I will never get this community man

I've seen so much stuff on here about how toxic survivors act and how hard it is to play killer etc.
Now the killer side gets a really strong killer with chucky and out of 10 matches against him so far I had:
- 9 4ks
- 5 chuckys spamming EZ without anyone else even saying something after the match in endgame chat
- 4 chuckys just letting the entire team bleed out
- 9 matches 5 gen tunneling one guy out
- 4 matches proxy camping the first surv on hook
- 3 guys telling my team how bad we are and to unalive ourselves (not swf but solo queue)
- 5 chuckys just running around the last survivor on the ground refusing to hook him
Why can apparently nothing good or strong happen in this game without people immidiately abusing it for toxic puposes be it killer or survivors.
Thats just how killer players are in like 90% of the matches. Nothing different.
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For every one of those games you get? I get the same from survivors. ######### gonna be #########, its not a "sides" thing.
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He’ll probably be nerfed at the mid-chapter patch. Release the Killer strong, get sales, nerf to keep Survivors happy.
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The Mettle of Money strategy was Made for This very purpose!
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Why are you referring only to THIS community?
Literally in any other online PVP game if devs adding something strong or op into the game, everyone is abusing the living "S" out of it.
It's not about DBD community, It's a HUMAN thing.
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oh you ATE with thissssssss😍
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That's BHVR's new Ultimate Weapon to make good money.
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Yeah, this concept shouldn't be very Alien to us anymore.
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The "brat" edition of it anyway.
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Pretty much this.
Some people are just toxic. Doesn't matter what side they play.
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Good thing that's exclusive to killers and survivors are shining beacons of virtue.
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All the years I've been playing I've never received any salt from killers. Its all been from survivors. So I find this strange
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I mean, this is not surprising. I remember when people complained a lot about tbagging (what they still do, because spamming crouch is evil) - and then Ghostface was released. Guess what was the first thing Killer Mains did with him? Yep, teabagging.
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well if you only play solo queue then you only see the matches that killers play against you in solo queue, if you play the killer as well you will see its not all solo queue that you face, a decent chunk but you will have matches where you struggle
also dbd players are just toxic so 90% of what they do is because its a way of life ig
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Not met a lot of chill Chuckys yet, has to be said. Treat us Survivors to a gen or two. It's nearly Christmas.
Thankfully I've dropped out of the MMR where I have to face the same new Killer 30 times in a row, so it's not been all that bad.
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I watched a stream of people with no knowledge of Chucky prior 2-4 man escape across 5 matches.
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THIS. It's the same for every CoD or FifaXY. There are allways enough people to support and buy that stuff.
This is future, Diablo immortal in every game xD
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I have played against him 3 times and have escaped twice with relative ease. The other time my team were newbies since they could not hit skill checks at all. I don't even fully understand his power. The one I lost to was toxic just because I could loop.
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And here's me who only sees 'ggs' and fair (but sometimes tough) plays from either sides for about 50 trials before seeing a teabag or 'ggez'.
Can't tell if it's a regional or mmr thing.
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Lol. They only tell a fraction of the nerfs. Remember when the tail went across the board??? Yeah me too or it's that the Mandela effect? I still have fun with Alien though.
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Wait til the upcoming survivor chapter lol I'm not buying it, because the perks will be great but inevitably nerfed.
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Yeah, I love when people say dumb isht like that; tell me you play pretty much only one side without actually saying it.
Your average surv player is just as nasty, sweaty, and toxic as your average killer player, no question. People are generally just the worst.
In fact, you're more likely to run into a POS surv since you play against 4 every match.
I just have all my chat/messaging disabled, and don't even expose myself to it anymore. Keeps me from feeling even worse about my fellow humans than I already do, lol.
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I was wondering about the same thing...
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I think its mmr based, at least based on my experience. When playing solo or using a killer that i main i get either friendly or indifferent players.
But when i am playing with my less experienced friends or with a killer i barely play (and i assume i have low mmr with them) the amount of players that bm is considerably higher.
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It was pretty interesting that MFT was nerfed right before a killer-only paragraph O_O
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Chucky isn't strong, he's just not weak and easy to play which = total destruction vs most of solo q and below average swfs.
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Yup, some killer players can be extremely nasty when they feel like it. I think a lot of them are children. That's why they tend to just project their feelings onto everyone else. They accuse survivors of being toxic, when they are out there being as anti-social as they can be. When you critique their behaviour they just call you a survivor main, or blame it on survivors in general, and refuse to engage with any criticism.
Fortunately most killer players are not like that at all. Don't let the worst ones make you think that they are a majority, they are not. They are just very loud and very obnoxious.