why do survivors get so little bloodpoints?

I literally did gens all game, looped the killer, saved teammates and all I get is 20k? I was alive the whole game and then got camped on hook during end game with a bot teammate (he was actually a bot) and all I get is a mere 20k points??
I play killer and maybe even get a 1k and get over 30k bloodpoints 💀
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- 1250 bp per Gen x 5 Gens, 6250 bp in total, split to 4 survivors.
- 1500 bp per unhook x 8 hooks, 12000 bp in total, split to 4 survivors.
- 300 bp per heal, in average after 8 hooks, 8 heal, 2400 bp, split to 4 survivors.
Those are the core score event for survivors, and its only ~20.000bp.
Killers' gameplay is a loop of actions: find a survivor - kick Gen - chase - use power - hit - chase - use power - hit - hook...then repeat the actions. Each of those gives killer BP. Kills dont matter, as long as you're able to make alot of loops of actions, you get alot of BP.
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Hey you used to get an easy 10000 objective points with prove thyself but illogical nerfs ruined that
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Add all the survivor BP together and they are severely out earning Killer in BP every match. More proof that Survivors are the Golden Child.
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Agreed. The whole “we don’t want BP incentives to determine perk choices” was such a bad justification for gutting Prove Thyself/WGLF. I miss getting bonuses from these perks when, as per this discussion, survivor BP rewards are already thin on the ground.
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Your post is satire, isnt it?
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Because both the killer's actions and "competition" from other survivors can limit what categories you can fill and when. Hard to get boldness/objective points if the killer refuses to chase you or chases you the entire match respectively. Hard to get much altruism when that one guy beats you to every unhook and even gets most of the healing done. That kinda thing.
Meanwhile as killer if it's BP you're after you can actually say to yourself "I have enough deviousness points now, I'll go for others" if you really want to.
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There's no excuse for it at this point. When I need to grind BPs I just hop on killer. Consistent BPs every single game. Why they haven't made any changes to this is beyond me. I still can't believe they killed prove thyself and didn't do anything to boost how many points you get for repairing a gen. No word on it from the devs either. Do they not realize how low BPs are for survivors in a game that already has a terrible grind? Imagine being a new player with no incentive and no offerings. You'd probably get 10-15k per game as an inexperienced solo player. Does this not seem silly to anyone else? I think one possible thing you could do is give every survivor 1k each time a gen is completed. It would make survivor scoring feel much better. It would also give the guy who looped the killer for five gens more points as well.
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There really is no point in farming BP on survivor unless you just don't like playing killer. Just isn't worth the trouble.
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I genuinely can’t tell anymore.
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In my experience, killer 's BP usually = avg of 4 survivor's BP.
Unless it is something like a 4 kills or 4 escape game.
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There are still totems, gates, chests and escape points... but still, survivors tend to have fewer BPs than killer.
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It was, but I meant it.
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Coop actions add 200% additional BP. Coop a gen and get 3750 BP between you. 1875 each
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Yeah if prove thyself didnt get it removed you could easily fill the gen points.
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My guess is because they want some incentive to play killer since in general the game is usually lacking a lot more in the killer department than the survivor one for a few reasons. In terms of amount of people playing the role.
That said, personally I wouldn't be against an increase.
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We technically have BP incentives now to encourage people to play a specific role and at least in my zone it’s usually 100% survivor until late evening. But it turns back to survivor after midnight. And remains there until late evening again.
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20K??? Shhhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttt....I'm raking in a whopping 7K each time I'm tunneled out!
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This killer did 0 hooks and she still managed to get the same amount of points as an escaped survivor.
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That's why I said usually. For some people in certain MMR brackets combined with regions and time of play, among other factors, it can be different.
I almost always see it on killer unless there's something going on like recently with the Chucky release. Outside of things like that I'm pretty surprised the once in a blue moon it's on survivor.
Overall, from what I can gather at least, survivors are very much the majority of the playerbase, or at least where most players spend more of their playtime if they play both.
Having a general incentive to the side less played might be their goal.
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Yeah, it’s ridiculous how little survivors get.
Not only that the only resources we have to earning more are offerings (BPS, etc), but they removed pretty much all bloodpoint bonus from the majority of other perks like WGLF or Prove Thyself.
To this day, I don’t understand why they thought that those removals were a good idea.
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Prove thyself was great band aid fix for the problem and instead fixing survivor bp scores unfortunately devs decided to take it away... I thikk my bp scores are almost half less than they used now im lucky to get 20K usually 12-18K normal match. Prove thyself however gave usually chance to get 25-30K.