Double Morale with Batteries included Perk

So apparently Killer getting 5% speed within 12m of a completed generator (lingers 5seconds after leaving it) is a problem due to stacking movement speed from other perks such as NOED. Yet MFT + Hope is free to stack which btw batteries included doesn't even compete with hope due to Hope being 2% faster and is not limited to 12m around a completed gen.
Well MFT is receiving a nerf in the same patch that Batteries Included releases so I dunno if it’s fair to use that as an example anymore.
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MfT isn't even going to be run that often. It's been obliterated into the ground. No point panicking about something no one will run. To end up with a deep wound during endgame against a majority of the killers is impossible and, therefore, it isn't a free stack.
Batteries Included and NOED provide killers with exposed and haste which can turn the tide of the entire game. I don't know why you didn't provide the haste effects of those two combined because it'll really show how effective those two were together.
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Have you never been unhooked in the endgame, get hit off hook by the killer, and immediately run your way over to an exit gate and escape? Ever? Because that's happened to me a good number of times, on both sides of the game.
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I feel it was a terrible solution to the potential problem personally. Could have done something like
"This perk gives 5% haste for 60 seconds after the exit gates are powered but then deactivates" so it at least gives value for all 5 gens in some way as a compromise. I just don't see how this perk getting nerfed like that is justified but I guess it was the safer choice to keep the perk in check until a better solution was found.
Only change in the list of PTB changes I don't like but at least it's a minor thing.
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Yes but that's besides the point because killers know to wait out basekit BT and body block as much as possible. If you're hitting an unhooked survivors basekit BT, they deserve the escape at that point. Patience is key, especially if you're that frightened of a useless perk.
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IMO the Devs want to avoid that Killers run Endgame-Builds. Because, unlike Survivors, Killers can actually do this. Endgame-Builds for Killers are probably the most boring things so far and the Devs worked against that on other occasions (You can escape with a RBT when you get one once all Gens are done, old Freddy was basically used as Endgame-Killer for 90% of the games).
And they probably want to avoid that Killers run around with a Build which does nothing for the majority of the match and just get their Kills in Endgame. E.g. Batteries Included, NOED, No Way Out, Remember Me. Nobody can say that this would be a fun build to play or play against, when the Killer is basically perkless before Gens are done and then runs around with 124% Movement Speed and Instadown.
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As much as I wanna say I've seen far too much Hope+Adreneline to agree that survivors don't plan for endgame builds, I will agree that killer build would be oppressive as hell, especially on high mobility killers like Wraith or Skull Merchant with enough lock ons. I feel like Batteries Included is such a weird perk to balance that they did the right thing, but it's just a weird perk to begin with.
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If it was global it would be strong but it's in 12m range of a completed generator and you won't get consistent value out of it most of the game until the game is over. I'm not entirely opposed to it disabling in end game but it just feels like it could have had a better solution if BHVR was worried about 5% haste in range of all completed generators.
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Yeah, I think it would have been better to completely rework the Perk, because outside of Endgame, it is not really a good Perk at all, because you dont want to chase around completed Gens anyway. Or they could have removed the Speedboost from NOED and leave Batteries Included as it is.
And yeah, this Build would basically miserable for the Killer before Gens are done and then miserable for Survivors once they are done.
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But was good in Jungle Gyms. Many Times there is a Generator. Would make the tile easier.
And i will using rapid with Play with your food . I get so many Times value from that 🤭
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To be fair the drama about MFT + Hope is/was a non event
How many players actually get any value with hope ? A few
How many actually get any value with these 2 perks ? Fewer
Average players won’t really get any benefit, only pro gamers can
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If you think MFT + Hope is bad, why would you want the same problematic concept being added to the game a second time?
Isn't it a good thing that they avoided repeating the mistake?
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That's not bad for the game. Different builds do different things. If you run an endgame build like that, you know what you aren't running? Pop, pain res, corrupt etc. So you in theory will complete the early and middle game much faster. Such a build is a high risk high reward for the killer.
That is part of the job of the survivors. If the killer isn't running all the stuff, and they realize the gens are going much faster, they can take the extra time to go and find all the dull totems to cleanse them so noed never comes into play. It actually creates different gameplay strategies then "rush gens as fast as possible" and "hard tunnel out a survivor as fast as possible"
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I (politely) disagree
Mediocre players using MFT might get lucky on some loops, but they will never loop long enough to buy significant time for their teammates to do gens
Good and even average killers won’t get much trouble with this, patience is key, they just need to focus and wait for the surv to be greedy and starting to make mistakes
Personally, playing mostly M1 and being an average player, this combo never makes me sweaty
Usually, against great survivors I will take a beating no matter what perks they have, this combo is only icing on the cake (that makes sense ? I am french) so that makes really no difference if you know how to loop and how counter each killer
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What I don’t understand is this batteries included nerf
Like killers can combine every other speed buff possible to get insane value but batteries included draws the line ?
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yeah mft should not work in egc either.
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Quick gambit and Red Herring are really perks I have never seen in game
To be fair, the only time I saw QG is when I did Vittorio Adept when he was released
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I've seen players with Windows of Oportunities + MFT running from pallet to pallet without even looking back and still holding the killer, even against good killer players.
The problem with MFT + other perks is that even mediocre loopers can hold the killer for a long time because of the reduced speed difference.