BHVR seems to be reviewing thousands of false reports about cheating every day

fussy Member Posts: 1,168

I am accused of cheating almost every game day. Most often in wallhack, because I apparently dare to use a monitor and headphones while playing this game.

I saw a crow take off 20 meters away from me, went to check and found a surv – Nice wallhack, dude

I went to check stone/locker near the hot gen and find a surv – * DC * Good luck playing with your cheats – lmao, what?

I saw a surv at the other end of the map while I was standing on a hill and came to him – reported, cheater – ok

Literally use legal wallhack the whole game aka Nowhere to Hide – nice wallhack – yeah, i know, thanks

I just happen to find a surv while patrolling the map – oh, so you found me without info perks, report – yes, there is literally 0 chance that we would ever meet on this map, the size of an entire city

Heard the breathing of surv who just stopped next to me – * dude was streaming * nice stream snipe – sorry for using my headphones buddy, you can justify your bad plays as you want

Found a surv who recently went 5 meters from his scratch marks – reported – for not pretending that you became invisible after you stopped?

Some people are just sore losers and you can't do anything about it.


  • Fërgesë
    Fërgesë Member Posts: 60

    They are saying you got amazing skills, and showing skills is a huge problem so they'll report you for it. Maybe next time, go and stare at the wall so survivors can do generators at peace?

    I'm joking of course.

  • FreddyVoorhees
    FreddyVoorhees Member Posts: 323
    edited November 2023

    I was Freddy on Borgo and there was a Claudette that hid in the bushes all match. Like right away when I started the first chase by finding a player and her in the bush. I hit her while she was in the bush all 3 hooks. Later accused me of cheating, her teammates were on my side and stated that everything is normal.

    Funny thing though ... when you play against Freddy .... and you are asleep .... you literally GLOW to him ! I saw her halfway across the map each time.

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 527

    I wonder what percentage of those accusations and 'reported' calls happen without attached video.

    I bet it's 90-something percent.

  • Annso_x
    Annso_x Member Posts: 1,611

    I'm the opposite of those people lol, I don't report even the most suspicious people in case they just got really good game sense or got lucky.

    I think it's probably why BHVR doesn't seem to do anything without video evidence, unfortunately reports system aren't very effective when most of those are from people coping.

  • fussy
    fussy Member Posts: 1,168

    I recently also saw a survivor who was hiding in a bush during the Nightfall

    Play for the other side, at least in order to understand how killer and his mechanics work? Nahhh

    Blame everyone for cheating on any occasion? Definitely yes

  • xEa
    xEa Member Posts: 4,105

    Been called cheater the last few weeks multible times aswell. As killer and even more often as survivor.

    The simple reason for more accusations is the rising amount of cheater in this game. Many get paranoid because of that. Since you are not cheating, take it at as a complitment. Nothing more to say about it.

  • Beatricks
    Beatricks Member Posts: 857

    Nobody is reviewing anything. If you send in video evidence of a streamer using hacks ON STREAM, they won't even ban the person. I doubt anyone even read a support ticket in the past year.

    And while I don't doubt that a lot of the time claims of cheaters are just salt, it's an undeniable fact that the game is overrun by genuine cheaters. AFAIK the EGS exploit still exists for people with nefarious purposes so even if there is some sort of automated banning system that locks you out after 500 reports in 10 days or something, you can be back in less than a couple of hours without buying an account.

    I LOVE that this community spends ten times more effort gaslighting others than addressing real issues.

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,301

    Some things you only learn if you play both sides.

    Some newer players still don´t know that fast actions give an explosion sign to the killer.

    Or the obvious scratch marks that lead directly to the locker...

    Or nowhere to hide.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Same thing happens to me a ton. Get accused of cheating simply for having good game sense, and good headphones. Even on the survivor side, I get accused of speed cheating… but in reality it’s just MFT and efficient pathing.

    It’s the main reason I can’t take all the cheating threads in here serious. Almost all of them sound like the same people accusing me of cheating.

    I haven’t seen a single cheater since the big ban wave and update on cheating. Not a single one, and I used to get those blatant cheaters ALLLLL the time. BHVR did something right.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,251

    I have been accused of cheating for curving with Hillbilly and always knowing where the survivors were with Lethal Pursuer, BBQ, Nowhere to Hide and Floods of Rage. It seems like Hex: Basic Human Deduction really is reportable.

    As far as I remember I have only reported 2 killers for hacking (one of them was a flying Trickster that was a survivor, I still have the screenshots) and one was moving just a little too fast. Oh and they had a few too many hatchets. On Myers!

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 217

    I have found out post match I was vsing a TTV, went and watched the match. Ive been reported for cheating when BBQ and chilli was showing my location.