The loading times in this game are abysmal

It's a loading simulator. Loading screen after loading screen after loading screen. Proceed to continue, return back to end game screen and again having to press continue again because of errors. I spend more time on loading screens than actually playing the game.

When will you fix these atrocious loading times?


  • MikeStev
    MikeStev Member Posts: 385

    You play on PC?

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,995

    If they fix this before any of the actual problems with the game, I'd finally lose all hope for this company.

  • Spare_Them_Mori_Me
    Spare_Them_Mori_Me Member Posts: 1,995
    edited December 2023

    Loading times are absolutely nothing. Get some snacks or something. There's far too many issues in this game than.... loading times. Come on.

    Unless you're new. If so, apologies, ignore me.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Hunkulese
    Hunkulese Member Posts: 436

    Okay, you own it on a bunch of different platforms, but which one are you having a problem on?

    If you have a PC built in the past 10 years, the loading times are fine. I've also played on a Series X and the loading times are fine.

    The number of times where I've even noticed a loading time is maybe once every 20 games. It sounds like your hardware probably needs an upgrade.

  • ShyPirate
    ShyPirate Member Posts: 380

    I play on PS5 and don't really notice a loading time issue. Logging in might take up to a minute, as does loading into a trial. Other than that things are more or less instant for me.

    Matchmaking can take some time, and the lobby too, especially if other players back out or don't press 'ready' but neither can really be blamed on load times.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Laughs in i9.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,864

    When loading into a match, you will get in as fast as the slowest connection will allow. If one of the 5 people participating lives on the moon and uses smoke signals for their internet connection on their Switch, the game has to wait for them to load in before letting anyone start.

  • IamFran
    IamFran Member Posts: 1,619

    More than the loading times the thing annoy me the most is they changed the game intro and put it after the first loading screen, before it was just after starting the game, now you have to press space, skip the intro and continue to the next loading screen. Before this change I could skip the intro, press space, go to take a leak and when I was back the game was already in the main menu, now I have to press space, wait the loading screen and skip the intro before taking a leak. Anti QoL change tbh. 😡

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    Its getting worse every patch, optimization at its finest

  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,304

    loading time not long on my end.

  • Orochi
    Orochi Member Posts: 183

    The only load time that is really a problem is the starting one, but I don't really see how they can make it any faster. Used to take days on my old Xbox but on Series X it's a lot more tolerable.

    The starting match load time is understandable because maps are randomly generated. Also has to account for Killer items/perks/powers if there are any, which I've noticed takes a teeny bit longer.

    None of these times are so ridiculous that it really seems like that big of an issue, TO ME at least. But I have the patience of a Saint so I'm definitely not speaking for everyone.

  • atlasworldcarrier
    atlasworldcarrier Member Posts: 19

    I guess nobody has problems with loading times.

    Even though I suspect them of lying.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Because it’s probably an issue of hardware / internet, rather than a game issue.

    My game loads extremely fast.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,344

    When I fire up DBD on my Xbox series X it takes 83 seconds to get to the main menu. When I select Play as Survivor for the first time it takes 52 seconds to get to that roster. When I select Play as Killer for the first time it takes 55 seconds to get to that roster. Once I've selected either role at least once they both will load in much faster, probably half the time (haven't clocked those yet).

    Back when I played DBD on the Xbox1x it would take over two minutes to get to the main menu. I very clearly remember it hanging on whatever tf "loading RTS store" is, and then hanging on "Initialization complete" for even longer. I don't recall how long it took to load into the rosters, but I think it was faster than the Series X does it for some reason. I imagine all this is absolutely horrific on a Nintendo Switch.

    The point being this game is a resource monster that because of the way it was coded bottlenecks very easily. A strong PC will power through almost anything DBD conjures up, but it is different on the consoles, particularly so on the older machines.

    Back in 2019 on their Road Map they set a goal for getting all platforms running this game at 60 fps minimum. After like two years passed or so they confessed that they simply could not do it on the prior gen machines. Not because of their capabilities, but because of the bottlenecking problems. They even said adding in graphics options like Low or High or Ultra such as PC has would not help at all, and like two years ago they removed the Switch's ability to record their matches to try and improve performance. The code is that unwieldy apparently.

  • ohheyitsbobcat
    ohheyitsbobcat Member Posts: 1,783

    I'm on PS5 and outside of when you first start the game, I think the loading times are fine.

    Most matches load quickly enough. I'd actually enjoy if they did the DRG thing where you could see the loading times for each person. It'd give something to look at while waiting.

  • atlasworldcarrier
    atlasworldcarrier Member Posts: 19

    10 days later and no official response. I give up.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    That’s what I’m saying. I get it 100%. My wife plays on my old Xbox and it takes forever for her to start up, and load in and out of lobbies, whereas it takes me a couple seconds at most.

    My buddy with the new console loads in pretty fast.

    Just older consoles getting old, and contemporary games getting harder for them to load.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,122

    I discovered an issue on pc for loading. If the map is loading and you focus out of the game (like checking on discord/youtube or something), the load times becomes a LOT longer. What usually takes 10 seconds I've seen take up to 45 seconds. Its possible that long map loading times might be caused by other players dropping focus from the game while they wait for it to load.

  • Thusly_Boned
    Thusly_Boned Member Posts: 3,145

    What are you expecting? Them to say "So sorry, we'll get right on that!"?

    There are a number of different loading mechanisms (i.e. loading into the game, loading to the store, and loading into a match) that all depend on different factors, even beyond all the different hardware considerations. It is what it is.

    Loading times are annoying for sure, but if you're making a list of issues with DBD that BHVR should address and loading times even crack your top 10, I think you're deep in the minority, and I don't think it's near the top bf BHVR's list, either.

    I can't even conceive of playing the game on a Switch, honestly. My advice would be to spend whatever disposable income you must have if you own the game on four platforms and upgrade your PC rather than trying play this game on those old/underpowered platforms.

    Unless you enjoy suffering, which you must if you play this game at all.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,864

    Could also mean your playing with different people who play on different hardware. No matter how fast YOUR stuff is, you aren't gonna start before the teammate playing on a Switch.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,864

    I've played on PC, Switch and PS5. The load times are drastically different.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 2,122

    True, but I'm saying my personal loading bar loads in 5-10 seconds unless I move the focus to something else, then it takes up to 45 seconds. Bear in mind, that's my PERSONAL loading bar. Once it's full, you still have to wait for others to load, of course.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,864

    Would be nice if the loading screen was like Warframe's where you can see everyone's loading progress.