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What new content would you like to see in the game?

D34D_B34TB0X Member Posts: 361

So far, it has been announced that Mobile will be getting 2v8 and Prop Hunt, which may suck for those like me who've been asking for these things in the core game, especially the 2v8, but at the very least it could be a technically PTB for when it does, because if it turns out to be a success, there may be a chance for it to come to core. There's probably no need to include either of these in the Poll, in that case. And we're getting a DBD game made the Supermassive Games, the same people that made the Dark Pictures Anthology games, so that will more than likely be DBD's Story Mode, maybe it'll be included in the main menu.

What new content would you like to see in the game? 20 votes

New Moris for existing Killers, including the ones we're seeing in Mobile. You could switch through Moris using the buttons you use as Survivors to "point" or "come here".
Rareware0192Marc_go_soloChikytuttoinunavoltaRareFantom47CorvusCorax86XenRedspikeomg_is_that_jesus 8 votes
Custom Background. (The Campfire.)
TommyDorkelson 1 vote
Custom Background Music. (Like if you want the background to be JUST the Stranger Things theme, or the Attack On Titan theme.)
TheSingularity 1 vote
Skins for Power/Items. Like if you want to give The Minotaur a mace in place of Oni's kanabo. Although, there'd be limitations, like for example, bear traps can't glow in the dark, you could add an emote or something, but that'd be it.
kinMooksSmoe 3 votes
A Charms section in the In-game store.
HerInfernalMajesty 1 vote
A Portraits section in the In-game store, so that we can change some of them to the original.
New Emotes for Survivors.
Alix_Redfield 1 vote
The option to shut of Voice Lines for a specific character for both POVs, so that people can play in peace, and they won't have an excuse to complain about Voice Lines. Otherwise, they're either attention seekers, or they just HATE fun and expressiveness.
Archol123 1 vote
A 'Guess Who' mode, if you play GMod or watch any Vanoss videos, you'd know it's like Prop Hunt, but more active. Probably won't need it, but there'd be tons of different characters around the Map. And you'd have to guess who's who so that you can down them. That is, if they ever add AI Killers next.
OctoCatcameraobscura 2 votes
Customizable Pallets, Walls, Lockers and Generators, along with skins for Hooks. If you're playing the Killer, you're technically the Lobby host, so you at least deserve that privilege.
09SHARKBOSSMARChunk 2 votes


  • alaenyia
    alaenyia Member Posts: 633

    Different game modes. Specifically an OG 1st year version or classic mode and/or a no perk.add-on mode. More stuff like the Halloween rift where they are fun diversions on the map not necessarily associated with the main objectives. The built-in unbreakable that was promised or some other action that prevents excessive slugging.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,043
    New Moris for existing Killers, including the ones we're seeing in Mobile. You could switch through Moris using the buttons you use as Survivors to "point" or "come here".

    Many you listed are great but I picked the Moris choice as once I checked a Mori compilation for the mobile version and it was quite amazing.

    Custom background / music would also be great.

    Game mod is tricky... I'd rather see something "really" new instead of 2v8. Or there could be a mod such as the Creative in Fortnite that allows player to tamper with the core game. Thus, fun modes could be introduced where, let's say, people have more perk slots or the other way around: no add-ons nor any perks just "skill".

    09SHARKBOSS Member Posts: 1,157
    Customizable Pallets, Walls, Lockers and Generators, along with skins for Hooks. If you're playing the Killer, you're technically the Lobby host, so you at least deserve that privilege.

    that would be soo coool so i reaally wanna see this in the game


  • TheSingularity
    TheSingularity Member Posts: 1,664
    Custom Background Music. (Like if you want the background to be JUST the Stranger Things theme, or the Attack On Titan theme.)

    I'd like to change background music, tho the OCD in me wants the charm store so we can complete our useless collection.