I am feeling like Blight will get his judgment in next mid-chapter

What we know from what BHVR told us :
Twins, Blight, Freddy and Myers will get changes. Twins rework was dated for 2024. Freddy and Myers are far from being ready, so i doubt we will see any changes for both killers before at least 6 months.
We already know BHVR said hug-tech is bug and will be fixed. But this was long time ago. And other big changes they announced already finished and in game. Except Blight.
So there is huge chance they were working on him for very long time and he is finally ready to release. Probably SM's terrible release delayed Blight's judgment and BHVR focused on SM first. But now i just don't think anything big left except Blight and Twins. So i am feeling like fast boy is finally getting what he deserved.
No more dodges :)
Next mid chapter is twins if I remember 100%
they will nerf blight’s addons in 2026
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Twins won't be only killer, Mid-chapters are bigger than that. Probably like Legion & Ghostface mid-chapter we will get changes for both killers.
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I wouldn’t be expecting any changes other than addons.
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I am expecting bug-fixes as well. If it was simple add-on changes, we would get patch for him long time ago.
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Wouldn´t the fix for hug tech make Blight more lethal? Since his bump would be more reliable.
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If by “bug fixes” you are specifically referring to hug tech, I also doubt that. I’ve gotten the idea that they don’t want to mess with his collision.
If they want to fix his annoying bugs (tripping bug, double fatigue, etc), that would be great.
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Nah i meant all of his bugs because that's what happened to Nurse. They fixed her all bugs in her first patch.
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Hug Tec is fine for me, from a survivors perspective. The only thing Blight really needs are some of his addon changed. The obvious ones and extra speed. Other then that, he is fine AND fun to play against.
Please dont Hillybilly him :(
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Not holding my breath on that one
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Again, I wouldn’t get your hopes up for the hug tech going anywhere.
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They have confirmed Hug tech is not intentional, but have they actually confirmed they will definitely fix it?
also keep in mind, we just got a Trickster rework before anyone else’s even though that wasn’t announced beforehand. There might be other reworks coming before Blight still.
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I am human , i will hope for good things :)
If i don't remember wrong, Mandy said it will be fixed.
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I love your optimism but recent history has shown us that they don't have their priorities in the same order as we do. I mean, Sadako, Trapper, Skull Merchant (twice), Knight and Trickster got some big changes, while Twins are still in the same sad state they were 1 3/4 years ago. When they were to be the next killer after GF / Legion to get a rework.
It seems that they have either given up on Twins or just have them very low on their list of priorities. Blight is probably in a similar spot. He works good enough and the announcement to remove hug tech was more than a year ago (I think). After that, there weren't any news regarding him. Also, Hug Tech might be a symptom of a necessary quality of life feature for him. So it wouldn't be easy to fix this. Imagine Blight getting stuck on anything and everything that's even remotely close. It would make him borderline unplayable.
I expect some more Freddy nerfs. Haven't had those in a while. Maybe his teleport should no longer charge when no survivor is asleep. Or how about slowing him down to 0.8 m/s while he charges a snare and increase that time to 5 seconds? Oh and you can't cancel it once you started. Don't want you trying to mind game with this. I'm joking but given the long list of small nerfs Freddy has suffered, I wouldn't be surprised to see some more.
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I wouldn't put much faith in their 'priority list'. They never mentioned Trickster yet he just got a huge buff. Any killer could receive changes next patch. Blight changes would be great but it could just as likely be a Nemesis rework or a Hag buff. Could be anything.
I would hope though that with all the recent complaints and discussions about Freddy they at least bump him up the list but I doubt it.
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I hope Freddy and Blight are on next list.
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I think they are not believe in Twins, just look Trickster and SM , they both got good changes. Because they know they can sell costumes for these two. But Twins? Yeah 5 Twins on the world will be happy about their rework.
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Maybe there would be 7 or 8, if they didn't feel quite that bad to play. It's not hard to improve them in some way and they could squeeze something small like a reduction in cooldown into any patch. But they haven't done anything like this. And if they can sell skins for SM, a killer that is hated like nothing else, then it can't be that hard to do the same for Twins.
Just give us a little hat for Victor and you'll see the player counts of Twins rising! Give him Feng's bunny hoodie and I'll main Twins.
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He deserves to be Hillybilled much more "then" Billy did. People claiming that basekit Blight is fine really don't activate much of their neurons when they say stuff like this.
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Well another reason comes to mind is Chucky. He is also short killer like Victor. And he is licensed, so no shard option. Giving attention to Chucky probably will make more money for them.
I'd play Twins more if i was not needed to walk all way with Charlotte for picking up. I am really hoping BHVR give them similar mechanic of Chucky's. The biggest reason i don't play Twins is that.
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The vast majority say Blight’s basekit is perfect… so you may need to do some reflection on that last bit there.
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Lmao love the insult towards anyone who doesn't agree with your opinion. Not ridiculous at all.
Also, what exactly are the problems with Blight's basekit? What changes does Blight need ?
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I feel like he'll get let off with a warning, and not a speeding ticket.
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Do not expect too much, Blight is golden boy.
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Removing hug techs would be awesome. Imagine rushing into a car, tree, rock....EDGE OF THE MAP and get your bump :). As long as they don't change his core mechanics I'm fine with it.
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Because it is how it is
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so you don't like slugging? I feel like that normal response to why most people do not dare play twins. I don't think blight going to change. there is no reason to change him. he is fine where he is at.
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Twins are first, tho.
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They can't ignore him forever. Especially as they continue to shrink maps and make them less safe. It gets harder and harder to justify any killer being this strong with zero weaknesses. Blight's lethality and mobility on some of these new maps is ridiculous.
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this is kinda misleading.
The recent new maps have been terrible for blight.
The “reworked” maps were made worse for blight.
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Can't wait for all the posts about removing Chucky's sliding around cars and other structure while using his power when he goes live, that must be a 'bug" too
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Yeah slugging is boring. I love to hook as fast as i can and then get information from BBQ and go for next target.
Twins feels so clunky and slow, i don't like this killer so much.