I am feeling like Blight will get his judgment in next mid-chapter

What we know from what BHVR told us :

Twins, Blight, Freddy and Myers will get changes. Twins rework was dated for 2024. Freddy and Myers are far from being ready, so i doubt we will see any changes for both killers before at least 6 months. 

We already know BHVR said hug-tech is bug and will be fixed. But this was long time ago. And other big changes they announced already finished and in game. Except Blight.

So there is huge chance they were working on him for very long time and he is finally ready to release. Probably SM's terrible release delayed Blight's judgment and BHVR focused on SM first. But now i just don't think anything big left except Blight and Twins. So i am feeling like fast boy is finally getting what he deserved. 

No more dodges :)
