that correct? Can anyone honestly say he should be able to do this?

    Seems a little OP to me... Makes The Legion's vaulting ability in their power look laughable by comparison.

  • Member Posts: 1,528

    Absolutelly, unlike pig chucky rewards good plays, has custom chase music and is actually a good killer, anything pig does chucky can do better, no reason to preffer pig unless you are a massive saw fan.

  • Member Posts: 379

    Play both :)

  • Member Posts: 2,511
    edited November 2023

    Honestly, probably very little to nothing if you want to play competitively. Still an S-tier meme machine, but until they give Pig the huge QoL update that she desperately needs, it doesn't matter much. Boops and the chance for head pops are what come to mind. That and she does play a mean game of "Who's the #########" with Iri Tape + Rule #2. Other than that, might as well play Chucky.

  • Member Posts: 3,965

    Why would you even ask a bunch of strangers? Do whatever you want. It's your life.

  • Member Posts: 9,513

    #5 is wrong. chucky has like 1 second delay before his stealth begins. #4 is wrong. pig has 2 second missed cooldown. chunky 2.25 but pig also has add-on called workshop grease and Shattered Syringe to reduce it by 50% for 1 second cooldown.

    Chucky has better stealth, better 1vs1 due to pallet vaulting and a better dash. Pig has game delay and potencial mori's. ultimately it depends whether you play pig because of traps or you play pig because of ambush dash.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    For the same reason a person would ask a close confidant: Because they would like other people's input. Given how none of my friends play Dead By Daylight, I only have strangers who do play it to turn to.

    Fair enough, I was wrong on #5, though it's still lesser than Pig's 1.3 seconds to crouch and 5 seconds for the TR to disappear. As for #4, I don't know how to explain it, maybe I misrepresented what I was trying to say, but Chucky is able to recover from a missed dash attack FAR better than the Pig. I think this is due to his movement speed when he misses the attack. You miss with the Pig's dash, and you have given advantage to the opponent. You miss with Chucky's dash, you are able to quickly recover and continue the chase or even still land a hit if you missed by a small enough margin. At worst, I didn't convey my point correctly, but I'll need to see video demonstrating that Chucky is punished harder for missing a dash attack than Pig to concede on #4.

    I play Pig for the RBTs. That does not matter because you are not using RBTs unless you get downs, which necessitates the use of dashing unless you are playing vs. potatoes. If her ambush game is lacking enough that you struggle to get the downs that allow you to use the RBTs, then the RBTs are not enough of a draw.

  • Applicant Posts: 2

    I normally play as my favorite killer so I suggest you play as the character you most like and if it’s multiple then play as them all, if you are asking which one is better Then Idk but by my opinion I think Chucky is better.

  • Member Posts: 9,437

    Why not Trapper?

  • Member Posts: 1,132


  • Member Posts: 4,701


  • Member Posts: 4,701

    Pig's much more than just memes and headpops.

    Chucky might be stronger but he doesn't have the strategically component of pig. Chucky is pure chase with stealth. Pig is stealth, weak chase and strategy. Chucky is also 4.4 and Pig 4.6.

    Two very different killers.

    People don't have to be bound to one killer. You can have the combined meme power of both Chucky and Pig combined for meme-supremacy.

    Also, nobody can deny the fact that Pig is the best killer in the game, so there is that. 🐽

  • Member Posts: 12,871
    edited November 2023

    What is the "strategic" component that Pig has that Chucky lacks? That sounds like a very vague concept that doesn't adequately explain what meaningfully makes the Pig distinct from Chucky.

    Is it trying to catch Survivors searching Jigsaw Boxes? Is it trying to mindgame opponents at pallets?

  • Member Posts: 1,783

    Pig has the DC build; Ultimate Weapon, Hex: FtD, Infectious, 4th perk here with Crate of Gears and Tampered Timer.

    Chucky don't got that.

  • Member Posts: 675

    Its probably partly as well because chucky is a much stronger killer than pig, there is also wraith or wesker if you like lunging/dashing.

  • Member Posts: 12,871
    edited November 2023

    Admittedly Ultimate Weapon on Pig feels super dirty to me, even as someone who lives for RBT kills.

    I've had my eye on Wesker, not gonna lie.

  • Member Posts: 1,567

    If you have to ask, the answer is yes.

    For me however, the answer is no. That's not saying I won't play Tiffany a lot, I for sure will. But my primary killers are still Pig and Legion.

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