Too much for killers

      When I first got this game I loved it, but now it has become frustrating and infuriating. It has come to the attention of many players that you are trying to appease killer mains. Therefore, you have been giving them more and more abilities and taking things away from the survivors. It is turning the game from an enjoyable difficulty, to infuriatingly annoying. No one can work together when the killer can see you from anywhere on the map. You have made it too easy on the killers.

           For the killers to complain about their loadout being seen, then you go and cover it up and giving them even more OP perks blatantly tells us you are playing favorites. If you could just even the playing field a little. Let decisive strike be used more than once. Make the toolkits and med kits stronger. Give the survivors a little more speed, something for survivor mains like myself to use to even the playing field.


  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Try playing killer and then see how difficult it is once you start getting into the green ranks and higher. The balance is too survivor sided but it's improving and you need to adapt and evolve.

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    Been there, done that. I never liked Dynasty warriors either. Killer is too easy, I prefer the challenge of survivor, but I agree 100% with OP.

  • Eveline
    Eveline Member Posts: 2,340

    If you had been there and done that (reached rank 1 with both roles at least) you wouldn't say funny things like that. Survivor is easy, Killing is harder.

  • Entità
    Entità Member Posts: 1,583

    I reached rank 1 with both Claudette and Myers and I can say that:

    1) playing killer it's more stressful: time is running short;

    2) playing survivor it's more horrific, especially with my stealthy playstyle against stealthy killers;

    3) a killer wins easily against four solos;

    4) a killer loses easily against well organized teams.

  • MhhBurgers
    MhhBurgers Member Posts: 1,758

    Survivor is not a challenge, how you do depends almost entirely on your team which as solo is pure luck.

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    tbh i feel like in most situations playing solo, the killer is kinda castrated, until the other players start sandbagging... While playing Killer, the amount of times i can be looped around a single structure makes me want to alt+f4 lol

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Sadly that's true and you can get a bunch of swat team solo players or get stuck with a bunch of rank 20 potatoes at rank 1. The kind that all rush in to hook save at the same time in front of the smiling Bubba.

    I've done all 5 totems and 2+ gens and still die while the potatoes somehow manage to escape. While other times same thing yet the killer 4k's because the other 3 keep feeding the killer.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Solo play is getting more fun in my opinion. Since I am usually alone I have no issues with poor quality teamwork and having difficult killers makes it that much more enjoyable when I out play them and any swf I was paired with. Still survivor is my relaxation mode for bp farming.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    And yet nobody wants to play killer when I look at the survivor queue time complains on console =)

  • Arccway
    Arccway Member Posts: 18

    I used to think this way too...until I started playing Killer and ended up getting looped to infinity by SWF squads.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Arccway I don't think the op is serious. A new account and "Let decisive strike be used more than once"? Nah, this user isn't serious.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    He might be dead serious. In the beginning I believed killers were OP too, until me as a rank 18 killer suddenly had to play vs three red ranks queueing with a rank 20, that changed my perspective quite a bit 😉

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    You find killer too easy but find survivor challenging? Lol, that I have never seen or witnessed in this game. Usually people who say this get destroyed by a team that knows how to play optimally. Unlike survivor, just get the unhooks, do a gen and you got your pip.

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    As a killer if you screw up first chase you lose if you dont you have a lot of of room for mistakes . At the end you can still win quite easily.

  • Dragonredking
    Dragonredking Member Posts: 874

    Your first mistake is to think a single survivor should be equal in power with a killer

    Go play killer until rank one then comeback mister I have only one post

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Master Might be, but I'd say chances are 95% that he's joking. Guess we'll never know, doesn't look like he's coming back.

    Off-topic: Users don't get notifications anymore when they are quoted. You have to use the "@" function if you want to let others know that you replied to them. 😭

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    @NoShinyPony Yeah I know, sometimes I forget though.

    I thought the old quoting system was bad, but BHVR alwasy knows how to anti-improve stuff =)

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @Master Ah ok. I feel like the big majority of the forum users hasn't noticed the change so I keep mentioning it.

    It makes communication so much harder, I hope BHVR can fix it.

  • Kebek
    Kebek Member Posts: 3,676

    Yet another new account created solely for purpose of whining about small positive killer changes and demanding massive survivor buffs.

    Doc has a diagnosis for your issue.

  • DasBlackbird
    DasBlackbird Member Posts: 4
    edited March 2019

    Just LOL. Play as a killer, try to rank up and find yourself playing against a SWF communicating through Discord and then come back and form an opinion. Game is survivor sided so badly, it is a joke.

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464

    Lemme give you an example of a game i had the other day.

    Huntress on Swamp, bad map for her way to big and she's too slow to apply map pressure.

    Hatchets are extremely hard to use because they clip with everything on that map.

    2 survivors running Sprint Burst torches and DS.

    2 on gens.

    Clear SWF setup.

    Your only option is to try and force the 2 torch users to make a mistake, you can get looped so easily on that map and there's no point in looking for the other two because the second you move to do so the other two will tip them off and they will go and hide miles away.

    Now say you force one to make a mistake you either get DS or you get flashlighted in the face, the hooks on that map are miles apart so they don't even need to block to use it.

    And since they have 2 gen runners you have 3-4 mins at the most to kill both of the runners, yea not happening.

  • bubbascal
    bubbascal Member Posts: 316

    You mean to tell me you struggled on a open map with Hunty? A loop stopper? Uh... Hunty is top tier on PC. Are you not using her hatchets?

    In any game with good Survivors, SWF/mics or not, you need to get a hook to get the ball rolling and the 4k cooking. That's one Survivor unable to do anything, and another at minimum must attempt a rescue. That's two Survivors not doing gens or breaking totems.

    You can try and patrol or camp to see if you can catch the rescuer. If the other torch (no idea what you mean by a torch user BTW) user attempts the rescue, injure them with hatchets before they can get close. You can snipe people from far away, you are Huntress. If they are doing the rescue, hit the rescuer with a hatchet while they are in the unhooking animation, even if at close range, before starting the chase. Hatchet throwing animations are shorter than successful M1 hits, even on a successful hatchet hit.

    If you can lure out a genrusher in that comp, that's even better. The core means of progressions at that comp has been debilitated. You can camp or patrol now. Torch users will most likely attempt rescues, not do gens.

    You can try and use BBQ&C to locate the Survivors focusing on gens. With them on the hook, they can't do gens. And while a Survivor you just hooked can tell the direction you're heading to the others, you can fool them by going in one direction and turning to another.

    Want fast downs? Use Iridescent Head + Utility Belt. Should help with downing those torch users if you practice your aim.

    Make sure someone is always on the hook as any Killer, this is how you win games. No Survivors on hook = impending genrush/Survivors can look for Ruin or hexes.