2.6.0 patch release and optimization

Does anyone know when the 2.6.0 patch will be released on all platforms?
How does the game look like with the new CPU, GPU and contextual optimization?
Will the optimization patch bring specific or greater benefits for PS4 Pro owners?
When it's ready.
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That would depend on when it's ready. It's programming; not cooking.
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My guess is march 22, 2 weeks of ptb and a couple days
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Well normally PTB should have been released 1 week ago but they took their time, at this point, nothing is really clear.
Normally, they release the chapter 2 weeks after the PTB and this means that not this week but next week around Tuesday or Wednesday.
Again, we were expecting it to be released last week around Tuesday and we were wrong. Don't take this comment so seriously.
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Christmas break threw them off the pattern that we typically followed with the previous chapters that was part of this roadmap.
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maybe it's just me but in the PTB I lost 10-15 fps.
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Best case scenario, March 19th.
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I'd like a 1-week PTB to remove the most nasty bugs, then the patch public release to allow all players to try out minor bugs on their platforms.
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This patch only upgrade the unreal engine to 4.21, there is not any optimization in this update.
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The updated engine has better optimization, in theory.
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@BlackReaper What? They wrote the opposite: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/49456/optimization-status-update-road-to-60fps
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Not exactly, update the graphic engine means better tools and sometimes improve the current tools and gadgets. But it is not literally an optimitacion work.
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Well, in the last chapter they update the unreal engine and we all have a lot of problems with lights, frame rate, sounds bug, etc etc. So is not literally an optimitacion update.
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As I understand it, updating the engine also means updating the functions that are built into it that are used by developers to, y'know, develop. That's why updating game engines can often introduce bugs to pre-existing features.
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The "correct" release would be in 13th March, because there are a new emblem/ranking system and starting with the old emblem/ranking system for a few days and suddenly the harder one is a bad decision.
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The patch notes say this:
"Feature - Integrated an updated version of the Unreal Engine (4.21, from 4.20)."
"This update also contains some additional optimizations for all platforms"
It says both of those lines here:
That appears to indicate two things, an upgrade to 4.21 Unreal Engine and some additional optimization as well.
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A technical question for @not_Queen and @Patricia: will the optimization patch bring specific or greater benefits for PS4 Pro owners? Thank you in advance. :)
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Im assuming either the 19th or 20th since PS4 Japan said that the DLC would release on the 20th.
Heres Paulie Esther's tweet about it: