Sorry that your teammates are letting you down solo queue!

Dcing or ending it on hook is quite common as I play soloq survivor or killer.
I just had a match where I downed 2 adas as they ended up being close together, and then the dwight was afk and since he was nearby I just downed him too, then I saw ace, he dropped from the garden of pain top window right in front of me and I didn't hit him the adas saw me not go for him so he's able to go and pick up the other survivors while I go hook one of them but the Ada just started ending it on hook and ace was bming (for obvious reasons) and so she dc'd, the other ada dc'd and then the dwight dc'd.
I get that it was a bad start but yall still had a chance, I wasn't gonna end the game at 5 gens with 3 slugs, I'm not a comp player 😭 I woulda pulled back a bit and let them have some progress but poor ace was left by himself, so we just did a 1v1 and then I let him get hatch.
Unfortunate this is so common cause not all killers are like this where they'll at least give survivors a chance for at least a little while or give last survivor hatch, so unaliving early or dcing early just messes up the game for your teammates to where they have no chance to escape besides one, possibly with hatch.
Keep in mind of other plays in the match, if you decide you don't want to play I can't stop you but most matches are like 15 minutes or less and it would be nice if you stuck around at least for early game.
I'll be completely honest, I 100% would have killed myself, too. You say "I get that it was a bad start but yall still had a chance, I wasn't gonna end the game at 5 gens with 3 slugs, I'm not a comp player" but 99.99% of killers happily take the 4k at 5 gens and solo queue is frustrating enough.
I need to play for hours to have just one good game. Can't repeat it often enough, if you want people to not give up that early then ask the devs to improving matchmaking so that solo queue is a better experience. I never kill myself because I'm having a bad game when I start off playing for the day, I'm killing myself because I had nothing but bad games for 3-4 hours and finally want a single good one as quick as possible and sticking in a lost match for five more minutes makes a difference to me at this point.
Small hint if you really want to be nice, if I want to give up and throw myself at the killer and the killer doesn't hook me I will typically take this as a sign that the killer wants to play fair and not camp, tunnel or otherwise sweat hard, and I'll motion the killer to come and chase me and keep playing normally after that and not kill myself when hooked.
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the match loses its fun real quick after you realize you are being spared, as opposed to realizing killer is just being nice or loosening up a bit.
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Well maybe this match wasn't the best example. But too often and too early in a match if I quickly down someone (or the killer when I play survivor) they dc or kill themselves on hook, leaving their teammates to suffer. Solo queue is very painful, I am definitely frustrated by solo queue too and will dc or off myself in certain situations, but removing yourself from the match early either because it's a specific killer, certain map, got downed too quick or whatever just seems too much and very sucky for your team who then reap the consequences of that. Bhvr definitely has a part to play in improving this, but so do other survivors tbh.
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Personally if my entire team dcs I just suicide on hook because I don’t want a bot team