I will never get this community man

I've seen so much stuff on here about how toxic survivors act and how hard it is to play killer etc.

Now the killer side gets a really strong killer with chucky and out of 10 matches against him so far I had:

  • 9 4ks
  • 5 chuckys spamming EZ without anyone else even saying something after the match in endgame chat
  • 4 chuckys just letting the entire team bleed out
  • 9 matches 5 gen tunneling one guy out
  • 4 matches proxy camping the first surv on hook
  • 3 guys telling my team how bad we are and to unalive ourselves (not swf but solo queue)
  • 5 chuckys just running around the last survivor on the ground refusing to hook him

Why can apparently nothing good or strong happen in this game without people immidiately abusing it for toxic puposes be it killer or survivors.
