What if Distressing affects the whole map?

Before you jump the gun, yes, there must be proper adjustments and fine-tuning made to other terror radius perks. It'd be hell if you face Distressing + Coulrophobia.
Would you be against it?
What exactly is the question? Are we against what exactly?
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Would you be against Distressing having a map wide terror radius?
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Does it currently? I believe different killers have different TR so idk how to fix that if it does.
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It would be fun but it opens up problems like you already point out. Would coul and other TR perks balanced on the global perk or not? If you do choose to balance around it they are all bad without distressing and if you balance around 'standard' TR then it will be broken at the global scale.
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He's asking if you want distressing buffed.
No. It only increase the killer's terror radius by 26%. He's asking if you guys want to see Distressing give the killers a terror radius that can be heard across the entire realm but with changes made to different TR perks such as coulrophobia, overwhelming presence, etc.
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How can you not understand?
Do you want to see Distressing have a map wide terror radius or not?
Nope it only gives a small amount of terror radius I believe 22%.
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The perk adjust automatically if you equip distressing so the terror radius perks still have the same effects without distressing, get it? They become weaker if you have Distressing equipped. When you have no Distressing equipped, they are the same as they are now.
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do you mean distressing would have the same effect as the old version of legion’s iridescent button add on?
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I mean would that work with ultimate Weapon or no? starstruck would no doubt be a problem. The devs would have to change a few different perks...ehh just seem like a waste of time honestly.
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If you have distressing equipped then these perks obviously become weaker. They return to normal if you remove distressing from your loadout.
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That’s what I’ve wanted it to do for a while but only for a limited time, for example gain 1 token each time a gen is completed, while you have at least 1 token you press a button and it makes your terror radius mapwide for 20 seconds, at all other times it would just be the +26% like it currently is.
Making it mapwide for the entire match would be a balancing nightmare and too good with terror radius perks.
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I suppose it would be annoying to hear through the entire match
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Lets face it, nobody would use Distressing if it would cause the Terror Radius to be map-wide. And on top of that, you would need to change a bunch of Terror Radius-Perks on both sides.
This is really not worth the effort.
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*the doctor would like to know your location*
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Practicality aside, I would find it extremely annoying to listen to.
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You would have to absolutely destroy every other TR related perk to do this, so no.
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oh you're trying to make perks viable? not on my watch
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if you use this perk with the clown's one which makes heal sooooooo slow would be too broken
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that would be absolutely broken against low level survivors, and not in the fun way but in the "make new players miserable and drive them away from the game" kind of way
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Absolutely not for the reasons already mentioned by other users.
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If you're not sending yourself to a small map like The Game or Midwich when using distressing then you're doing it wrong anyway.
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Hyperfocus and Stake Out would be very viable then.
But I am sure that nobody would actually want that.
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Would gate design space for all TR perks and would be broken with coulrophobia and probably infectious fright
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it can fix any killer's terror radius to 126% of 32 meters so killers with 24 meters tr can have the same value. a massive NO to mapwide tr though, noone wants tr perks nerfed because of this.
edit: if the terror radius is smaller than 32m so it's not nerfed for wesker and calm doc.