#bringbackSadako IS REAL!!!!!!!
We finally won guyssssss!!!!!!
Awesome? Is it possible to share a link or a screengrab please friend for those of us that don't have (I assume) Twitter? Cheers!
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Great so the other side can go complain now that she still has the same issues that existed beforehand and made her miserable to go against?
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i have no idea what happened can somebody fill me in on the facts
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I just hope they give reikos watch and old newspaper basekit, while making her better to play against
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On the Chucky live stream they announced Sadako will be changed in Januarys update
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Here's what the devs showed for the future
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fought for 6 months and won.
On the other side we fight for multiple years for FREDDY and get nothing.
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I mean... Why exactly did you win? I thought you wanted to get the old one back? Why do you think that's gonna happen? People were not happy with that either, and she is still considered problematic, so all we got is rework, that might as well still be terrible? Not like we have concrete changes or anything, so a little bit preemptive aren't we?
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They're not bringing back Sadako. They're nerfing her because her kill rate is too high and she usually slugs.
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Imagine nerfing a killer who has no chase power because survivors don't know how to hold m1 on something that isn't a generator.
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They said in the livestream, that they will make her more close to what she originally was due to player feedback.
That means that we won.
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I still expect both of the things I said to happen though. I highly doubt they will return her TV reset addon, which will pretty much achieve what I said. I assume by returning her to her original, they will remove global Condemn.
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They also said the changes to Billy would be minor... You really should not be so preemptive dude.
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wow they just hard-nerfing killers blight and onryo which are killer is a good spot and I assume they're buffing billy(I assume he is getting his instant saw back. Huntress and Clown i assume are add-on nerfs because huntress has mangled add-on and clown has mangled add-on.
Hag, Pig, demo, doctor might be buffs? I imagine pig would be biggest buff?
all killer perk getting nerfed. stbfl, sloppy, ultimate weapon. Decisive strike is likely getting buffed. I see 0 regression perks getting buffed.
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Yes I‘m so happy I hope she gets the old tapes and her old to speed back. Also some of the changes like the pallet immunity would be nice.
I hope she gets her 10m terroradius back so I could scare people with the instant terrorradius.
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I have mixed feelings.
The new changes, to me, were only problematic because of slug condemned and players refusing to interact with her power. If they bring her back to what she was before, it will just be having no TVs to teleport to due to high cooldowns, no incentives to interact with her TVs because it's not a threat, condemned buildup will be rare, probably incentivize even more condemned slug and have those who don't focus on condemned and play for her stealth even worse since she still has a lullaby. Not to mention she's still just an M1 killer who can be looped mindlessly.
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Why are some people hyped about good/decent Killers getting nerfed?
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I loved playing old sadako, since the rework I couldn’t play her like before ( tp around switch targets and have fun)
They could just buff those stats that they are available more often, through a shorter cooldown and I think taking a tape should deactivate the TVs longer than the cooldown is. I heard someone that said nobody picked the tapes because it wasn‘t even worth it.
The tapes should only be the counter to the TVs, not condemned and TVs.
My main problem with her new version was that every TV close to survivors was off, not that they disabled it on purpose, just because of the condemned, so I couldn’t tp to them.
A minor thing with that I could live was the 10s cooldown.
I don‘t know why everybody is so worried about the old condemned, when I played her I never like it on purpose and I had never a game against someone who did it. Also why would anyone want a weaker version of her with stronger condemned if it‘s so bad?
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Imagine still claiming Sadako has no chase power as a serious statement.
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Enlighten me, please upload a match to youtube showing how you chase with her power effectively, would love to learn how i am playing her wrong from a master.
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I did have great results with pre rework Sadako. I didnt slug but played for condemned. It worked. It was hard but it worked.
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Because she feels awful to play now. She was awesome and unique with a high strategical skill cieling. Now all of that strategic thinking has been reduced to spam teleport when ever possible.
I want to play a fun killer. Not a boring pub- and loloq-stomper.
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Pig only needs some number changes in regard to the ambush and the stealth. Nothing more needed or wanted. Sadako is hopefully becoming the killer she was and that many dedicated players fell in love with. She will be nerfed for the casual playerbase and buffed for us dedicated players. At least if they do what i think they will do. Blights addons are problematic and you know that they are.
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That would be awesome. Global condemn is the source of all the problems she currently has.
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So did I, doesn't mean I still didn't see the issue that nobody touched tapes because they weren't required to.
I like having a back and forth with the power. Could it be tuned? Absolutely, and it's better than she used to be.
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I find that kinda silly with how Sadako is.
Tapes should absolutely counter condemned, thematically with the story of the original and mechanically. You can argue global condemned is an issue but tapes shouldn't just be to shut down TVs. Sadako is still an M1 killer so good players won't even bother with it, her teleport takes enough time for them to get to a safe spot.
The problem with old Sadako is she was an M1 killer with a very unreliable power. Teleporting isn't the same as a hatchet you can throw or a instant down from stalking, Dredge is a prime example of this. There should be a back and forth with the tapes, be it with the current Sadako or with some adjustments/changes. People who want old Sadako don't remember how many Sadako players desperately wanted buffs because she was effectively just an M1 with a stealth ability that can be heard/seen with heartbeat sensor.
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@radiantHero23 I‘m so happy that I‘m not the only one defending old sadako.
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My friend. I was there back then. I posted hours of logical arguments about how horrible this rework would be. Many others supported me back then. Since that, we have been waiting and hoping. I'm so happy that maybe we will get our girl back. I have her sitting at p67 since the rework. I would gladly make her my second main next to pig again. She deserves it.
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I only meant the tapes shouldn‘t be like now, where they are mostly used to counter condemned. They should counter only her tp. I think they should be buffed to be more useful against the TVs and still give the condemned if you hold them too long and when you put them in it reduces the stacks like before.
You could very well use the tp in chase and get value out of it, I had never an issue with it.
In my opinion she should get her old version with some buffs like the pallet immunity and shorter tv cooldowns ( maybe no cooldown). The tapes should make a longer cooldown (or be the only thing what deactivates TVs). So people will interact with it. Also I would like a more effective glitching and a faster switching between her power, I think it was faster before.
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And I'm saying that focusing the tapes to be a TV counter is pointless because nobody cared if Sadako teleported to a TV. I remember back then when survivors could do tapes in your face because of the hit cooldown and negate your condemned pressure. It pretty much created the slug condemned playstyle.
But let's step back from condemned for a second, using TP in chase is a waste of time because you lose distance due to the amount of time it takes, unless the survivor continues to run into your TV in which case is on them entirely, and STILL can be done now with current TV cooldowns.
Personally with her current iteration, I'd like to see full condemned not Mori until death hook, and condemned give negative effects based on how high the stacks are. I've seen good suggestions too, like how tapes spread condemned when hooked with one instead of breaking like the PTB. Going back to old Sadako is asking for a straight nerf to new interactions while doing nothing that's been an issue for both new and old changes.
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I was 4th in the leaderboards back when she got "nerfed". I cad constistent matches while only using cabin sign. I had consistent moris. It was genuinely a matter of strategic skill. Did i wante her buffed? Of course i wanted that. but that also why i wrote and fought so much on the ptb back then. I wanted what was best for her. This rework wasnt it and perosnally ruined this killer for me. I have since played her very rarely. I still love the character and hava a small rotten remains statue next to my pc that i build over months with clay.
Saying that she was only an m1 killer with stealth is downright wrong and i have to say it: SKILL ISSUE.
Playing her well resulted in a consistent but pretty hard killer. It was strategic skill. Thats something most players dont enjoy learning. For me it was what made her unique.
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Mechanically yes, she was worse than Wraith. You can say skill issue all you want and flaunt leaderboards but when her only viable playstyle was slug condemned or condemned tunneling it doesn't change the fact it wasn't good or interactive.
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I didn't slug or tunnel. I genuinely played her well.
Is this so hard to understand?
I was omnipresent and counted stacks in my head. I used a build that made this possible.
Stbfl, discordance, face the darkness and surge.
Addons: only cabin sign.
If you didn't perform well with her. Sorry but you didn't play her well enough to make her consistent.
Did I win every game? No. No killer should.
Playing for condemned doesn't mean slugging or tunneling. I said that back then and I say this now. I'm honestly sick of peoe who reduce her to this playstyle.
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what are your talking about? i play onryo almost everyday. Onepumpwillies who is onryo main also plays her. He is done 200+ winstreak with add-on and 100 winstreak with no perks or add-on's. your post are make no sense at all. Onryo is better killer all-around. Your inability to play Onryo is your problem. Onryo is not getting buffed. She's going get gutted.
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Why does the Twins rework keep getting pushed back?... 😪
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Well I hate to break it to you but I did just fine with old Sadako too. I can still say she was very weak and there was a good reason a lot of people wanted buffs.
And unfortunately for both of us, slug condemned is still the biggest issue regardless of what version Sadako is in.
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I agree on that. She wasn't the strongest. She did deserve buffs. But she didn't deserve what she eventually got.
You don't tell me something new. I played her since she came out on a daily basis.
Sorry if I'm a bit passive, but I very much dislike to repeat myself about her being viable if played well.
It's getting old.
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But what would be the difference to how Sadako is received now in that regard? From what I've seen people still hate to play against her. Arguably even more than before the rework.
The main complaints about old Sadako came to down to the slugging condemned play style, which she can still do. Arguably even better than before. So changing her to be closer to her old design would improve the situation even, if they didn't try to get rid of it.
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You do realize that there is a difference in strength and fun right?
Sadako lost all that made her unique.
I'm not unable to play her. I'm VERY able to play her. She's so easy and stupid against solos that she's grown extremely boring to me. Just spam, remember stacks and kill. If that's interactive to you, I don't know what to tell you.
If she getting "gutted" means that I can finally enjoy her again, then im all for that.
And for the last time: she wasn't awfully weak back then. Just unintuively to play good for a majority of players.
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I also don't like to repeat myself, but I will if I have to.
I've dedicated a lot of time to Sadako, as I said before I started the game with her and was oblivious to her power compared to other killers until months later. It was a bit of a shock how weak she was once I tried other killers, and I was getting consistent 2k-3ks with her at the time, sometimes 0k if survivors held W and looped well.
When the change was coming I was skeptical at first, my favorite build was VCR/Iri Tape with Deadman's Switch, Surge, Bamboozle and whatever 4th perk I felt at the time. I felt like the change would demolish that build if TVs were more interacted with. And now after all this time I still run the same build and it's just as effective, if not more so, because of cooldowns and survivors actually having a secondary objective. I was very wrong thinking the changes would nerf her at the time and I can admit that now, but I still can agree on current issues people abuse. I even swapped Iri Tape with Photograph and could still keep momentum in a trial.
Now thinking back to old Sadako and current, we will lose a lot more interactivity and pressure compared to old if they bring her back to that state, which is honestly disheartening. And to ensure there's no bias on my part, I felt the same when flashlight burn got removed.
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I want the strategic teleporting back. That's all. Spamming my button is boring and uninteractive. Yes. Less tapes will be used. But she will have better map traversal due to no cooldown. That was a big upside of old Sadako. It would also bring back the interaction of chasing survivors into TVs to condemn them mid chase.
Old Sadako was, at least for me more interactive and less spammy. Using tapes was a risky endeavor and lead to intense gameplay in many situations. Right now it's mostly : delete any progress instantly or die on the spot. That's not fun for me.
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She doesn't have a chase power though, even now. If the survivor is at a loop and you're playing Sadako, what's your power doing for you?
At best you can try to mindgame with demanifesting/manifesting but against good survivors that doesn't usually work, and is even worse at high-wall loops. Teleporting and condemned do nothing to help chasing. Even when a survivor is fully condemned, you still need to chase them as a regular m1 killer and hit them twice to get the mori.
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You still have strategic teleporting now though, I still use strategic movement through TVs and sometimes still cut off survivors if they're not careful. Using tapes is still risky, if not riskier now than ever before. As I said, people could straight up remove condemned in your face before and ruin your entire momentum if you were building condemned. The only real change now is survivors need to touch tapes and there's a shorter TV cooldown in terms of that playstyle. A good example is my VCR/Deadmans combo where, to this day, I still can get 2, sometimes 3 gens blocked because they think I teleported near them.
And my only real complaint with her now is how easy condemned slugging is. Changing how the mori is achieved by second hook is probably the best change for everyone.
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I had Stbfl. No putting tapes in my face.
Tapes back then where way scarier. Sadako was able to predict the correct TV and harass survivors trying to put it in. Also a survivor putting the tape in wanst the end of the world. 3 correct teleports and they where again in the danger zone.
She was unique and fun.
All that is gone now.
But hopefully it will return and all the hard work that I and many others on the Ptb feedback put in will finally pay off.
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One perk to avoid a problem most will run into, a problem most people have with the balance of this game overall.
Tapes were not scary at all. There were games survivors would just rush gens and leave because they could avoid condemned and never touch tapes until necessary. Tapes now are far scarier because they have the drawback of getting hit could result in a death. Tapes before just gained you condemned, which only made survivors avoid them more since you could easily run away when she teleported nearby.
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I think I failed to make my point clear. Carrying a tape was way scarier back then.
Did you read out Ptb feedback back then?
Players like @OnryosTapeRentals and me had long posts about constructive changes and how her problems could and should get fixed.
Are they still somewhere out there for people to read?
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I also remember endless discussions as to why the old tapes were pointless to interact with.
And I do remember a lot of Sadako suggestions. I agreed with some, disagreed with others. I still think Sadako's old system was bad and not the best to go back to, and all of the suggestions in the feedback forum won't guarantee BHVR will use them and will make her less mechanically interesting for the simple reason that players don't know how or refuse to interact with her power.
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In my opinion I was happy that they didn‘t use them so all my TVs were on.
I don‘t ever played the condemned way I just tped around and it was fun. Also I did well and got almost everytime 2-4 kills. It‘s not like it was a problem that they didn‘t take one.
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And as I said, it was pointless against survivors who knew to avoid condemned, run from teleports and largely ignore tapes because they simply could and just loop the M1 killer.
It's not bad that survivors need to interact with the killer power. It's kinda weird I have to argue that considering most other killers have that stipulation as well. Heck, I'm even asking for nerfs to her current power, just not gut her back to when she was kind of a joke compared to other killers.