Surviving mains just giving up against Chucky. They want nerfs.
Given what happened with xenomorph, they’ll almost certain get the nerfs they’re demanding.
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Yep, I’ve noticed that survivors are definitely getting better at playing against Chucky. Lol
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The only match I gave up since Chucky came out was the one where I got sandbagged from a teammate and the Killer refused to chase/injure/hook the sandbagging player. Simple stuff like this is far more likely the case than a kill rate conspiracy.
Also Grade reset has absolutely nothing to do with MMR/matchmaking.
Also 6 hook states and a death at 5 gens, and you wonder why someone would give up? They didn't have a chance to begin with.
You mean the Killer getting needlessly buffed from PTB to Live and then getting reverted to the fair and un-complained about PTB values? Also with the largest problems of Alien getting free hits from Survivors attempting to engage in the turret counterplay still being intact even after the major change timeframe?
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People are always so quick to label something "useless", "utterly worthless", "pure trash" or "night inviable" if it doesn't make the cut for the big 6 or 7 most strongest or even broken perks or combos. The game actually has a lot of viable perks, but most people are chained forever to the meta and can't fathom moving outside of it.
While the desire to play with the strongest toys is relatable, this is ultimately a crutch, much like tunneling, that inflates your MMR beyond your natural limits. It good practise to sometimes try something new and abandon the meta and just play something you never fathomed. Some Killers and survivors can do fine perkless, so playing with one or two non-meta perks won't hurt, but broaden your horizon.
Survivors hadn't had a cool strong perk in a long while, and then along came MFT, that many embraced. The unfortunate thing with MFT was that it wasn't just a "cool and strong perk", but it broke the game on so many places and made playing certain killers utterly miserable. Survivors who feel like this because of MFTs nerf have my sympathies, but that perk couldn't stay in its form and that it survived this long is beyond me. MFTs speed boost is now very situational and rather awkward to use, thats right, but you can still perfectly use this perk for its picking up utility.
Eruption in its late form had to go for similar reasons and I don't mourn its passing. The new Eruption is way less impactful and niche, but it's far from "utterly useless" and you can build around it. Especially since its not met anymore and no-one expects it.
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I generally main survivor, and really am not that annoyed by Chucky. Any game I have given up on was not due to any mechanic of the new killer and everything to do with "anyone can play any killer like utter trash" kinda vibes. If they were ping-ponging the hooks and tunneling, I'm out. Slugging with 5 gens up, I'm out. The line when "they couldn't get saves" makes me think this may have been more about camp n' tunnel and less about Chucky. You were also playing on the worst map this game has to offer and I have seen several Chucky players request it because the small sq footage and straight hallways make those lunges real easy.
They were probably also eating pizza and waiting for you to suicide em out so they could avoid a DC penalty.
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Considering someone in the thread was lowkey supporting it I really don’t think it’s a “conspiracy”
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It's certainly possible some people play that way. In fact, I'd say given how many players there are, inevitable. On both sides.
The idea though that there are enough people doing it to even make a dent in the numbers is where the conspiracy part silliness comes in.
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One person claiming that the idea in general doesn't sound so bad doesn't mean there's a mass survivor agenda, which is what the conspiracy has always been. There aren't secret hidden underground communities full of colluding survivors trying to skew kill rates. Survivors have been communicating their dissatisfaction with the game repeatedly and publicly, and the reasons behind that dissatisfaction is more likely to be behind their in-game actions. In this case, it's more likely that they're sick of seeing Chucky every single game.
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"... it's more likely that they're sick of seeing Chucky every single game."
This. I'm personally taking a break until at least the 13th. Then I also won't have Grades/pips to lose.
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[Deleted Double-post]
Post edited by Demodorkin on0 -
I believe it's an mmr-thing. Back when I was a baby-killer I have seen it regularly - hell I started as a Pinhead main.
These days it just never happens, even if I hard-tunnel with Skull Merchant.
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Chucky isn't hard to play against, mostly just annoying.
His perk Friends 'til the End needs an adjustment. A cooldown, a resistance timer, a condition, or have it randomly set someone as the Obsession every hook. So many Chucky trials I've wound up in as the Obsession with some ######### teammates that get hooked frequently, and every time I get exposed with the killer making a run right at me.
This is not only an issue in itself, but since a good many players in solo queue haven't had their testicles drop yet, I'm most often the one (or one of two) working gens and pulling people off hooks while the rest crouch their way around the map or inspect bushes. Distortion gets chewed through fast, especially if the killer's running other aura perks. In many of my builds I've had to swap Distortion out for Calm Spirit in to counter the mass use of UW and various other scream perks, and since Friends 'till the End can cause both auras and screams, you're screwed either way.
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So people can't talk about their issues without calling baby, unskilled, noob etc.
The question is who you are calling people being babies?
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I dont think it has anything to do with wanting nerfs, all though is strong and could use a few adjustments. Its the same exact thing as wesker, its all anyone played for 6 ######### months. Every match was wesker. Every match Ive seen has been chucky. I think they are just sick of the same killer over and over and over again they got burnt out. I personally dont think its anything to do with nerfs.
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Yeah don't blame you. It's all Chucky in survivor games, but the queue times are too long for killer. I played a few games against the bots out of boredom. Went back to survivor for more Chucky but then finally got a Nemesis. Switched the game off after that so I wouldn't push my luck lol
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People are just fed up to go against Chucky again and again and again and again and again...
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Yeah but even then if you know chucky is coming which is a pretty big license you can expect the same result as wesker. You just do it to yourself then punish other people.
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Post in 2 months.
”Why are there no Chuckies anymore?”
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I think that's somewhat accurate.
Newer Survivors are more likely to DC or give up due to not understanding the game yet.
Mid-MMR Survivors are more likely to stay due to needing BP or challenges.
High-MMR Survivors are more likely to DC because they'd rather find something else lol
That's how it's been in my experience. Really good players didn't bother against SM, they just quit immediately.
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I think hes pretty fun to play against/as.
What I dont like is that a lot of people use his Power to hard tunnel by just using m1 to trigger the BT of the unhooked survivor and then use their m2 to immidiately down them again.
They should do something about that vut otherwise hes fine imo
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But how can you tell that they were really good if they gave up?
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Because I knew them from tournaments and because I had scrimmed against them before.
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I get Behavior is trying to maximize sales with the Chuckie IP. However, he has too many advantages that doesn't scale to his true killer nature.
- His red stain size needs to be significantly larger that scales with a normal killer. His advantage is already his height, and he currently has a 3rd person FOV, so there's no downsize for being short.
- If you won't expand his stain size, then the killer FOV must scale to his physical size. He's a 1.5ft size doll, his FOV should scale to a 1.5 foot doll. If survivors can't find him, it should be similar disadvantage to be a short killer. Short Kings can't just jump into the NBA and start dunking, sorry.
- His lunge could use a minor tweak, it's basically a better version of Weskers charge or lower his base m/s to 4.3.
- Introduce a survivor with anti-chuckie perks or buff the ones that work against him, such as "Scene Partner".
I would shell out money to counter OP killers just as much as I would do buy OP killers. So, Behavior get your ######### together, survivors are a 4-1 ratio. Would be curious to know from your data who spends more money, survivors or killers. I play both but at a 3-1 ratio (survivor to killer).
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Abusing Xenomorph's unlimited cooldown M2 was a good exploit isn't it? Ailen was broken they just added a cooldown, Alien was problematic.
Post edited by Avo on9 -
Yeah this garbage of trying to force some narrative that this was 'a demanded nerf' instead of a bug fix where there was literally no penalty is insane to me.
It got fixed back to what was on the PTB, and literally no one complained about it during testing.
People got used to not having a penalty for literally whiffing a shot and are lashing out. That's all this is (with Xeno at least).
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OR there were people who wanted to see how it worked out at its buffed speed without the bug.
Shocking, I know.
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Then say that instead.
Because 'sUrViVoRs DeMaNdEd ThE CoOlDoWn AcTuAlLy WorK' is vastly different. Everyone should want the bug fixed in your explanation.
I personally don't think there's any difference in the 0.2 seconds they considered adding briefly, *especially* not something that warrants the amount of crying we've heard about it.
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People correct this assumption regularly. I'm sorry you've never seen it?
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At least you could use JungleGYMs effectively against Xenomorph, but against Chucky everything is different, he just designed for anti-looping. Because he's so short, sometimes you can't even loop it at open pallet spots, when you try to hold w for to switch loops, he can easily catch up to you. He is a third person killer, so he can easily use checkspots which this is the part that literally breaking the whole thing "mindgames in chases." Killer mains nowadays are literally crying over everything about survivors including "Windows of Opportunity" :D
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yes good let’s pretend there wasn’t a huge nerf coupled with the bugfix
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Post edited by Avo on2 -
I had a doctor game on the game where i let out a blast, saw a survivor below me, went down there, didn't see any scratch marks, went to a locker, pulled out the survivor. they insta dc'ed