The gap between solo and swf keeps widening.

I used to play solo que quite often. I would hit iri 1 every month on both sides because I wanted the bp. Now I find even that isnt enough motivation to play solo que. The matchmaking is horrible and I dont know how mmr is working but I'll get a cracked blight who 4ks at 4 gens then I'll get a baby trapper who doesn't even know good trap placements. I have become a killer main simply because playing solo que isn't worth the stress.
Swfs are still extremely strong and can beat most decent killers while solos get stomped. I don't know what could be done but I truly believe we need a way to buff solo que WITHOUT effecting swfs in any way. That part is extremely important. They don't need more help.
idea in game chat also
my fellow killer main i agree with what u r sayin
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This isn't really a solo queue issue you describe here, is it? It's more the matchmaking that is inconsistent. And honestly, even with tunneling being such a big deal right now I'd argue that solo queue is in a better spot in comparions to SWFs than it was in the past. It's not great but the HUD really helps to keep the overall efficiency of many solo survivors up, which fixes one of the worst issues in solo queue. Objective progression being too slow.
There is not a whole lot that can be done, because as you said any advantage that solo queue players get will also work in a SWF. I think that a chat wheel with some simple comments like "Killer near me!", "Come heal.", "Focus on gens." etc. and maybe some ways for survivors to have more information of each other's positions (no base kit Bond, just something in that regard) would work. But even that wouldn't bridge the difference between solo queue and SWFs completely. After all, SWFs know with who they play, so there won't be anyone that just throws the match, doesn't do anything or is significantly worse than everyone else in that lobby.
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Matchmaking is a solo que issue though a lot. A good swf can communicate and adjust there playstyle according to the strength of a killer. Also the swfs players should be in about the same skill level unless they're introducing a friend to the game. In solo que you might get a survivor with 5k hours and another with 500 hours. I would argue that that definitely is a solo que issue.
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solo queue needs voice chat its that simple
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if they getting rid of de pipping I be happier with all the BS on both sides we should mostly safely pip if we not going to pip or double pip
i like getting to iri 1 on both side but getting harder on both sides like i could be 1 pip away to grading up and get some BS games with tunneling/camping or genrushing tryhards be down to one pip to none then starts the back and forth of pipping to de pipping for a lot of matches.
now if grades are time played got nothing to do with matchmaking why am i de pipping? am I going back in time....
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Part of the issue is that a lot of people don't realize when they're that "bad teammate" someone else is complaining about. Not meant to call anyone out, but its a distinct possibility that many people who complain about their teammates in solo queue might not be as good as they think. Likewise killers who find perks/items/playstyles to complain about when they're perfectly fine balance wise.
There's just a lot of ego inflation in this game.
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The reason I made this distinction is that no amount of solo queue improvements would mitigate this. At least not fairly. When one person doesn't pull their weight in a 4v1 then the 4 have to be at a disadvantage. Otherwise this would imply that the game is so unbalanced that they can win in a 3v1.
Anything to help solo queue players specifically during the match cannot change poor matchmaking. Though, I will say that hours don't equate to skill quite that linear. You could play only killer for 5k hours and be a worse survivor than someone that has played survivor for 1k hours.
I reckon most of this is caused by lobby dodging, so maybe they should see how they can work around that. Prioritising that lobby above all else and picking the first suitable candidate (one with about an equal MMR) the game can find should work. At least in theory.
Still even with that fixed solo queue would be a bit rough. SImply because they have trouble to play as a team when that is how DBD should be played. I think a chat wheel is really best option to help with this because it circumvents any language barriers and other issues.
When a community has a reputation as bad as DBD's community about being toxic, I don't think a voice chat is the solution to this problem.
That 13 year old on the other side of the screen can keep their deepest, most intellectual thoughts about having coitus with someone else's parent to themself instead of screaming them into their vacuum cleaner to sound like an impressive metal singer.
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They basically only have 2 options really.
Option 1: They give up and just add voice chat in game so solos can talk to each other.
Option 2: They split up the queues into a ranked mode and unranked mode. Unranked mode is solo queue (or maybe duo queue) only (no SWF) and ranked mode is 4 man SWF only.
Then they can add balance changes to each mode differently. Similar to say Counterstrike, where in unranked matches you are given free armor and defuse kit every round so you just buy guns. Whereas in ranked you aren't given anything and you need to buy armor and defuse kit when you want them. Creating a different dynamic depending on the mode.
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I think the easiest solution for this problem is just adding a Wheel with some determinated messages, as "Repairing", "I will go unhooking", "Killer camping" things like that, you dont need a voice chat, or even a chat, having that wheel that works for the whole map would make a huge difference for solo Q.
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I think the HUD gives solo most of what it needs already (in particular being able to see others repair progress was a huge addition); what is missing that I would add is a "going for the save" and the "killer camping" options you mention, though I used to take fast arm flapping as the latter. The former would almost be enough, imo, as it would save a ton of time and confusion.
And yeah, voice chat in DBD is a big HELL NO from me. In this community? I want no part of that. If it were added, it'd become almost a requirement, and I'd honestly probably stop playing survivor.
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I mean I'm sure the majority of us would start each match with muting everybody in a SoloQ match. I don't have an SWF group and I don't intend to get into any. No comms please!
Do we have statistical data on how many new players join DbD? Let's say each month. You've got to remember that starting afresh also means SoloQs will underperform.
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I'd be okay with voice chat as long as it's proximity chat and the killer is in too. I really want to whisper to survivors as wraith hiding behind a rock.
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I'd rather have more emotes than listen to people I don't know cry all game.
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Nerf items for swfs they should be limited to 1 medkit 1 flashlight 1 toolbox 1 map or key per team, make it so they can't abuse strong items.
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SWF is so coordinated that games tend to star feeling stale or bland. Solo Q is like a circus or closing your eyes before going through a door; you never know what you'll get. For the most part, Solo is a literal nightmare.
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For me, solo games are almost unplayable now. If I don’t get tunneled out of the game early on, I end up being the only one even trying to do gens. It’s like my entire team is just waiting until they’re the last one standing, I guess so they can get the hatch?
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never heard of mute option?
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you can mute them
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I saw you answered my post but it seems the response disappeared. I'll assume you told me the same thing.
You are correct that a mute option would in theory solve this issue. But it would cause a different issue. We wouldn't have this debate, if comms weren't a significant advantage. Adding a voice chat would have a big impact on the overall balance as a result, so the devs would need to make further adjustments with that in my mind. But when you mute the voice chat, you don't have that advantage anymore, which leads to that 13 year old screaming like a banshee having an even worse impact on the match. Apart from that, there is a language barrier between people across the world. Yes, most of us speak English and are able to communicate but that is not the case for everyone and it could easily lead to misunderstandings.
Both of these cannot happen with a chat wheel. Which is why I think it'd be a better option.
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People around the world playing CS and don't have any problems communicating with each other. Even 7 y.o nowadays can speak english on basic level. Devs already balancing game around swf so it's common sense to have in game voice chat.
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Why not add a chat wheel and a voice chat?
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Yeah matchmaking is part of problem it should put sweaty killers agains't swf and more casuals agains't soloQ. But instead worse case it puts sweaty killer agains't soloQ and casual agains't swf. I have died 15 games a row in soloQ and still got sweaty blight next game.
I was doing annoying tome challenge by the way managing to lose that many and lot of tunneling happened. Definetely myself I was not in right mindset to play but I just continue play no matter what until I get challenges done.
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If the devs balanced around SWFs, solo queue would have a real problem. This has never been the case. The hieratchy is solo queue < killer < SWF. A coordinated SWF can defeat most killers in this game by default without too much of a struggle. The ability for this level of coordination allows you to maximise efficiency, share information and set up win-win situations for yourself. If you truly think that killers are balanced around this, then you should probably play a bit more killer and experience first hand how strong coordination in this game really is.
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- Devs give calling feature for Solo.
- Most Solo dont use it because of kids screaming.
- Most Solo disable calling feature.
- The gap still stand.