Chases are being weird

Is anyone else experiencing this? I've noticed it specifically on Myers and Wraith so far, where chases aren't starting until I hit them.
It was worse on Wraith - I was chasing some Surv's through jungle gyms, yet the chase still wouldn't start. They were in full view of me, to the point I know for a fact a chase should have started. Edit: I was uncloaked when this happened.
Wraith can't start chases while cloaked
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Not only that! I've legit played a match as Xeno, when I downed Meg the chase music didn't end, I thought I'm in a chase with someone else, but I've seen nothing on their HUD, I hooked her, gone into tunnels and the chase music were still playing until I actually gone into another chase.
Besides, fresh scratchmarks were literally appearing and dissapearing right in front of me! It was really weird and annoying.
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Trust me, I am very aware of that. I used to main Wraith, before moving onto Demo and Wesker. I should have specified - While I was uncloaked. Fully out of invis. It was weird - Happened all game.
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Well, I haven't run into anything that weird - Just chases not starting. Both cases it was with stealthy killers, so I'm wondering if that has something to do with it.
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I’ve noticed it when I was playing Tiffany as well. It’s definitely bugged or something.
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Strange. Maybe Stealth is bugged? I know Myers isn't a stealth killer, at least not to the extent of the others, but I was using Dead Rabbit. Maybe that had something to do with it?