why nobody use Scourge hook: gift of pain but MANY use sloppy butcher??

I know Sloppy makes healing slower and regress it when canceled on a basic attack and it's applied instantly but....why no one uses Gift of pain? I know it requires hook RNG and such but...it literally does the same thing while also debuffing the survivor once they heal, back to healthy but they now do everything slower until you start a chase again and injure them, shouldn't killers use Gift of pain over sloppy? why is sloppy King while Gift is extremely superior?????
Because it requires you to hook the survivor. Sloppy works every time you hit them. Meaning it is much more effective for hit and run. The other thing with GOP is that you basically have to ignore the person you just hooked to get full value, and often times they'll tank a hit on purpose to remove the debuff and call it a day.
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Sloppy can be used many times without requiring you to down a survivor AND hook them on a special hook. Kind of obvious
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If you're an M1 killer, Sloppy is just more reliable.
If you're an M2 killer, you often have addons to apply mangled or hemorrhage status effects.
Doesn't help that you have to hope there's a scourge hook nearby for it and simply the minor slowdown from fully healing isn't strong enough to justify the gamble of the perk like Pain Res.
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Sloppy is easier to apply and more consistent. It also works better than Gift of Pain, when playing hit and run.
From my experience there aren't all that many killers that use Sloppy at the moment. I've seen it on Oni (which makes sense), Doctor (could use both, honestly) and Wraith (makes sense too). But most other killers seem to not be all that keen in incentivising survivors to stay injured at the moment. Maybe that's just me though.
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Well on high rank i suppose mainly cuz healing suppose they wont repair as fast and as the game have much safe structures there is no need
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that's a good point, but if they don't it's more value overall and if they go for a bodyblock you cna still go for them again and hook them on a scourge hook if available, I totally see the downsides of it being a hook perk but the little RNG can give more value if they are a gen jokey.
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I know but most of the time survivors will heal nontheless, sloppy or not, so why not get a proper benifit once they do? while you are busy with other survivors they are working slower, and not by just a little.
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it cannot be much more stronger because we could see a rise in scourge hooks builds if it becomes more powerful, imagine if it was a 25% slower repair/healing speed, scourge meta would rise hard, it is true tho that compared to the benifits of PR it ain't worth the gamble if you have to select one or the other
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hit and run is such a pain to play against, useful yes but truly a pain and unfun way to play, if you play like thos then obviously sloppy wins over GoP, but as a normal killer not going for a hit n run GoP should take priority
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What would be wrong with Scourge Hooks seeing more use? They are practically unused outside of Pain Res.
You only have 4 hooks (+basement if you waste a slot on monstrous shrine). There's no system to make sure the hook spawn evenly throughout the map so you can find yourself in situations where there's no usable scourge hook throughout the trial. Ultimately for perks that are a gamble, they should be stronger.
Not to mention, survivors can sabotage scourge hooks too. So survivors can already deny the perks.
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Sloppy Butcher is easier to apply and on most M1 killers I think it's the better option overall for that reason. It's also way more popular because it's a free perk everyone can use while Gift of Pain belongs to a licensed killer.
I like Gift of Pain more on killers who have instadowns. That way, you don't end up injuring the survivor (removing the 16% debuff) but then not down them/decide you need to leave chase. Instead it gets removed when you down them and then you can reapply it immediately. But it has an RNG component and isn't guaranteed.
Also since Resilience + MFT is very common right now I've noticed when I see Gift of Pain in my survivor games or use it as killer a lot of the time survivors just opt not to heal because staying injured and doing gens 9% faster with 3% speed in chase is often preferable to having an extra health state but doing gens 16% slower. But that may change in a couple of weeks when MFT is nerfed.
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ya it's true tho, like hexes only devour is actually good (you can argue about haunted) they should be strong.
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Any perk that needs a hook isnt worth using for me.
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really true
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While that is true, the other side's fun is mostly not very high up on the list of your average DBD player's priorities. Which is fine, as it's BHVR's responsibility to keep things fun, as long as nobody breaks the rules.
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People sleep on Gift of Pain, the only counter after it activates is to try and take a hit which can waste more time depending how far they have to go or live with the downside. The only real downside is that Scourge Hooks aren't spread out and sometimes have really bad RNG.
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Because Scourge Hooks are too inconsistent without Agitation. I have had many games where I got 0 Scourge hook. Sloppy Butcher is far more consistent.
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useless perk because it disincentives tunneling. you spend time in a chase in which you want your opponent to heal then ignore them the entire match. There is too much of time sink to use the perk for what value you get out of it. to add insult to injury, it is also rng based.
I miss original thanatophobia.
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Big reason why I and other use sloppy butcher is because it's applied reliably and helps you to locate survivors immensily by their grunts and much more present blood, the longer survivors are injured the easier it's to never waste time on looking for them cause you hear them, basekit scratchmarks are very unreliable and bugged.
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Scourge hook spawns are unreliable
If it worked on normal hooks with slightly reduced gen repair debuff, the perk would be golden
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There's quite a few killers actually that use it, it's good on sadako, dredge, spirit, Larry and s*ull m*rchant
sadly I've also seen it on stbfl demos, nemesis and weskers who don't know what m2 is
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It’s good on m2 killers like wesker, blight or nurse but I think it’s pretty rare for wesker mains to use it cause we have the portable safe addon which is basically sloppy butcher for M2 attacks
and idk about nurse and blights addons