New Freddy Rework--For Fun :)

I never really liked the foggy monochrome thing the Devs made for him because his world is fire, steel, and gore so when you enter the Dream World the colors have a more fiery feeling, tints of orange and yellow and some walls look like they are turning to ash at the edges or have embers.
Power---Dream Demon
Your power now has a Fear Meter, your Fear meter goes up every time you successfully transition a Survivor into the Dream World and gradually goes up the longer a Survivor is inside the Dream World. When the meter is full you can Break Out of the Dream World into reality by pressing the Secondary Ability Button. While you are in the waking world you move faster, your action speed is tremendously increased, and using your Primary Ability Button now charges up a dash attack(like Pig's Dash, he stands in one place charging then dashes). While in the waking world however his Lunge is shorter and his stun time is increased from pallets and blinds. Freddy also cannot see Auras of Survivors as they are not in a Dream. While in the waking world his Fear meter goes down and when it runs out he re-enters the Dream World.
In the Dream World everything else about Freddy is exactly the same with the 7 seconds, the intermittent glimpses, the slower speed etc. But your lunge is longer and your stun time from flashlights and pallets is reduced. While Survivors are in the Dream World they will periodically see Nightmares which consist of jump scares of themselves on fire screaming and running towards them, periodically hear the screams of Survivors being injured, random chainsaws, and when you enter a proximity to objects you have a chance of seeing Freddy lunging at you from around the corner. If this Freddy hits you his Fear meter increases but it does not Injure you. Also while running you may encounter a skill check, if you attempt this skill check and whether you hit it or miss you increase Freddy's Fear meter, not attempting the skill check reduces Freddy's Fear meter.
My Notes On This Rework
With this version of Freddy he can still do his 7 second mind-game with Survivors when he pulls them in, as normal. But after this he doesn't actually need to chase Survivors, his main goal now is to increase his Fear meter so he can Break Out and receive that temporary boost. The more Survivors in the Dream the faster he can get it. He can track Survivors in the Dream World but not in the waking world so he can still juggle multiple Survivors and play with them.
My goal with this was to make him powerful in other ways in the Dream World than in the waking world. In the Dream he is in his element so stuns aren't that bad and are for show. The extended lunge is to represent his shape-shifting abilities in the films, noticeably the first one. In the waking world he is a more physical threat than before so he draws upon his reserve strengths which is why he is faster in everything and has a dash attack, but is physically weaker since he's human so stuns effect him more and why he no longer has the extended Lunge. Maybe the Dash Attack is too much but it's the same duration of Pig's and I was trying to mimic it exactly and it doesn't help her much so I thought it would be ok. Also he gets a long stun if he successfully hits with the Dash so it isn't OP.
Add-ons now increase how much the Fear meter is increased when Freddy apparitions land attacks, how fast it builds up over time, how long he is in the waking world etc. An Ultra rare would be when his Fear meter is full he cannot enter the waking world and does not receive the benefits from it but his Secondary Ability is a charging arm attack where his arm extends forward several meters to land an attack. Any Survivors not in the Dream World are pulled in and cannot leave until his Fear meter goes out, the 50% penalty on Action speeds for Survivors is removed during this time.
So what do you guys think? Any Freddy fans approve? This is my 2nd Rework for ma boi, it builds upon the first but makes it better.
That sounds scary as #########.
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Thanks :) this is how Freddy should make us feel.
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@not_Queen I don't know how far along the rework is but maybe the designers might like this if they aren't far?
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If a rework was ever actually in the works, and they aren't just stringing us along, then you can be sure they've probably made up their minds by now on how they want Freddy's rework to go.
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@not_Queen How possible would it be to get this passed along to the designers? It gives Freddy some nice love without making him completely alien to the people that enjoy the way he plays now.
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I actually love this. It keeps everything they have with Freddy now and adds some new, practical things. A huge thing with the movies was that the more people feared Freddy the more powerful he would become and I think this is a very creative way to implement that.
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I would like Freddy's Dreamworld to be the boiler room motif from the movie, even if it's just the remake's as the foggy one we have now isn't as Freddy as you'd think it would be. Basically, I want every map to have an "Otherworld" loaded in on top of them when Freddy is being played. Make open areas closed and change the environment just for the people in the Dream. Maybe lower Freddy's Terror Radius to those asleep too so he can appear randomly or maybe have it so people can't interact with anyone outside the Dreamworld unless they are in "safe places" like finished generators. There is a lot they can do with Freddy.
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That would be an awesome change but I don't think the engine can handle that much processing look at The Doctor Having a Madness 3 on all survivors and even those Hallucinations already lags the PC as hell .
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Hey I like the start but Freddy is a normal person in the real world and can die. I think Freddy Would have to start outside of dream world, have 110% movement speed and when he puts someone to sleep he can go ape #########. He should also get stronger the more people are in there
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Yeah I could have gone that route but some of my favorite Nightmare films were the ones where he was in the real world and had powers, Nightmare 2 and New Nightmare. But I didn't want to go crazy with it so I was trying to make him more human in the real world but still make it a power up. That's why his stun time is longer in the real world but shorter in the dream.
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They really need to optimize the game better, the Unreal engine is thankfully flexible. Hopefully if they succeed with their plans at optimizing it we could see some cool things we thought wouldn't be possible before.