Joey & susie ugly christmas sweaters - Deep Dive

okay, so i just loaded the game up yesterday and decidedx to browse the store because i had a little ac to spend. i go through legion, and see that joey and susie now have christmas sweaters.....

i've seen a few debates about what this actually means, some peopel sayign that this makes susie and joey 'survivors' now. and i have a few thoughts to throw at this...

1.) it could be a metaphorical / figurative sense..... if we look at who they are in correlation to the gang, they were followers of frank and julie, mostly frank. susie, to my understanding, is a shy and quiet girl, who then met frank joey and julie through some chain of events. joey is a long term friend of both julie and susie, only knowing frank when it became convenient for frank, and then making a connection. joey likes to show off, and probably enjoys being liked (given he was on the football team and is strong and daring), proving him useful to frank. when the team goes to the gas-station / workplace that fired julie (to my nderstanding) and frank initiated the stabbing of the man, he MADE susie do it, tying her to the group in a criminal act. julie gladly did it so frank would liek and accept her, and joey reluctantly follows. so they are deemd as followers in my perspective. long story short, they 'survived' the encounter at the store, and frank himself. they 'survived' their circumstances.

2.) it could be aesthetic purposes or character reflective....... given the survivors we see on the image above, i would consider these characters to be strong willed and more altruistic (babysitter, borrowed time, better together ect) it could be that joey and susie were given sweaters to symbolize their initial soft-hearted-ness, or aversion to violence. sure joey likes to show off, but he was hive-mind-pressured into the crimes frank initiated. susie was always quiet and shy and would likely follow whoever was around her. so they rpobably wouldnt have commited those acts, had frank and julie not been there to pressure them; making them 'survivors' becuase of their inner hearts, not outer actions. // escpecially considering the survivors are more curiously looking at the mout the window rather than running or screaming.

as far as aesthetic goes, its pretty cute; the sweaters feature all the gang's masks on the back, with frank of course on top, and little snowflakes and hearts. it could easily be a simple design choice they gave to the most resiliant and teamworking killers they could.

3.) Lastly, the descriptions.....((please feel free to correct me on any mis-information and i will re-write this paragraph!!!) given the descriptions these shirts have, we can tell a lot about the characters adn how their life once was, pre-entity. from what i rememeber (reading yesterday) joey and his single mother were always a bit short on holiday spirit, and so when the holiday came, he decided to kill those who took it for granted (?) or for his own relief (i think, dont this against me) and susie didnt celebrate the holidays due to something like not enough money? and decided to punish those who took theirs for granted.

given this, we can see susie is more revernge or jelousy driven now that she is in the gang, or simply pressured to believe she needs to do those things. joey is seemingly more self absorbed / driven. he is now in this gang and feels its okay to take his anger out like this, and therefore does it. this raises some questions regarding their 'soft-hearted-ness' and to why the dev's would make them have sweaters n the first place..


I'm not entirely sure any of this makes sense but there are some of my ideas! if i get better information i will re-write certain parts of my theories here, but until then, let me know what you think!


  • Kuffowi
    Kuffowi Member Posts: 62

    also if someone else has screenshots theyd liek to share i can put them on here too :>

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 339

    These sweaters have existed for years. Chucky has a sweater as well, and he's obviously not survivor-like or anything. It's just something fun they give to certain killers who could realistically wear an ugly sweater.