Killer Matchmaking is completely broken

Sandro001 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 1
edited November 2023 in General Discussions

I'm a 900h player, roughly spent 50/50 on surv and killer but as killer i never got above even gold (while iri 1 as surv is np at all) and i constantly face prestige 100 tryhards with more than 5000 hours at MINIMUM. I can't even remotely get a single hook and if i do it's sheer luck. They perfectly loop, bodyblock, gen rush 100% of the time almost every single round.

I've been trying for weeks now to even remotely get a single pip.. in silver... I watch countless guides, i avoid flashlights, use supposedly good builds, know when to give up on chases etc etc. I learned all these things and more. Yet, i can't do anything at all to even get a single sacrifice anymore. The only way i found is to completely tunnel someone the entire game, make them waste all the pallets etc (no choice cause they perfectly loop me otherwise) I try to mindgame, walk in reverse to get a hit under a pallet etc. I spend millions of BP on perks, tried several killers, nothing works at all. Get completely destroyed more than 90% of the time and my MMR does not seem to decrease at all to a level where i actually stand even just a slight chance. I'm honestly tired of investing any more time in this game, it's just entirely unplayable despite my efforts.

Really all i wanted is to hit iri 1 even just once as killer for the achievement but nope, not gonna happen apparently. If i spend even just 20 seconds or so running around breaking gens and pallets i already lost yet another round, if i spend even just a minute patroling other gens i already lost yet another round. I have absolutely no other choice than to tunnel someone completely and hope i get lucky somehow in endgame collapse when they try to save that person.

Matchmaking is just horrible in this game and i've been a competitive player for 10+ years now and have several thousand hours in other competitive games.


  • pigslittlepet
    pigslittlepet Member Posts: 483

    If you really just want to reach iri 1 might I suggest you switch to a strong anti loop killer? Pyramid head for example. Throw on a full slowdown build, corrupt, deadlock, no way out, noed, and just full chase. Evan the very best survivor will go down to p head fairly quickly. I'm sorry your suffering so hard in this mmr. It does suck

  • I_Cant_Loop
    I_Cant_Loop Member Posts: 962

    Matchmaking has always been trash - I'm still getting wildly variable levels of skill for the survivors in my killer matches. But it does seem like whatever was done with the SBMM system is making my matches way more sweaty on average. I'm definitely getting god-level loopers and super-coordinated teams more frequently than before the SBMM change.

    The main problem with the matchmaking system is that there are WAY more really good survivors than really good killers. So average to low skill killers have to be matched against good survivors or else the survivor queue times will be excessively long and players will quit the game. Due to the inherent design of the game, BHVR has to make a choice between making survivors happy or making killers happy. There are way more survivor players who provide a vast majority of the game revenue, so that's the side they've chosen to please. Every now and then killers will get thrown a bone, but on average the adjustments to game balance tilt in favor or making it easier for survivor players.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    I've been saying this for a long time, the game when played at High MMR is extremely survivor sided.

    One of the recent otz videos perfectly illustrates this, comp level blight v comp level survivors + perk/item limitations and the survivors still 5 gen popped and *almost* 3E'd even when the blight got a kill at 3 gens left.

    If THAT is the result when both sides are comp players with severe restrictions, you can imagine what happens in your average high mmr match v survivors without perk and item restrictions, not playing blight/nurse at the softcap just means your chances of losing jumped from 50% to 90%.

    Something needs to be done when it comes to balancing "who" the power role is.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Thanks, youve completely missed the fine details from that match, but I'll explain it to you again.

    A comp level blight, getting an early kill at 3 gens (essentially making the game a 3 v 1), STILL managed to lose all 5 gens + gate opened (while having pop for slowdown), against Survivors that were severely limited in perk choice and item choice.

    Heres the video for reference:

    Now, if a 5 gen pop + gate open + almost 3E with only 3 survivors alive for 90% of the match is the end result.

    What do you reckon would happen if the survivors weren't perk/item limited, just the way it is in public matches?

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,949

    It sounds like you have stumbled into a MMR region, that you don't belong in just yet. Many players have experienced something like this at least once, so you're not alone. For your MMR to adjust properly, it will sadly take a while. In DBD the MMR system divides players into 3 MMR brackets and whenever you enter a higher MMR bracket it takes quite a bit until you go down again. Meaning, this is not going to stop after only a couple games.

    I recommend focusing on fun above wins for a while. Maybe play a killer you haven't played before or try to get value out of the most obscure build you can come up with. That way, the time it takes for your MMR to get you into a better place won't feel quite as bad. Maybe you'll even find some hidden gems.

  • CodeDB
    CodeDB Member Posts: 299

    What if the Blight wasn't perk or add on limited as well?

    What if a Blight could go on a 1,000+ public game 3/4k streak?

    Wild hypotheticals we can throw around. I guess we'll just never know. What I do know though is that arguing for balance changes because something ALMOST happened sounds ludicrous.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    A comp level blight going on a 1000 winstreak in public lobbies doesn't mean much when you take into consideration the softcap pairing 1800 MMR players with comp players that realistically belong in a 3000 mmr bracket.

    We're not arguing for balance changes on something that "almost happened" , the 5 gen pop with only 3 players remaining happened, the gate opening happened.

    If at high MMR killers are forced to play blight/nurse , with strongest addons + strongest perks , just to be able to BARELY secure a win after 5 gens get popped, then the matches for any of the other 30 or so killers will be much more disastrous.

    A game where only 2 characters are viable at high MMR gets boring extremely quick, both for killer and survivor players.

  • CodeDB
    CodeDB Member Posts: 299

    I mean, I once saw a Blight running Gearhead/Brutal Strength and nothing above a green add-on get a 4k against a comp level survivor team so I don't know how true it is that you have to run the strongest addons or perks. I don't have the video on hand but I'll see if I can find it somewhere.

    But can you at least acknowledge that the Blight, did in fact, secure a 4k and that is your "perfect illustration" for needing balance changes to make the Blight player stronger? And that sounds at least a little bit silly?

  • crogers271
    crogers271 Member Posts: 2,207

    He was pretty accurate in his comment. It was also hilarious.

    If survivors are so overpowered, how'd the Blight even manage to get a single kill? It's not like the survivors just gave that kill to him.

    I watched this video when it came out, this would be like posting a video were a soccer team came back from 5-0 to show that comebacks are easy. Otz and the announcers are blown away by how well the survivors play and that the survivors start winning lots of really close calls.

    A couple things worth pointing out:

    -The scoring system at play. The primary score in this system is how many gens get finished. The killer strongly commits to stopping that from happening. He probably could have easily guaranteed a 4e by getting a survivor out and giving up a gen and downing them before they got to the gates, but the gen takes priority.

    -You point out that the survivors have perk bans, so does the killer. Otz literally noted that in the first 30 seconds.

    -The survivors have all of their hook stages to go. The match is a very slow process.

    -While there are two gens left, one of them is a freebie that the Blight isn't even worrying about.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Nobody is saying that the blight didn't "4k" , but the nuances that led to the 4k are extremely important.

    1 person got tunneled and a 3 v 1 was forced very early on, the survivors were inherently playing with suboptimal loadouts, 5 gens still popped and gate was opened.

    It's important to acknowledge the nuances because they played a major role in the outcome.

    The point still stands that for a comp level killer to *barely win*, an early tunnel was required aswell as lucking out that survivors had perk restrictions.

    The point still stands that if in order for this to be achievable in high MMR pub lobbies, killers are forced to play nurse/blight w/strong addons + perks, otherwise you start off at an automatic disadvantage.

    Starting at an auto disadvantage is a sign that something isn't balanced quite right.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    I have roughly 700 hours now, and solo queue matchmaking just gave me two baby Bills who didn't know what mending was, against a Legion. It was the most absurd match I've ever played. Every minute or so, they'd drop like a sack of crap.

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,145

    I too have spent the weekend getting annihilated in most of my Legion games. When Survivors know exactly how to counter your power, playing Legion is such a miserable experience. They all get on separate gens, hold W real early the moment they see you coming to outrun Frenzy. Then you're left utterly powerless and you've pulled yourself way out of position. It feels extra punishing to miss a hit in the chain whenever you do get something going with your power in games like this.

    Watched a TTV's VOD of my game play and the guy spent 90% of the time moon walking and seemed to think I was so bad I was just doing a Legion daily (I didn't bother chasing them much because I don't chase the clicky clicky flashlight Survivors. It's what they want). I just find myself outclassed most of the time, though I'm not playing at my best to be honest. My confidence has kinda taken a knock.

    The only real wins I managed to score were against a couple of wannabe bully squads throwing the game for the memes (because I've got Lightborn and they want to go next, I guess). If the system serves me up Survivors I can easily beat, then I feel evil killing them. I sense their resignation and I don't have the heart to take the easy wins right now, because I'm out there getting chewed up and spat out just the same way they are.

    I wonder how quickly the MMR system reacts to a string of losses. A week? A month? No doubt it will need time to adjust and we will all find our new level.

    I doubt very much I've ever met the new soft cap anyway, so all of this could be nothing but the usual weekend sweat. I'll see how my games are going in the week, then I'll know if match making really is that much harder for me now.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,121

    Sounds like you're definitely in an MMR bracket you shouldn't be. I wouldn't even try winning - your opponents will only get more difficult. You're better off copping the losses and *hopefully* your MMR will drop to a more appropriate bracket.

    This is a devs post that gives a general idea on how it works

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    OP, if you just want to get to Iri one for the achievement.

    Pick strong Killers with high mobility and use meta perks. Don’t use one shot Killers, Plague or Condemned Sadako.

    Minimize your chase time. Killers with high mobility or strong anti loop excel at this.

    Lobby shop. I assume you already know how to check hours so do it and dodge anyone that you think you might have trouble dealing with. Try to get solo queue groups so you will have a better time doing chases and spreading hooks. If you see multiple Survivors holding items in the lobby, dodge.

    Identify which part of the map you want to play on and stick to it on large maps. Try to hook Survivors you down in your patrol zone so you can get trades more easily.

    Tunnel and proxy camp if you need to. Remember to play for hooks especially in the higher grades but tunneling one person out should always be the priority. Pinhead with Original Pain addon is an excellent counter to anything that gives endurance. Use it as you see fit.

    If you are comfortable at playing on certain maps and have the offerings for them, use them especially when trying to pip on Gold/Iri. The same goes for addons too.

    Slugging for pressure is good if you get a down away from your patrol zone, no hook regression perk or the downed Survivor is not on death hook.

    Lastly, losing games is not the end of the world, but try not to depip. If you run STBFL, use it to camp late game too. Getting those few hook trades will save your pips. If you don’t have a lot time to play DBD during every reset, you have to make each game count.

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Yeah, can't wait for official killrates to be released so people realize survivors are legitimately too strong.

    When nightlight has killrates dropping to ultra low 50s / high 40s, with the only exception being SM/onryo because of the hookicides, there's clearly a balance problem.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    I can't say for certain, but they came across like a traditional baby Bill. Super altruistic, but terrified and somewhat useless lmao

  • If a party of survivors can conduct a "normal" chase and understand the situation and share information, quite often 2-3 people can escape from the ritual. the changes in the MMR have only resulted in a "normal" party being assigned to the majority of killers.

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 605

    The matchmaking is indeed crazy. Comp. SWFs every single game now, unreal.