DBD Hypocrisy in a nutshell

Plays Xeno for the first time

gets survivor that has "nurse, slinger, Huntress=afk" as name

first time xeno so not good

survivor proceeds to tb after pallet, jump in and out of lockers when not chased

survivor escapes

survivor writes 60 times ez in endgame chat

survivor post "eziest game on my life" on profile


  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,411

    That really sucks. I don't think players like that have anything against you they're just dragging baggage from their previous games with them into the next ones.

    Unfortunately, not everyone understands what sportsmanship actually means. I wouldn't focus on them BM-ing but more on getting to learn the killer. Just pretend they're bots 😜

  • Wexton
    Wexton Member Posts: 496

    For sore winners in games I'll just respond with something like "when the highlight of your life is winning in [insert game here]" Usually that does the trick, luckily I don't deal with a lot of toxicity in dbd, mostly because I play on switch. The people I have actually talked to after the match have been really kind and friendly.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132

    What's hypocritical about that?

  • Ekrizdis
    Ekrizdis Member Posts: 65

    Tbagging a killer then saying that they'll dc if they get killers they dont like.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,142

    I'm really not surprised that someone with a username like that plays scummy

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 54

    I bet they cheated anyway,so don't feel so bad about it.They probably had WOO & Adrenalines,BNP's and good ol resilience and most likely potential energy stacked,which basically makes them cheaters anyway and also blueprints variations of the map pulls up on their second monitor while someone trails you calling out your movements?So indeed I bet it was an easy game for them.Not even the most season players are infallible to these teams πŸ™‚

    but should always get one 😈 tunnel them if you must 😈 They'll take it as a lost trust me sometimes in circumstances, you get them all ? Hehe HAHAHA 😈😈😈😈

  • Superyoshiegg
    Superyoshiegg Member Posts: 1,495

    That's not hypocricy.

    Hypocrisy would be if this guy complains if OP disconnects on getting a map they don't want.

  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 54

    No hypocrisy would be survivors tagging then being downed in 60 secs after then dcing

    @CatnipLove Yes it is 😈😈

  • SweetbutaPsycho
    SweetbutaPsycho Member Posts: 294

    The hypocrisy imo is that judging from his username and also all the comments on his/her profile they apparently instantly go afk when they go up against something strong like nurse, blight or huntress cause they apparently feel like its unfair to play against high tier killers.

    On the other hand when they get someone thats still learning or plays a weaker killer they proceed to act like absolute d........ in every possible way.

  • Ink_Eyes
    Ink_Eyes Member Posts: 561

    It's the story of being a killer player, you want to play nice, you want to play diverse killers like pig, Hag. But then you get mocked by survivors if they win... You go back to always playing nurse/blight and then survivors complain when they get matched against only nurses and blights all the time.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Had this exact situation. Played a new killer for the second or third time. Endgame chat: "why donΒ΄t you play Nurse or Blight?"

    Extemely motivating to try out new killers...