Hag & Huntress Changes?

Iām genuinely surprised. I thought that these were some of the most well-balanced killers in the game. š¤
I hope there will be a BIG changes to Hag's power. Small twicks isn't enough imo.
Maybe even completely reworking her.
"I've no clue why they want to change something about Huntress... It's a killer with one of the most higher pickrates"
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respectfully I disagree, the lease amount of changes the better, if hag starts having a high pick rate players will complain and want her nerfed. š£
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Oh come on man, her power is so outdated and doesn't fit into the game's pace anymore. And you know it! xD
She is so rare, but still no one likes to play against her. There is no recover other than changing her power completely, SADLY!
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All I need for the Hag to no longer be able to spam her traps all around the hook
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You could say the same about nurse...
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Nah, Nurse is completely different in this regard.
Players don't like nurse because (in short) she is op in the right hands.
Hag tho? She is completely not op, nor even strong if you know how actually easy to counter (play around) her traps. People hate to play against hag, just because she is a "Territorial killer". She just sits on one part of the map, she doesn't chasing anyone.
It's a boring gameplay. I used to like her and even maining her. But I just came to realisation that you can't get better at her, than "this".
Her limits basically all in the survivor's knowledge. If they know what to do - Hag is the object of bullies.
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What are the odds it's just a nerf to Iri Head for Huntress?
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My guess is they make her 115 but make it so you have to land 3 hatchets to down now. Because of the new "orbital strike" strat that is going around with her making it so she can insta down people once you practice enough.
Can't anything skillful making more killers viable now.
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Hag kinda sucks in this new meta tbh
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But Huntress is fine. She's good at what she does and she has plenty of room for skill expression and counterplay. She might be somewhat basic, but that's not necessarily a bad thing.
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Probably nerfing Hag to prevent her from proxy camping. Hag is fine. Don't know why they are changing her.
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I don't disagree with you. But like i said, when new strats come out for killers that requires a ton of skill to pull off but makes them as powerful as the orbital strike huntress, they tend to nerf that killer.
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That's not what I meant, sorry.
I meant that Nurse also has an extremely outdated killer design. Thats all.
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If BHVR doesn't want Hag to excessively create a 3 gen, then she needs to have a much larger teleport range. Because right now, her teleport range is "3 gen"
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That's why I always bring at least 1 teleport range addon.
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Hag might be disliked but she's in a very weak spot right now, while also having some terribly unfun mechanics/add-ons
So she does need an update more than just a few tweaks
Regarding huntress, I just hope they're reducing her fridge-like hitboxes to something more decent (uhm acktchualy that hit was because of latency āļøš¤)
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Hag is one of the least played killers despite her being quite strong when played properly. Its a classic case of strength and fun not always going hand in hand.
I think they're trying to make her more appealing to play.
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I agree. I don't play her often but I do have fun playing her. I joke that I do better with the "ugly" killers. She is lethal but she does still have that camping ability if used that way. Maybe they are trying to get away from that. I try to place my traps like I do with the Trapper unless you get those flashy mcflashies.
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Hag being a territorial Killer... and 3 Genning is a thing... it makes sense that they had to make changes to her
Huntress is a projectile Killer... finding any angles to get hatchets to hit... and some of the addons are a bit weak
Here we are discussing about Killers that aren't talked about... thinking of how BHVR is going to change them
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I hope The Hag will get a complete rework.
She is boring to play as her and godawful to play against her.
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Hag is probably one of the most hated killers to verse. So boring, and you can't go anywhere as she just has traps in every spot, can't hold W, can't loop, can't use a pallet or window and she can place multiple traps in the same area like at a hook or gen. Just annoying to go against. She's also exceptional at holding a 3 gen, she basically just takes over one side of the map and all you can do is progress one side of the map and then die on the other.
You can't counter her power while in chase, as the counter is crouching which you obviously can't do if being chased and the other counter is removing the trap which again obviously can't be done in chase as you just don't have the time to remove it and not get hit or downed.
As for huntress, I hope the most they're doing is maybe increasing her base movements speed a little, I don't think she really needs messing with otherwise.
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Rework : Nope
Nerf : Yes
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I wouldn't call Hag well-balanced, lol. Way too addon-reliant against survivors knowing what they are doing.
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I could talk for hours about what changes Id love to see to Hunty's add ons, but I think they said the second group of killer changes is just number tweaks and i'm not sure I want to know what that means.
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If they actually do that I'd like to hope there'd be enough community backlash to get them to revert it. She doesn't need any of that and she is a popular killer.
If she needs any changes at all it would be adjusting her addons but they did say it was basekit adjustments so honestly I have no idea what they have in mind for her.
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The community also backlashed with the billy changes when all he needed was instasaw removed. But it still went through.
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hags is out place? hag doesnt break the rules of the game like nurse she is fine
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With huntress i hope is something about his camping ability
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While thatās true, that was 3 years ago and I think theyāve gotten better since then. When they tried to nerf the Engravings addons earlier this year and saw all the negative feedback, they reverted them. When they tested 24 second healing on a PTB and saw all the negative feedback to that, they went back on it and nerfed medkits instead which was exactly what shouldāve happened the first time. They canceled basekit UB after seeing how many problems it created. And more.
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For every one of those examples i can give you other ones as well.
There was tons of backlash over what MFT was going to do, and yet it took them 6+ months to finally nerf it for example.
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How could they? It's already pretty bad, IMO, unless you're a god Huntress.
Even if you were a god Huntress, wouldn't it be way better to have all your hatchets?
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That I will give you. There was no reason that perk should've been in the game in its previous state for as long as it was.
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Thats the only annoyignly unfair thing about her. Especially... basement hag.
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When I saw Clown and Huntress I assumed they were going after the insta-down add-ons. Seeing as they are used to hook camp.
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Fair point, but again, not sure how they could make it any worse/different. It's downside is already a pretty big one, imo. Maybe rework it to be something else, but I doubt a nerf.
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I did have a brief conversation with Reinami(?) who thinks it might be related to the orbital strike tech. If that's the case I'd hope BHVR would simply make changes to limit it's use, rather than change Huntress. I did enjoy watching OhTofu going for orbital strikes though.
Yeah, I'm not sure how you nerf it. Iri Head and Pinkie Finger have both been nerfed previously, and it didn't stop hook camping. So they will probably rework it into something else if they make changes to it. I'm still hoping Clown gets an add-on that spawns fake chests that release Clown gas. That would be amazing.
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Hag is so easy to bully that I understand if they want to buff her a bit.
Given what they've done to Trickster, I'm afraid of what they'll do to Huntress.
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Nerfing something that requires high skill? That would be an insult to the efforts provided by the few players who painfully learned it. (DBD_Things was the first one I believe)
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I'd love to see Iri Head reworked to work something like Death Slinger's Iri Coin add on, Hatchets are only insta-down when a survivor is hit from far away. (20m might not be far enough for her though)
I'd also love to nuke the Foot Wraps and replace it with something like Wraith's Universal Bell add-on. Survivors would hear her lullaby at all times regardless of actual distance from her.
And Wooden Fox changes from undetectable for 30s after reloading to undetectable outside chase or when holding a fully charged hatchet or something of that nature. Wooden Fox isn't a bad add-on as is, you definitely can catch people off guard with it, I'd just like to see more add-ons that promote a "Silent Hunter" play style with her considering she is one. It's all over her lore she uses intimate knowledge of her surroundings to ambush her targets.
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I can't even remember the last time I got orbital striked lol. I mean, currently, if a Huntress is face-camping (or clown), shoouldn't the Surv get the free unhook? Unless it's Endgame, but according to BHVR, it's fine and fair to camp then.
Whatever they do to her, I hope they don't ######### with her too much. Other than her hit-boxes, I have a really good time playing against Huntress, even if i die. I can't play as her for #########, but I also hope they keep her fun to play. BHVR has a tendency to over-nerf killers.
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Making them both 115% obviously
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Maybe she is loosing the insta hatchet addon or they find a solution for her hatchet hitbox or she get a rework like nurse to work properly with dedicated servers.
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It's just a theory. We don't have any idea what they are doing with her, so maybe orbital strike will stay intact. Other than Iri Head, I don't know what they might want to change.
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An hypothesis. But yes, Iri Head is the one thing I wouldn't mind changing. I've used it only a few times over the last few years and it made me feel ashamed every single time.
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Huntress seems to be loved by the people who play her and survivors too. I don't play Huntress but I enjoy playing against her. In some ways she feels too perfect for an overhaul.
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Indeed. She is my second favorite killer to play and to verse.
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I was a Hag main quite some time ago. I really liked her when i started playing, but then i've graviteted towards other killers (Deathslinger, Dredge, Knight).
I wish we could test Hag as 4.6 killer. I don't know if it would be too strong or balanced, by i feel she would play so well it some small changes.
Another thing that some Hag mains said is that the change to be able to remove traps at will was a huge nerf for Hag, as coordinated teams could destroy her setup really fast.
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It might well be that they will make both 115% and nerf them in some other way.
It would make designing maps a lot easier for them tbh since they dont have to bother thinking about would huntress or hag make These loops even if they cant trap or are out of hatchets.
The way they went with trickster at least points to that since it wasnt really necessary to give him 115%. They could have just tweaked his Power
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Me, especially anytime I have a daily with her.