Most overrated killer?
I do, doc is trash tier imo, below Leatherface. He has nothing to help him in chases
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He have. He can denny window/pallet vault when using his power correctly. Also there are perks for helping him in that.
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Easily counterable by survivors. And by that logic,Leatherface has perks to help him a lot, enduring+fury and you can M2 down survivors. Yeah, Leatherface is low tier but doc is even more trash.
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I don't see how doctor is trash when he can track survivors well and can use his power to stop people from looping windows or pallets or force them to drop it earlier. It goes well with the add-on that causes survivors to see fake pallets. Also distressing and unnerving work really well with him.
Maybe you feel that doctor is trash because he needs add-ons and without it he performs badly?
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Grabs popcorn
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Hag. She's strong, but not as strong as most people place her imo
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@Blueberry it's the opposite way round, most people underrate her.
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I’m scared of hags, literally I jump when her traps trigger. Unless she has waterlogged shoe then I’m like “sweet a free escape”
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Hag, her traps get people but a coordinated team wrecks her by popping traps
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Well I guess Huntress.
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I think the most overrated killer of the game is Hillbilly. He is as loopable as any other m1 killer. If you are good at looping, you can easily make him lost his time for a few gens.
In my opinion, billy is the most balanced killer in the game.
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Sounds like all killers except nurse
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@Hoodedfengm1n nice to see I’m not the only one that thinks nurse is over rated.
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Hag and Myers
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This is something passed around a lot and I just don't believe it to be true. Everyone likes to say that people underestimate hag but in reality most peoples tier lists put hag quite high.
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Well of course, her traps can give quite the jump scare. I just think she's much easier to counter than many other top tier killers. Like I said though she's extremely strong, just that I don't think quite as much as people like to place her.
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Except nurse, spirit, huntress and legion. You can juke them, but you can never loop them. Well huntress can be loopable if the wall is tall tho
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@Blueberry most people do rate her fairly true, and she is definitely not the 'easiest to counter' top tier killer. That goes to Billy. Unless your in a SWF though, that's an exception for Hag. But she's very hard to counter if the Hag is good and unpredictable. She's undoubtedly 4th best after Spirit, Nurse and Billy in that order. I can only really see Plague rivalling her, but I'm not too sure whether she's top tier or not and she's still weak compared to Hag. Spirit, Nurse, Billy and Hag are the four best killers. The rest except Plague, Myers and Huntress are fodder.
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- Literally the worst killer design, half assed design that was just a runner model from DG with a generic white DG mask. (Also lame butter knife)
His ability is annoying and most players tunnel with it.
Playing him is more annoying than entertaining
- only good thing about legion is Susies design and face model
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Yeah she's got that yandere crazy ex vibe
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If you are very good as Huntress you can down 4000 hours good survivors really fast.
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Hag, i don't see her at top 2-3 , i think a good solid Huntress is stronger than a good hag. She can be countered harder by coordinated swf due to her power. Huntress is a ranged killer, if you are very good at predicting and aiming she is even stronger than Billy (who is more loopeable).
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Im sick and tired of hearing about her being the best killer in the game.
I don't think she is, I consider Spirit stronger, and Hag just under her, simply because hag traps can be countered on loops (my run path traps will still catch people all game though, so I just gotta flush the person off that loop and i win the chase, and that's not to hard)
my reasoning for spirit being stronger is this: Spirit doesn't need add-ons either. And spirit doesn't take a bunch of special training to get good with. you can pick her up, and use her decently, and your skill will improve as you go.
Nurse you will start out a birthday card without money in it. You'll just get trashed.
After being in the trash a while, you'll be recycled into a decent killer, top tier even. but not markably better then the other 2 top tiers. (i consider Billy A tier, but not s)
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There are limitations due to some maps. High walls and gg, you have to bruteforce the pallets. And bruteforcing pallets with 110% ms is painful
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I love you. That is the most detailed and reasonable reason why Nurse is weaker than Spirit. Also why Hag is only slightly weaker than Nurse. (Although I'd put Billy slightly above Hag, hes right in that gap). Spirit has no counterplay, and is so elegant. (I just love her chases, they feel so satisfying). @SmokePotion
But Spirit is still harder than Nurse. Trust me, shes way more difficult to learn.
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Gotta be Hag and Huntress.
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Billy. Great pubstomper but loses to fundamentals against good survivors.
Huntress is underrated on the other hand. Sleeper #2 killer and apart from the Nurse, the best killer to go against depip squads imo
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Ehhhh how is Huntress underrated. Most peeps rate her high. Too high.
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Some people still rate her non-toptier. Its all subjective ofc, but Huntress is slowly taking that #2 spot on my tier list, since she is the best killer against good survivors (apart from nurse).
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I absolutly don't see how you rate her so high. She's good, don't get me wrong. But she's to heavily map depended, hitboxes on tiles can be broken af so even on low objects you have to bruteforce the pallet. She's better than hag imo, but she will never surpass the top 3 (nurse spirit billy) till the devs adjust the maps
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She is a beast in the chase and not that map dependant. Lerys and Game are bad for her, but its manageable (just like i dont have problems with billy on them. They're both still lethal close-mid range). The stupid hitboxes goes both ways though, you can often hit the tip of their upper hitbox.
Huntress vs Spirit is a hard one, i rate them about equally strong. But Huntress snowballs harder, she is more lethal overall. She has 5x hatchets before reloading, all throwable in a short time. And she controls hook from a distance. If you want to win against good survivors, you have to peak your powerlevel at some point to avoid genrush. And i find it easier with Huntress compared to Spirit.
Huntress vs Billy goes to Huntress because Billy gets looped. If a killer cant break the chainlooping that leads to genrush, they lose.
Huntress vs Hag depends on swf. Hag is easier to win and more consistent against solos (similar to billy pubstomping bad survivors), but Huntress has the stronger base kit.
Overall, all 4 toptier killers (Billy, Huntress, Hag, Spirit) are pretty close in powerlevel. Depending on the survivors you face, some are better than others. But in the case of vs'ing skilled survivors, i'd pick Huntress over the others.
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@Weederick not top tier. That's for sure she's easy to loop if your not a potato and predict her correctly and has rubbish map pressure. But with BBQ, a god tier Huntress can dominate so well. I mean she's a great killer and I'm going to main her once I've levelled Hag but she's at the top of mid tier because it's easy to stealth her, a swf will loop her for years if they're all smart. But I agree with her being less addon dependant then Hag. For me it goes like:
Top tier
Spirit and nurse are pretty closely matched and hag and billy are closely matched.
Upper mid tier
Pig and wraith are basically EQUAL and myers and huntress are top tier basically, but Aren't listed there because They're not as op as the top tier killers, They're completely balanced.
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Subjective, a huntress gets looped and ends the loop with damage. So its not really looping in the sense that they can chain it together to genrush. They're eating a hatchet or axe at the end. And regarding good swfs... thats exactly where i find huntress to be the strongest. You can use billy and hag to stomp randoms, but against good coordinated loopers, you need snowball and antiloop. And Huntress has lots of it. Main her for a while, she is a beast.
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Ok. I will try maining her, not yet though, Spirit is bae. But against SWF, Billy does OK. Hag sucks against them. I agree with you. But she's not a top tier though.
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Give her a try first. Btw she was always top 3 on pc (nurse, billy, huntress), before the hag buffs and spirit. You may change your mind on her.
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Maybe. I need to find more time to play her and get better. I haven't played the game in 2 months now because of time reasons.
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Pig is high bcoz she is good for mindgames. Legion is overrated. And his addons. People rumble about Franks while movement speed or duration with cold dirt is way better.