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More stompy games let to me giving more free escapes

Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162
edited December 2023 in General Discussions

Hello everyone,

Just some food for thoughts. Maybe this is the Scott Jund effect, but these past couple of games a lot of survivors ads giving up on purpose against even the slightest of controversial killers, ie I had this effect with Knight, Skull Merchant and, of course, Chunky.

People also seem to feel the impact the MFT stranglehold being broken and trash loops being trash again and not making it to the next loop in a cheeky matter.

As a result, after that MMR hiccup we had recently, I know have way more stompy games, with sometimes two survivors dead at 3 gens.

This lead to me to actually play less sweaty, much more relaxed and freely giving hatch or letting the last two survivors go and finish the last gens in peace, when I couldn't decide whom of them to kill off.

I don't know what the conclusion of this is, I am just stating my observations and wanna check in with others and if they noticed similar effects. It feels a bit like post 6.1 with suddenly everyone playing bad, dying left and right and everything reassembling.


  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,480
    edited December 2023

    Thats weird.

    Because after MMR "hiccup" I'm getting 9 out of 10 games against total tryhards with usually 3 or 4 ppl in a party.

    Well at least my games become really engaging and fun.=) I don't need to "restrict" or hinder myself against such good players, I can finally let loose and play as sweaty as they do.

    Before MMR changes, when I was getting more casual players (or not expirienced), I was just like you btw.=) When I saw that survivors can't deal with a pressure I'm making, and they are about to lose at 5, 4, 3 gens, I was purposely handicapping myself by:

    1. Letting them safely unhook and only then start a chase.
    2. Completely ignoring the unhooked survivors. (Even if they purposely "dancing" in front of me)
    3. Just injuring \ downing dead on hook survivor and letting them run away \ leave on the ground for like 1 or 2 times.
    4. Picking up downed survivor, instead of chasing down injured survivor near by.
    5. Even letting them complete couple of gens before killing them.
    6. Always letting 1 survivor escape through hatch.

    I know it's not ok, but I do care about survivor's fun in the matches. DBD might be the only game where I do care about other side. And it kinda saddens me when they DC right after first down or even injure.

    And I can't do something about it, unless I see that I'm playing against a really strong survivors stack.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    SM and Knight are understandable, both killers hated so much by community but i just don't know where people are giving up against Chucky?

    Except one match, i don't remember anyone give up against him. And i played against him maybe +100 games and i played +50 games as him as well. Like where is these survivors are giving up agaisnt him? Why my games are hard, i wish i get these teams too but no, nothing.

    People are actually giving me good fight. I still win most of games but some really good teams won against me.

    And when i played against him, same thing. People never gave up. And actually he was enjoyable because he is not braindeadly boring like Knight and SM where you only can shift + w. You can mind-game him and he can outplay you which makes chases excited and fun.

    When i go against SM, most times people are just giving up that's true but this never happened to me with Chucky. So i doubt this is happening so much.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862

    Is this like killers throwing games to ‘counter’ survivors giving up on hook so the devs believe things are balanced?

  • Astel
    Astel Member Posts: 650
    edited December 2023

    Well, some people suicide or DC for various weird reasons.

    I even saw the person writing "I will DC if killer is Nurse/Blight/Huntress" on the steam profile.

  • MikaelaWantsYourBoon
    MikaelaWantsYourBoon Member Posts: 6,564

    Killers are not killing for manipulate stats.

    Survivors are killing themself for manipulate stats.

    What days we are living in 🤣

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    Not everything has a sinister plot behind it, sometimes people, like me, just don't enjoy stomping down and mercilessly slaughtering players who got no chance at all.

    The most fun I have with Chucky is playing him with Trails of Torment. Its so fun to catch survivors offguard because you got no terror radius and then literally jump on them from out of nowhere and give them a heart attack. In the same vein, the Friends til the end/Nemesis combo works so well, but in that case the Obessession knows that something might be up, while Trails of Torment Chucky can approach with his small stature and get many unexpected hits.

  • Dogma_loki
    Dogma_loki Member Posts: 436

    You sound like you are stating this as a fact.

    Its not.

    At best, it’s pure conjecture.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,221

    Also keep in mind the role queues are going to be extremely one-sided right now with the release of Chucky, and matchmaking is going to have to compensate somehow. Things are going to be weird for a week or two with everyone queuing up to try Chucky.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    Thats a good point! We have a singular killer release with no survivor to split the hunger for new content, so thats a good explaination why MMR feels so weird right now,

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,582

    You do realise, that this doesn't help, don't you?

    Letting survivors go decreases your MMR and gives you worse survivors overall and the survivors that escaped have their MMR inflated and go against someone even better.

  • sulaiman
    sulaiman Member Posts: 3,219

    I think you should never give free escapes, because the number of kills vs escapes are the only metric the devs use to balance the game. Everything you do to tilt that numbers just lead to false results, keeping the game less balanced than it could be.

  • Bloodartist
    Bloodartist Member Posts: 124

    I haven't been following the forums for ages... What "MMR hiccup" do you mean? What happened?

    I noticed today and last night that I was going against way more beginning(lower level) players than usual, which I find very strange. But I also don't play that much to begin with. Are all experienced survivors taking a hiatus because of Chucky?

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 305

    Damn lmao my p100 is nurse and currently trying to p100 huntress I would never get a full lobby with that guy.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,850

    I'm exactly the same way. Unless their cheating, I usually start backing off if they are getting stomped. I almost always let last hatch out, and if 2 survivors are left and there's still 3 gens to do or more, I sometimes just let them repair them all and go after a heal party. I'm not out to make the match experience miserable for anyone.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    Well, thank you. But for real, do I come off as such a bad and unforgiven person? I always thought myself, even while killersided, relatively levelheaded. I think all the times of how to improve the experience for both sides and it took me quite some while to realize, that most people are trapped (or secluded) in their own MMR bracket and corner, thus my gaming experience will be vastly different from others. Whatever. Happy gaming.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,779

    I find it weird because if you wanted to prove a killer was broken, why wouldn't you try your best against said killer for more accurate data?

    Same problem I had with Sadako when she was reworked and sometimes still do. Heck, as survivor I try my hardest against even Knight and Skull Merchant purely because people say they're a nightmare to go against still. Oddly enough, I'm enjoying the SM matches because I find the new drones kinda interesting with being careful about movements around gens and deactivating a ton just to ignore others to sneak gen progression. I also like managing tapes against Sadako, and I'm still bad at dealing with Knight but I do notice sometimes I learn when best to take a hit and not to take a hit, avoid detection with tall walls and whatnot.

    Then again maybe I'm a crazy person who likes going against the odds.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862

    I don’t know you to say you’re bad. And I can’t really answer what other people think of you. In my experience as in based on what I’ve seen, you are very killer-sided. For better or worse. 🤷🏽‍♀️

  • Maelstrom808
    Maelstrom808 Member Posts: 685
    edited December 2023

    For a "(x) main" you are pretty even handed when it comes to balanced opinions. What's better is your posts generally have a lot of thought and consideration behind them rather than being knee-jerk reactions and that's something this forum could use a hell of a lot more of.

    As for the original question, I'll offer the same warning someone else posed: be careful of being too nice as it turns into a exponentially worsening situation. The more survivors would struggle, the more likely I was to let them all go, which would lower my MMR, leading to survivors struggling even more, meaning more free escapes and so on. It ends up being miserable for everyone

    These days I'm very careful to manage my MMR. If I let everyone go, I make sure the next match or two I go hard and get a 3k or 4k to balance it out. I still play pretty fair and avoid intentionally camping/tunneling, etc, but if they are struggling and I just gave a free pass to the last lobby, I just try not to drag it out.

    Usually now I limit it to two survivors escaping to stay MMR neutral on the match. On my normal wins, I almost always let them grab hatch or finish the last gen, just to keep my MMR from swinging the other way too quickly.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    I can only repeat one of my most stated spiels here: yes, I am a killer main, but I also play a fair share of survivors, probably around 30-35% and I have finished every singel achievment and tome challenge in the game, so I have seen nearly everything the game can throw at you from both sides.

    So while I am biased for the killer side, I always try to balance my opinions somewhat out and also see it from the survivors perspective. And as stated a bit higher, I recently came to the realisation that all this different people with their vastly contrary opinions are probably all at least partially right: MMR brackets exists and what happens in my games might not nessecarily happen in yours.

    This leads me to think that the game needs a somewhat more granular approach instead of "one size fit all"-blanket solutions. Low MMR favors killers, high MMR favors survivors, and yet all play with the same set of rules. Thats why this game can never be balanced.

    Awwww, thank you :) This must be one of the most uplifting and nice things someone on this forums ever said to me. I want BHVR to hire me as a balance team member. They need to try a couple of more bold things that are still reasonable and I am their man ;D

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,862
    edited December 2023

    High MMR doesn’t favor survivor. That’s a myth BHVR debunks every time they share stats. By their metrics high MMR killers perform best or at least equivalently to other brackets. I believe mid MMR is slightly survivor-sided.

    Back on topic, I’ll keep my eyes peeled for these balanced takes of yours. You’re insistent about them, and I’d like to form a fair opinion of you.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 5,426
    edited December 2023

    I'd honestly rather not be stomped than get a pity escape. A game where I stand a chance but die anyway is preferable.