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General Discussions

When people ask your opinion on DbD, what do you answer?

Member Posts: 6,564
edited November 2023 in General Discussions

Do you suggest them to buy it or not?

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  • Member Posts: 16,678

    Only if I know they are not easily triggered. I have a friend who I enjoy to play games with, but I would never play DBD with them because they get triggered too easy.

    But in general, I can always recommend DBD, but add that it can be frustrating at times. I cannot really say that it is a bad game or anything when I have 9k hours myself, lol.

  • Member Posts: 878

    100% agree. I already made the mistake of suggesting this game to someone who is very easily triggered by things that nobody else I know would mind. There are plenty of ways for one side to make the other side miserable in this game, so it does make it hard to love at times.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    It’s a lot of fun if you can push through the steep learning curve. Game can be as casual as you want it to be.

  • Member Posts: 1,150

    If I think they'd get any fun out of being hunted and chased about by big scary monsters, absolutely. The base game is not too expensive to try out on a whim.

    I imagine most of us here have probably put more hours and thought into this game than 99.9% of anyone who's ever played it. Most players probably don't care much about looping or balance or "the meta" any of that other stuff. They just want to chase people about or have a good scare and at that I think DBD always delivers.

  • Member Posts: 16,678

    Yeah. I mean, this person tried out DBD (without my recommendation, they just have another friend who also played it) and did stop before reaching two hours. I played two games with them, with the first being with a farming Killer and the second them dying first because they did not realize they had to struggle on second stage. And the first thing they said were "I liked other games better".

    So I dont really recommend it to people who get triggered easily or dont have the will to put at least a little bit of time into the game before they decide if they like it.

    Because in the end, I also dont want to ruin my own fun by playing with someone who is constantly raging about the game. (I also complain about it when I have a series of bad games, but usually I dont care too much)

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    I can really only recommend to the game to people I know regularly play online multiplayer games, since I know they're accustomed to trash talk and certain styles of playing. I've had friends express curiosity in the game that I have actually had to steer them away from it because I don't think they'd handle the player base particularly well.

    It really is sad that I think this game is fun, but I can't recommend it to some of my friends because of the culture surrounding it.

  • Member Posts: 942

    I would not recomend this game tbh.

    Start from 0 right now without perks, ingame guides and the insane amount knowledge you need to learn its rought.

    It has to be someone thsat i know can endure hard stuff and is capable of learn.

  • Member Posts: 4,620

    Opinions are like arseholes, everyone has one.

  • Member Posts: 6,344

    Yeah the new player experience for DBD is staggering. The in-game tutorial is very insufficient, and there just so much to take in and remember. Thirty+ killer powers, hundreds of perks and add-ons, something like 65 or so map variations. Yikes!

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    This game is definetly not new player friendly.

    I believe at this point they should add some old characters to main game. Kate and Feng are obvious choices for survivors since they have nice perks especially for new players.

    Clown has good perks and easy power. So he is also good choice for killers. Things like that tho.

    And i really believe BHVR should make tutorial videos for all killers, like how you play them and how you play against them. Nothing big, maybe 1 - 2 minutes. This could help new players so much since they have to learn about +30 killers.

  • Member Posts: 18

    I love it, and I always recommend people to try it out. Though the ones that I do get to try it seldom play for more than a few matches...

  • Member Posts: 6,564
    edited November 2023

    DbD's biggest matchmaking problem is you can be casual but then matchmaking can you send against pretty sweaty people. We really need ranked and casual mods.

    They can add some rules and limits for ranked matches for make them fair and balanced. I am all for it.

  • Member Posts: 1,158
    edited November 2023

    If i had to give a mini review of this game:

    Its enjoyable, but its NOT friendly towards new players, due to all the DLCs and all the leveling you gotta to unlock the perks and such, theres also all the stuff you gotta learn, like maps, or mechanics.

    Balance is a bit of a mess, but not unplayable (For the most part) and its on a sorta "ok" status currently

    The community is pretty active so the game is far from meeting its end, specially due to the content updates that add new content.

    Its highly replayable due to the large amount of perks and killers that allow you to have different experiences basically each match.

    Would i recommend it? yes, but like i said, not friendly for new players.

  • Applicant Posts: 107

    It's my favorite game. But it's hard to tell anyone new to play it because it's so harsh for new players and it takes patience and dedication to improve as well as luck.

    Alot of people don't take that kind of commitment to something new. DBD is a double edged sword.

    It's great but it has alot of unfair stressful mechanics in it as well. Most new players have to really WANT to play this to stick with long enough to get better.

    I've had at least 3 friends buy this game, dl it, and play it 4 or 5 matches and quit out of frustration for one reason or another.

    I love it, but I no longer recommend it to people

  • Member Posts: 5,956

    I think so. I would recommend it because you can have a lot of fun in DBD and play a very different game from what you usually do. Though, I would suggest they don't go into it with super high expectations at the beginning. It takes quite a while to get accustomed to all the different mechanics and maps in DBD and even longer to unlock a few good perks on killer.

    On survivor you have at least Meg with 3 good perks and Bill with another, plus Feng can be bought with shards, as can Kate. It's not ideal but you can unlock very decent perks by just playing. On killer that is a bit harder. Some very popular meta perks are licensed, so you'd need quite a bit of luck to unlock them quickly without paying for dlcs and the perks you get from the free killers are not amazing.

    Ideally, the sweaty people should still be around your level. I have casually beaten some SWFs before, that really tried everything in their power to get the upper hand because they just weren't that good. Your loadout can only carry you so far. But I have also been beaten by some very, very casual solo queue gamers because they were just better than me.

    I think ranked and casual mode wouldn't work for DBD. You'd still have to deal with people sweating to stomp in casual mode and making everyone else miserable. You don't necessarily need perks, items or addons for that, if you're that much better and really trying your hardest. Your average comp Nurse will continue to stomp no matter the restrictions.

  • Member Posts: 1,006

    I've had friends try the game out. We'll play in customs and I'll give them the "Nice Guy" killer experience. But then we go online and they meet low MMR killers. After three or four matches they give up and never play again lmao

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    No, i dont recommand this game. Community tends to be toxic, and neither the killer nor the survivor experience is worth it anymore.

  • Member Posts: 2,418

    “Do you suggest them to buy it or not?”

    Noooo. Hahaa no-no-no-no-no… Never.

    Answer this question the same, every time I see it on the official DBD surveys.

    I won’t recommend it to anyone unaware of its existence, either.

  • Member Posts: 4,105

    I actually just had a conversation with a friend, not even an hour ago.

    Me: "Hey how about you join me for some DBD?"

    Him: "Convince me!"

    Me: .....

    He is not coming back. 😥

    I mean seriously, unless he would be masochistically inclined and would like to get tunneled and slaped at the hook by some angry killer main, play on killer sided maps and would enjoy random teammates that dont do anything the whole game, there is absolutly nothing a survivor player would even enjoy the slightest anymore.

  • Member Posts: 4,660

    Depends on their opinion on the horror genre.

    I think the biggest selling point of dbd is the variety of characters and places the game offers.

    You can chase Ripley and Ash as Myers on Hawkins while Bill is being camped by Bubba on Gideon meat plant.

    That's what brings people in. The gameplay makes them stay or leave in the long run.

    If they are heavily interested in the genre, sure. I would recommend checking dbd out.

    If they are only here for gameplay, I would describe it and tell them that the game gets very repetitive if they do t want to put hundreds / thousands of hours into it.

  • Member Posts: 6,142

    Yeah I'll recommend it, but with warnings so they know what to expect

  • Member Posts: 6,142
  • Member Posts: 3,948
    edited November 2023

    I think a new player could probably get 100 hours out of it easily enough before it starts to overstay its welcome and they decide if it feels too samey or not, which is worth the price of admission.

    If you're a nut bar like us degenerates then that 100 turns into a tonne surprisingly fast 😅

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • Member Posts: 379

    Someone asks my opinion of DBD.

    Me puts palm of hand to my mouth and makes fart noise XD.

    Kidding, but it honestly depends on the person asking. If they're not patient, hate games that take some time to get good at, especially if they're not the type to put in that time but are also super competitive, I would tell them as much and say they may not like it.

    If they're the opposite of that person, I still make it clear that if they're a completionist, or at the very least will want most the characters, I tell them that this $20 game comes with a bill essentially hundreds of dollars, or in the case of grinding, hundreds upon hundreds of hours to unlock characters (or is it thousands? IDK, I haven't done the math).

    But in either case, I tell them I like the game, tell them why, but I feel there are always disclaimers that come with someone asking if they should play. LOL. It's a weird game to recommend to someone tbh.

  • Member Posts: 1,280

    Not anymore.

    I’ve recommended this game to 8 people over the years and only 3 of them actually still play it.

    DbD is just too unfriendly for new and casual players.

  • Member Posts: 2,228

    I tell people the same thing I always put on the DbD surveys.

    I've been playing video games since the 80s, DbD is simultaneously the best, and worst, multiplayer game I've ever played.

  • Member Posts: 1,845

    "I think it's fun but it's a time commitment and the community is toxic, play at your own risk" Is what I say.

  • Member Posts: 8,602

    I'm honest with them. It's one of the best games of all time, but it does have its downsides. If you just want something to buy and play for 40 hours or so, it'll be perfect. Absolutely nothing wrong with that, and the entry price point is totally fine. BUT, if you get hooked on the game and decide you want to experience the entirety of DbD, prepare for an absurd grind and lots of DLC purchases.

  • Member Posts: 5,785

    it would have been more fun if you joined it 3-4 years ago but with a base price of $20 and ~$100 of dlc waiting for you and 50+ characters to grind out levels on if and when you get them I don't think its worth the investment anymore

  • Member Posts: 2,211

    I think if someone is a fan of horror then I would definitely recommend it to them. I would also recommend the game to people who care less about winning/losing and more about the experience, atmosphere, and gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 6,564

    Not really. If you know what to do.

    Camper Bubba is not effective as before. PTB Trickster however... He gives me nightmares

  • Member Posts: 4,660

    Camping as Bubba was never really effective, if the survivors coordinate. Due to many being solo, it worked regardless.

    You can still play basement Bubba. Just find a hiding spot near the basement entrance and wait for someone to approach. Then start moving and let true pain commence.

  • Member Posts: 1,129

    If they play other competitive games like Apex, OW etc, I wouldn’t recommend DBD

    Because they will definitely come across someone telling them how they should play, not to improve their chances of winning, but to give everyone a fair chance to play the game. I never knew how bad gaslighting could be until I started playing dbd

  • Member Posts: 54

    I would suggest to buy it because it's a good game, but always keep the chat muted and never make any contact with it's community since it's cringe.

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