I believe we have the most healthy meta ever for both sides
With upcoming nerf to MfT, i believe we have most healthy meta ever. All of these perks have some pros and cons which makes them fair and balanced.
Most healthy meta would be no meta at all.
Like what we had a couple of months after the meta shake up.
I mean, survivor meta barely changed over the last 5 years.
Killer meta also doesn´t look good. Slowdown perks still make up the biggest chunk of what killers pick.
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What's the con for Windows of Opportunity?
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Nah, there always will be meta perks even if they make all perks so close to each other.
Some perks will be easier to use and will be meta.
Some perks will have little more value and will be meta.
There is no way to make any game with non-meta.
So best thing we can hope is making meta perks balanced and healthy which is current meta we have.
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Wasting perk slot ofcourse. It's aura perk after all, if you know maps by your own, you can use better perk instead of it.
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Dang. Guess every perk has a con since they all waste perk slots.
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Nah this one is. It's training perk. It does not give you any value except showing loop areas. If you know them by yourself, you can use better chase perks.
It has no cons ofcourse when you use it but it's not amazing anyway.
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Healthy meta? with 115% speed ranged killer and free pocket exposed/haste effect for killers
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Yes, true, why can't people wrap their head around this. Perks dont need cons when you can only have 4
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I am very much talking about perks. I don't know what you are talking about
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Is this a WoO thing or you just trolling? WoO has no drawback unless you're seasoned. Then its kind of stupid to pick.
I've heard 'It tells you dead zones your team has made'. You agree? Thats about as much value one can get from this perk unless you're super new.
Thoughts? Genuinely curious. :)
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People use this perk for 3 reasons
- learning maps
- finding out about pallet locations and used recourses in soloq
- automation of the chase (run to yellow + pre drop + run to yellow + vault window +...)
That's why you see even experienced survivors run this perk.
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We just need 5 second DS back
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I have no idea why people continuously fall into the 'training wheels' narrative regarding WoO.
Its pick rate alone is indicative that it's much more than simply a 'learning' perk - if you think so, perhaps it is you that is still learning / you don't understand the value that the perk provides.
I use it in my main build - it's crazy good and provides pre-emptive information that you would not get otherwise (ie certain window spawns, dead zones, chain tiles, etc) that absolutely has an impact.
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I'm not sure you understand what meta means, or you are using hyperbole to make a point. 2 years ago almost every survivor ran decisive strike, unbreakable, and dead hard.
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It has one drawback, it can sometimes confuse when a blindness status effect puts it off, and if you only play with it, it could be detrimental (edit: kinda like a drug where you would be in lack of it...).
Nope, DS is fine as is, there is no counterplay to ds for the killer in a situation where you are getting tunnelled, you just need to do gens while he is getting tunnelled, and then the killer gets a 2k at most, while you didn't sweat.
From my experience, tunneling can backfire if that team is a swf or if they are good enough, cauz if you full tunnel on a swf you can make the killer lose 5 gens, by making the tunnelled survivor go to the area where gens are finished, so if i think that generally, if they are prepared, survivors will win, so buffing DS will not solve the problem ...
Edit:( Im just saying that dbd can already make ppl miserable, and tunneling is not always by choice, and having perks to fix bad desing is bad, so don't buff DS, add more basekit time of speed after getting unhooked)
(I am making the assomption that the survivors do not make an error big enough to compromise that plan and that they loop well enough)
Post edited by blackfox0408_fr_ on2 -
5 second DS stun is not gonna delete tunneling
it’s just gonna lower it from happing cause the 5 second stun was oppressive
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Blindness does cause that drawback, nicely said.
Ds is actually the counterplay to tunneling. DS shouldn't have counterplay other than 'Don't tunnel.' The killer has no right at ALL to be countering DS other than... not tunneling.
You agree with this, right?
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And 5 years ago the top survivor meta perks were: SC, SB, DH, DS, BT, Adrenaline, Lithe and Urban Evasion.
From those perks BT became basekit and almost everything else still forms part of the meta. Having 5 years the same meta perks is whats called a stale meta.
And as you said, 2 years ago almost every survivor ran DS. Still top 8 most picked survivor perk.
Thats something that needs to change. A stale meta isn´t healthy. It isn´t interesting to face, it isn´t interesting to play. Its just boring.
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Sure, there will always be a meta. But every game that has a meta, usually changes the meta over the years. To keep things fresh and interesting.
Sadly, the current meta isn´t fresh or interesting. Its stale.
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Well they can’t exactly change the meta. Killers will always stack slowdown, survivors will always choose things to prolong chase.
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Definitely. Aside from the Buckle Up/For the People combo I don’t think there is anything really problematic with the meta right now.
Hopefully we get to play with this meta for a bit and they don’t just immediately add in another MfT level perk anytime soon.
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WHy not?
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Killer side
- Slow down
- Aura
- Chase
- Hex
Killers dont need much info, only survivors' aura needed. Mean they only pick 1 single strongest info perk, still have 3 slots for others.
Chase perks if being strong will be insanely oppressive. Survivors can not recover before killers turning back to them. Devour hope is one example that giving Exposed, survivors fall hard after killers have 3 stacks. And that is 1 perk, being a Hex. Image 4 chasing perks, then how long a chase will last?
Not talk about HexSlowdown, in fact, are quite safe to balance of them all, add extra few seconds or take away will not hurt. Plus it doesnt force killers to play a certain style, just chase-down-hook however killers like and the perks work along with it. Simple to use and balance.
On survivor side
- Aura
- Chase/2nd chance
- Gen buff
- Healing buff
Healing buff is pointless if killer tunnel, other wise, they're nice. There were healing meta (CoH), was it fine? Not.
Aura, there are so many useful aura perks yes, but survivors need alot of difference aura perks for all the info they need (able to see teammates, pallets, Gens, Killers, Totem, Chest...) Should those perks get buff to make it meta? And how much buff to make aura perks replace the current meta? Then everything become useless with Ultimate Weapon in play.
Should they make Gen perks meta? Certainly not.
A survivor may not do Gen/Heal an entire match, but they will always getting chased. Chase perks will always be meta, unless it get totally destroyed like DS
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I think they are refering to batteries included and friends till the end, and if thats the case massive skill issue on their part. But I agree with you, the perks atm are mostly balanced altho ultimate weapon should have its blindness removed imo.
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Ideally all perks would be equally strong. Or at least on a similar power level. Giving players the choice of either taking a bit of everything or stack perks to be especially good in 1 thing. I would even go as far and add another section of perks. Counter perks. Which don´t do much on their own, but excel at countering other perks. (insidious and distortion would fall under this list)
Aura reading on killer was nice. We barely see those anymore. With the exception of some Huntress players.
Chase also sees little action. Or can you remember the last time you played against Enduring + Spirit Fury combo?
Hex perks are well...Slowdown perks seem to be the last resort of killers that struggle with gen speed. Thats why they stack them.
Aura reading on survivor is still very nice. Bond is one of my favorite perks as solo. WoO also sits on place 1 of the most used perks.
Chase perks like MfT, SB, Lithe and recently Background player are present in every match. MfT so overwhelmingly, that the devs needed to act.
Second chance perks are still powerful, but dropped hard in the pick rate, because they are not abusable anymore. Because lets face it, DS wasn´t exactly healthy for the longest part of its existance. It was one of those perks that carried. BT became basekit, OtR still strong (don´t understand why its pick rate is low).
Healing was ok, but got nerfed because everyone was just self healing with CoH or SC. I remember how i chased teammates with We´ll make it and they simply refused to get healed, so they could heal themselves. In other words, it got nerved because there was no teamplay.
I think buffing all totem involved perks would be a start in the right direction. Since we have a load of perks that revolve around finding/dealing with totems. That see no action at all.
Gens fly so fast, because survivors have literally nothing else to do. They won´t heal, they won´t cleanse Hex perks. There are just Gens to do. Once survivors spend more time doing something else than gens, killers won´t feel forced to stack slowdown. Which opens up a new, open meta.
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I agree with you on last paragraph.
Killers are asking why gens are flying and why survivors are not healing, only rushing gens.
Because survivors have no reason to do. Survivors have nothing to do, only gens.
There is no reason to bring any boon perk and bless totems because they are bad right now.
There is no reason to waste time with healing because Sloppy makes healing even worse.
There is no reason to cleanse hex totems unless it's Devour because other hex perks are meh. Even Plaything.
Even Adrenaline gets nuked, this will not change. Survivors will still rush gens and then heal at end game or they will just leave hooked survivor to die and escape.
It will be even worse if BHVR keep nerf survivor perks which gives them second missions.
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That's because gens fly at the speed of light, and survivors heal in just a few seconds.
Gen slowdown are the only perks that have a real impact
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The root problem is the those perks are design to counter unfun killer behavior. Since killer behavior hasn't really changed, those if reinstated to there former glory today, would instantly be the most chosen perks.
Until Behavior (and killers) realize that the most chosen perks are the ones that keep survivors playing the game, we won't actually cure the problem. The problem is killers playing in an unfun way (tunnelling, camping, slugging) is VERY effective.
How do you make the game more fun for both sides, THAT is what behavior should be focusing all their design talent on fixing. Instead we get endless bandaids addressing the symptoms. The most recent change for Anti-camping does nothing to address the fundamental issue: killers not engaging the rest of the team while they protect their hook is boring for both sides but is very effective.
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Each meta on is own is probably the healthiest it has ever been. But both metas at the same time leads to tunneling being the go-to strategy for many killers. That isn't great. It's not particularly fun to play against a hard tunneling killer and with the current meta it is more effective than ever.
WoO makes the game incredibly boring and you immediately see who has it too. They don't look behind, have perfect pathing and will not even try to loop because they have enough resources to maintain distance until the game is over. Worse yet, it's the sole reason why Blindness is a complete game changer at the moment. You see the immediate effect once WoO deactivates. This perk is downright unhealthy as it is because more often than not, the ones who use it absolutely cannot play without it. So not only does it not help with learning maps, it does the opposite. Why would you ever learn maps when you have a manual to tell you what to do?
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The only way to get 'no meta' would be perkless and addonless gameplay. Although there would still be a 'meta' because gameplay decisions still come into play. Doing gens is always meta because it's better than opening chests, for example.
Addressing perks specifically, you're entirely backwards. This is almost the exact same list for killers as they gave out as official stats around 6.1. The only new perk is nowhere to hide, and gameplay is still just hard tunneling. The only other meta we've had was one of the unhealthiest things ever with gen kick meta literally holding games hostage. So at least we're back to gameplay instead of that crap.
For survivor perks, 5 of the top 10 have been swapped out from that same comparison time. Gameplay also went from staying healthy with medkits and circle to staying injured. That's a huge meta shift in a short time.
Survivor meta has changed a ton, killer meta has not changed.
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After a few new chapters and we're back to square 1. Happened with nerf to Dead hard and now look what happened we're back to MfT. MfT nerf coming sure but you should question what perk is next to be used 90% by survivors?
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Having a slowdown meta is one of the unhealthiest things that could have been done for the game. Yet bhvr made that happen.
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Run pain res + pop or be forced to tunnel out every game unless you are absolutely destroying the survivors; because gens get done in 4 minutes, great meta
Then you still can just automatically lose the game if the survivor runs a god window or has super safe pallets lined up if you are on a weaker killer, making bamboozle STILL mandatory on some killers even like 5 years after release
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So its illegal to use resources from maps now? The only point of using WoO is extending chases, so now extending chases is bad, healing perks are also bad, perks for repairing gens are also bad. Whats the point of playing survivor in a killer head if they cannot do anything? Even repairing gens is also seen as gen-rush, literally the only objective for survivors, and there is always something to complain on the killer side, how many times have you played soloq? is horrendous, between the lack on information between teammates, the tunnelling brainless and slowdown meta, you are lucky you still have survivors to go against in your game, its really depressing the current state of the game.
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No, it's not illegal. If it was, then I'd blame it on the players. Before you try and go on the offensive like this, at least see, if you have any ground to base it on. I blamed this issue specifically on the perk and I also blame it on maps, but that's a different discussion. They players simply use a perk. Unhealthy it may be.
But since maps are never going to be balanced (if it hasn't happened after 7 years, then it will never happen), WoO is the part of this issue that we can fix. If you can extend the chase by playing good, then I commend you for that. Really, I do. I love playing against survivors that actually know how to loop and mind game. But I don't appreciate playing "Let's run to yellow and press Space" all game. This is what WoO does. You see it as soon as you take it away from them, that the players that use it absolutely cannot play without it. It becomes a crutch.
There are enough people that play both sides and judging by the incentives, we have enough survivors and killers to play with short queue times. My killer queues are almost instant. Nerfing a perk will not change that. There was a time when survivors had to learn maps and somehow that worked out too. So I doubt that a nerf to WoO would change that. I also don't want this perk to be completely useless. We have enough useless perks already.
I have played this game for almost 3 years now and really solo queue is in the best spot it's ever been. It's still not great and I agree that BHVR should try to add some means to communicate but it's really not so bad. This whole "B-B-But solo queue bad." thing is just a strawman argument at this point. You will not win every match and you probably won't reach the level of a comp SWF but most SWFs aren't much better. Playing decent is worth a lot more than standard callouts.
When I play solo survivor I usually bring Bond. You may want to try that too. It solves most solo queue issues and also gives you a general idea of the killer's location and the resources that have been used around you. And yes, using one perk slot for Bond is absolutely worth it. Especially now that there aren't any obligatory perks anymore (looking at you, 6.1.0 BT). The HUD is a big deal as well as long as you actually use the information.
I also haven't said anything about gen rush here. Do I like it? No. Because it forces me to play just as fast paced, which always means I have to tunnel or slug. Something I refuse to do because I play survivor too and I don't like when it happens to me. I follow the categorical imperative on that one. But both tunneling / slugging and gen rushing demand their respective counter parts, which makes the game all the less enjoyable for both sides. At least that's how I see it. If you have fun ending the match in 4 minutes flat, resulting in you and your team mates all on the ground, then good for you. Have fun against the next comp Blight, I guess.
My point was that the combination of both of these specific survivor and killer metas isn't great. Because it results in both sides trying to end the game as fast possible, which also results in more "stomp or get stomped" matches. Both are not great. I'd rather have a 10 minutes game and lose with 2 hooks than a 3:30 minutes game and win by slugging all survivors. The healthier alternative in my opinion would be a middle ground between increasing the own pace and slowing the other side down. Not quite like pre 6.1.0 but not quite like what we have now either.
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Have you seen any competitive game? Survivors are most efficient when running from pallet to pallet, even without using WoO, they dont loop most of the times, so this is something not only new players does, but comps too. But as I see for what you said, you prefer to have chickens running to dead zones, so the matches go easier, I understand you, sometimes I want chill games too, but perks like WoO short by a lot the gap between the looping skill of a 100hours player and a 3k hours player, and just for that WoO is a really good info perk. Look how unfriendly the game is for new players, no useful tutorials, no killer guides, nothing but to play and looser a few hundred matches and watch hundreds of hour of youtube content in order to get to a certain knowledgment and be able to at least last a few more seconds in chase. I have 3k hours and 2k are for killer I believe, and the mmr when I play survivor matches me with people with 400hours or less, that can run the killer for 2 or 3 gens most of the times thanks to WoO, we need more info perks that helps new players get to know more the maps they are playing.
As a killer, excepting a few tiles as killers jack, you can mindgame almost every tile, you dont even need to break pallet most of the times if you bloodlust the chase. I really prefer survivors running info perks like WoO instead of any repairing speed perk, or second chance perks.
To sum it up, there are far more unhealthier perks than WoO, but this is coming from someone who doesnt sweat at any time, if I loose I really dont care, but I saw people in here waining about gen-taping so what do I know.
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Still helpful to see what is currently available to you as the match progresses. Might not know if others have used up a pallet.
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Don't mention WoO. That's Radiant's
BatPig Signal...Hey Radiant 👋
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The game is only healthy if both sides can run no perks and have a 50/50 chance of winning at high mmr. That is not the case currently.
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In the wrong hands it can be detrimental, ie those survivors who just run to every pallet they see and drop it, wasting all or most of the survivor resources in early game.
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They have to nerf that Buckle Up+For The People combo thought. It legit has no counterplay whatsoever and I've been getting robbed of hard earned downs tonight all over the place. Games where I'm barely keeping up and that perk combo comes in and literally just slaps me in the face with an L with absolutely nothing I can do about it.
1 -
Always there when people need me.
I'm the night. I'm am logic. I'M A PIG MAIN!!!
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Of course I have and it's one of the issues I have with this game. You win by minimising interaction time. That's not particularly fun, is it? Running from pallet to pallet and dropping everything immediately doesn't sound fun to me. For either side. It's boring. But that has been the most effective play style for years. Only, it didn't used to work as well as it does now. Because now games are overall shorter. So the killer has effectively less time to break through the resources, which makes this more effective across the board.
You don't need a fully coordinated SWF for this kind of play style and WoO gives many players the confidence they otherwise lack. But that is besides the point. WoO has become the single most crutch perk of the game. Really, just test it yourself. Use some blindness perks and see how it works out. Every single time, you'll see survivors run around like headless chicken. Because many survivors have forgotten how to actually play the game. They play this perk. Similarly to people that play only Nurse. Nurse is so different from every other killer, you might as well play a completely different game.
If you have 100 hours of experience and aren't that good at looping, then what in the world are you doing in the same lobby as someone who has 3k hours and plays accordingly? Do you not see how ridiculous this sounds? You shouldn't even play against someone like this to begin with. And if they aren't that good, then why would you need WoO to crutch on? If they are on your own level, then everything is fine without this perk. Unless of course, you want to win easily without having to put any effort into it. But then you decided for the wrong game. In a somewhat competitive multiplayer game such a thing shouldn't happen. You can play single player games to win easily.
You just confirmed everything I said before about this perk. That it is indeed a crutch. You can't play without it (yet) and that's fine. Learn the game and play with people of your own skill. That's what we have MMR for. It doesn't work perfectly but it should pair you mostly with players of similar skill. If not, then MMR is a whole different issue, that should be looked at. Someone with little experience cannot expect to be able to compete with a veteran player. Unless they have one crutch that carries them through. Which is neither fair nor (especially in this case) fun.
You cannot mind game the shack, several main buildings, jungle gyms against good players (which have become increasingly rare) and quite a few filler pallets. But you don't get to mind game anyway. Because pre drop and Shift + W will take this part out of the equation for the most part. A survivor can easily make enough distance to run from loop to loop and nothing is stopping them to repeat this until there are no more resources they can use. When that happens, that survivor is screwed. No ifs or buts. So that also has little to no interaction. I have seen many survivor mains say that the game isn't fun for them anymore and if that is how they play, then I am not surprised. I mean, how can something be fun, if it is repetitive and takes no thought?
What part of DBD is the most fun? It's probably not sitting on a gen, desperately trying not to fall asleep and occasionally pressing space. Running for the unhook, while certainly more interesting than gens is also not particularly fun. I wouldn't play a game in which I would only run around pulling people from meat hooks. Hanging on a hook and waiting for time to pass is probably the most boring part of playing survivor. Healing is about the same as doing gens. Running around the map might be fun for the first 5 minutes but after that it's not all that exciting anymore. What remains is the interactive part between killer and survivor. And when that is trivialised by a perk and the amount of resources there are, then that also becomes less interactive and more of a "going through the motions" kind of thing. Second chance perks like DH and op as bad as they were at least didn't remove the fun from this game.
To me it's like watching the same movie over and over again on a loop. No matter how good or bad the movie is, at some point you'll be bored with it. Just bored. Because it's the exact same thing every time. You learn all the dialogue and the unexpected turns of the story. In DBD terms: You can play with your eyes closed and no sound. Because you already know step by step what will happen over the course of the next 20-30 seconds. Or I guess you can't, because you need to look out for yellow. But the people you play against can.
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Not trying to crush your hopes and dreams but Imma be real honest with you.
6.0 didn't change ######### (Capital letters). The meta might be healthier, but this is the same meta from when I started playing 6yrs ago and that's very disappointing. Trying my best not to project, but this just makes me glad I quit.
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Meta develops because players are able to observe what affects their effectiveness in the match the most and are able to choose what to bring in to the match. In order for there to be no meta, you would need:
1) to prevent perks from meaningfully changing your likelihood of winning, relative to each other
2) to prevent players from being able to observe which perks they win more often with, or
3) to prevent players from being able to consistently choose those perks
I hope you see the problem with each of those options
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Fun is subjective. Have a farming killer and watch how half the players complain. Same goes if someone suicidedes on 5 gens and the killer doesn´t farm.
Also, the same people that complain about killers ending matches early for survivors, would happily complete all gens in 3 minutes and leave.
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Could you point out how survivor has changed a ton? What perks are now meta, that haven´t been meta 5 years ago?
Same for the killer meta, please.
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There is a fourth option. Constantly changing perks. Meta overhaul every 3 months. Prioritizing the current meta and the perks that see no action at all.
It simply can´t be, that very old perks are still meta after all this time.
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As much as I tend to agree, Exhaustion perks are a pretty stable part of the meta and most of them are quite old. Nerfing them is probably not the best option. At least not right now. It would go a long way however to give people an incentive to experiment with different perks. Like the random perks archives.
There are more than 200 perks in this game and most of us have barely used more than 30. Sometimes not because they are so bad but because it's easy and convenient to pick meta perks. "Everyone agrees that they are good, so they will surely carry me. Why step out of my comfort zone?" That's pretty much what's stopping us from using different perks. Well, that and of course the fact that we want to win and are prone go for whatever is the strongest build.
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Windows of Opportunity, Made for This, and Deja Vu.
I'd also argue perks like Resilience and Lithe saw enough of an increase in pickrate that it's worth mentioning, though those were always off-meta picks. I'm also pretty sure the same is true of Kindred, but I'm less confident about that one.
There's also the perks that were meta five years ago but now aren't, like Borrowed Time, Decisive Strike, Unbreakable, and Iron Will. In fact, that specific set of four perks was the meta build for a long time and you only see any of them separately somewhat rarely these days, certainly not all four every match.
Survivor has also gone through a few different kinds of meta. For instance, the one prior to the one we have right now was an ultra-healing meta, with Circle of Healing and medkits stacked to make pressure with injuries impossible. That's meaningfully different to the current stay-injured meta, or the previous "second-chance" meta, much as I don't quite like that term.
Similar trends and examples can be drawn from the killer side, so I also disagree with the person you're responding to here, for the record.