¿Left Behind for PS4?

Really; Im the only one who wish this Bill on Ps4? I think that now should not be a big problem to bring Bill, since the game has grown a lot in consoles (not counting Switch), and although his skills are already in the drawer, I think that by the simple character many would be willing to pay for it, and since officially it would not be a new chapter, there would be no problem to include it at any time. So I hope that BHVR thinks more about this than about new cosmetics.
¿Do you think this is very unlikely, or is there a good chance that Bill will reach all the platforms?
As long as Valve doesn't allow it, it won't come to consoles.
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that is the point; Obvious that Valve must give the license for it, and BHVR is the one that must pay for it, so for the amount of players interested in having Bill, I do not think it is a bad business for BHVR, and we would have a new character. I prefer to pay for a new character, than to buy a thousand and one cosmetics for the usual ones.
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I'm pretty certain they already know what you mention here.
I'm no expert, but making profit is certainly what they would want, so it can't be that.
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Just be happy that you get borrowed time just showing up in the bloodweb without having to level a very loud old man. Seriously, he's one of the loudest in pain survivors, not to mention his smokers cough.
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You don't have to play as a survivor to get their teachables, tho.
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If devs could bring Bill to consoles, they could have already done it. Also, Bill is considered as PC exclusive and a way from Valve to make people buy in Steam. There's nothing more than that.
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As the others explained: The problem is not that BHVR wouldn't like to bring Bill to consoles.
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No he will never come to console he's owned by valve who own steam and thus the PC gaming market (for the most part) this would be like sony releasing a PlayStation exclusive on Xbox not gonna happen I'm afraid.
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Honestly I’m a console gamer and I have to say (unpopular opinion) but I can do without bill and have accepted the fact that he isn’t coming to console. If I wanted him so badly I’d buy a PC and trust me with lobby times I am considering it
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Sony/Xbox/Nintendo should have their own exclusive survivors tbh
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Left 4 dead is not even on ps4
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No, its a valve license, so that will be only on steam.
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Don't worry we are getting our own Green clad survivor on the Switch.
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Yeah its crazy that they released Bill for free eh? I wonder why a company would dump money into that for no reason? I bet they could just make cosmetics related to the survivors(lets face it they would be survivors) and sell them across all platforms.
I don't even play on console but it would be cool to have the perks made for them and some cool crossover cosmetics.