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What's three killers you hate facing?

Me personally is:

1: artist I hate her so much it's not even funny

2: doctor he's so boring!!

3: chucky (for now cause I go against him to much)

But I want to make it clear I don't hate the players just the killer itself, like I hate the artist because she's so boring there's no fun in chases she can send her crows to you across the map.

What's your top 3?

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  • Member Posts: 156

    1: Skull Merchant

    2: Skull Merchant

    3: Skull Merchant

    I dont even remember having a complete match against her, there is always someone giving up, unaliving themselves on hook. Nobody wants to play against her. Im always thinking at what could be his killrate because of this, it must be higher than any other killer at this point.

    Also, while Nurse or Blight, Spirit (or wesker?) are super OP, at least they are pretty fun to go against, a lot of mindgames, 50/50 scenarios, I feel there is skill involved between the two sides when looping, with SkullMerchant I could play against a killer player, or an NPC and it would be the same, the same braindead gameplay, running from loop to loop because she instantly denies one place with the drones, hitting, debuffing to the ground to everyone who stays a few seconds in the drone zone with deep wound, or hindering you, at the same time that she becomes stealth. It feels so cheap man, you need zero skill with her. And im not even mentioning chess merchants that they are still out there and doing great at 3-gening.

  • Member Posts: 4,623

    Skull merchant, Trickster and maybe Wraith.

  • Member Posts: 70

    nurse, blight and chucky. they are so sweaty

  • Member Posts: 1,382
    edited December 2023

    Skull Merchant, Blight, Hag

    Bonus : Sweaty Nurse

    I initially didn't think so but I honestly believe that the new skull merchant is just as unfun to go against as the old one. It's just a miserable experience every time you get her. The games don't last 45 minute minutes anymore but they are just as unfun.

  • Member Posts: 1,382

    It's currently 65% on nightlight which tends to be slightly lower than the official kill rate. She's probably at 70% in reality.

  • Member Posts: 106

    I don't really hate any killer, but The Dredge is a pain because it seems like the match comes to a complete stop when the darkness falls.

  • Member Posts: 96

    My steam bio says I'm the #1 Wraith hater for a reason :). He's probably the only killer I hate going against. I have multiple killers I find annoying most of the time but none of them are an instant mood ruiner like Wraith.

  • Member Posts: 1,616
    edited December 2023

    In my case is more than three.

    Trapper: I know he is one of the weakest killers, but the constant fear of stepping on a trap make me feel very unconfortable when playing against him. The funny thing is he is one of my mains, haha.

    Hag: Same reason as Trapper but she is stronger and more annoying.

    Ghostface: the constant fear of being marked make me feel very unconfortable when playing against him, you have to spin the camera all the time while in a generator and also a lot of times when you spot him it's too late if he hides decently.

    Blight: OP and annoying.

    Nurse: Same reasons as Blight.

    Clown: Annoying blurry screen all the time, annoying to be forced to predrop a lot of pallets.

    Deathslinger: I always have a bad time facing him, I'm not good at dodging his shots.

    Huntress: same reason as Deathslinger.

  • Member Posts: 11,763

    Blight, Trickster and Ghostface were always the ones I hated most.

  • Member Posts: 862

    I don't hate any killers. It's rather how a player plays that killer in a match. Be it tunnel at 5 gens, camp, BM, slug etc.

  • Member Posts: 366

    1 sm

    2 knight

    3 trickster

  • Member Posts: 7,156

    Skull Merchant, Pinhead, and Legion.

  • Member Posts: 1,124

    Ghost Face - So sick of seeing this guy in every other game. I swear he's the low MMR Wesker. I hate his super janky reveal mechanic and a good one will sneak up and down you before you can ever get to a loop. Most annoying Killer in the game, imho.

    Clown - Never won a chase against this Killer. Just have no clue how to counter his power. He's also the most grotesque Killer in the game and he turns my stomach. I do like his chase music, though.

    Pinhead - Someone else can go solve his evil Rubik's cube to stop his obnoxious chain hunts. Because I'll be too busy avoiding this tedious guy for the rest of the trial.

  • Member Posts: 3,882
    edited December 2023
    1. Clown
    2. Doctor
    3. Bubba

    None of them are overpowered or anything... they just make me feel like an idiot who can't seem to stop making constant mistakes against them xD

    Post edited by UndeddJester on
  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Dull merchant



    All encourage mind numbing hold w gameplay.

  • Member Posts: 158




  • Member Posts: 2,643

    Have you ever played against Trapper one match and then the next match you're paranoid looking for Traps even though he's not the killer this time lol. This happens to me every time! It's embarrassing lol 😆

  • Member Posts: 164

    1.) Legion

    2.) Legion

    3.) Legion

    Can't loop, can't hide, can't hold w, can't escape. Legion counters all Survivor tactics and nearly every match ends in a 4K loss.

  • Member Posts: 483

    Nemesis- every time I go against one he has high mmr zombies. Stealth attacking, hook camping little bastards.

    Pinhead- solo que player here. Box solving either doesn't happen or happens right next to the killer.

    Number 1-nurse.

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Can’t loop? They are just an m1 killer. Lol

    They are rather weak.

  • Member Posts: 4,623

    I'd like to know your reasoning. These killers are all considered pretty liked.

  • Member Posts: 7,204

    Skull Merchant (even-post rework), Twins, Ghostface

  • Member Posts: 164

    Can't loop as in they vault over pallets and through windows in frenzy and outrun Survivors with ease. After 2,500 hours of gameplay, I've seen more 4K losses to Legion than any other Killer. Even using a "No Heal" counter play, a decent Legion Killer can still destroy a team.

  • Member Posts: 323

    I was the same about Legion, probably 18 months ago. I played a bit as Legion to get the achievements and now I don't mind so much playing against them.

    My top three is:

    1) Skull Merchant. Obvious reasons. Terribly designed killer, no fun to play against, and 99% of the time someone kills themself so a complete waste of time.

    2) Knight. Memories of the awful matches against him last Christmas in the 3 gen meta are enough to still hate him now. Although rarer to face at the moment, it's just not fun running from AI half the match.

    Number 3 is hard. As a solo q player, it's close between Pinhead (although with a decent team it can be a good match), Trickster but I think it'll have to go to:

    3) Saduko. Normally just teleport spamming to build up condemned. I know how to counter it with the tapes, but team mates often have no clue and just die at 5 gens the first time they are caught. Also so much fun when you are desperately trying to find an actually switched on for 5 minutes TV to avoid full condemned and at the last second, a Claudette with 1 stack runs out in front of you and takes the tape leaving you screwed. 😆

  • Member Posts: 969

    Sweaty Nurse and Blight that are good with them. Too often they just dominate the match getting multiple hooks by the time it takes just to get 1 or 2 gens done. It's a doomed match and go off myself on hook and go next. If they're more casual or potatoes even it's more enjoyable.

    Also Chucky don't have that much time to play but since his release so far I've seen 1 Wesker, 2 Skull Merchants and nothing else except Chucky. There's plenty of other killers would like to stop seeing Chucky every single game already.

  • Member Posts: 145

    Legion. The lore is a gang of feral teens on a killing spree and the gameplay is hitting someone once to make them waste time mending, then running off for someone else. Nothing works--can't hide, can't outrun, just take the hit, mend and then go back to what you were doing. Full slowdown Legion will make me instantly quit the game every time with no regrets.

    Wraith. So, so boring to play against. Cloak up to a survivor, get the free hit, cloak, chase them, get the second hit.

    Cenobite. When I see this guy, I know I'm on box duty for the entire match.

  • Member Posts: 1,716

    1: Wraith. Matches against him are really, really boring. Either you hear he's coming and/or get to a loop before him so he doesn't bother chasing you, or you don't get hear him coming and/or don't get to a loop before him so he just hits you and then a chase also doesn't happen. Either way, no chasing is involved. Also him being undetectable for such prolonged times makes most info perks a wasted perk slot.

    2: Spirit. I know a lot has been done to introduce more counterplay to her via giving survivors more info, but I still have a really hard time figuring out where the hell she is and how to properly counter her. Sure, this is something that could be learned with enough practice, but I don't see anywhere near enough spirit players to get this practice in. So every time I play against a spirit, I have no clue where she is, but she somehow always knows EXACTLY where I am.

    3: Knight: This one might be my fault but I still am not entirely sure exactly what does and doesn't impede his guards in a chase, which just makes dealing with them frustrating. That and being in the middle of something just to have a guard suddenly materialize next to you gets really old really fast.

  • Member Posts: 504

    1) Pin Head

    2) Pin Head

    3) Pin Head

    Do I have to say anything more? I'm mainly fine with all other killers in the game except for him.

  • Member Posts: 5,947

    1) Slog Merchant. For obvious reasons.

    2) Wraith. Cheaters! All of them! There is no other explanation why all the pallets and windows immediately disappear whenever he finds me and come back right after I'm hooked.

    3) Spirit. I play without head phones, so it's always a pain to play against her.

  • Member Posts: 2,251

    For us it's merchant and the saw bros, though without face camping bubba, spirit may take his place.

    We don't hate the killers themselves, but we hate how a majority plays them. 3 gen merchants, spirits sweating like their lives depends on the 4k asap, and point blank billies just about every time.

  • Member Posts: 603

    1) Skull merchant. She's not as bad after the rework but the chases are boring because all she has are the drones, so she places them at a loop and you either leave or she toggles the beams until you get lock-on, injured, and slowed. Unlike some other anti-loop killers (Dredge, Artist, Knight) you can't even help others mid-chase by taking a risk to disable/take their power, trying to hack a drone at most loops takes too long and she can place it back very quickly.

    2) Hag. Part of it is her power but most of it is because every time I've faced a hag they play the same, get one hook then place a million traps nearby and proxy camp. Bonus points if it's in basement.

    3) Knight. Same reason as Skull Merchant mostly, the power usage for anti-loop does not make for fun gameplay. Knight places guard, you leave or basically award them a free healthstate. If you don't hold W to a loop and try to play it you're just misplaying and he gets a guaranteed injury. Any loops on the edges of the map or in areas where there's nothing to chain to are out of play, because going there means he just holds you there until he can place a guard. I think Knight is not as bad as SM though because you can actually play around his power by taking the guard's attention for your teammates, and if he isn't right on top of you in a deadzone when his guard spots you then it's not necessarily a free hit but requires careful play and maneuvering that can be fun.

  • Member Posts: 10,908

    I’m hurt Carmina is on there :( (just kidding)

    Anyway here’s my three:

    1. Trickster: Anytime I hear that lullaby, I just get the sudden urge to do the good ole gg go next strategy. Not engaging to go against and those sounds that the knives make when they hate you are so aggravating.
    2. Skull Merchant: There’s just nothing redeeming about her. She’s just a nothing right now.
    3. Freddy: His kit irl is the most accurate. I am asleep irl against him lol.
  • Member Posts: 1,616

    Yes, it happen to me almost always, and I feel very relaxed when I remember I'm not still facing the trapper. 🤣

  • Member Posts: 3,904

    You notice some replies have nothing to do with the killer, but rather assumptions about the player? Just an interesting observation.

    1. Trickster - Silly design from the aesthetic to the gameplay, not a fan of any of it.
    2. Skull Merchant for the same reason
    3. Twins, because mechanically I'm not sure what it is they do. They don't really seem to do anything.

    The rest of the roster are generally fine and mostly fun to face.

  • Member Posts: 3,302


    Skull Merchant

    Skull Legion

  • Member Posts: 3,548
    1. Nemesis; has nothing to do with the tunneling stereotype of Nemesis, I really just don’t like how buggy his power it, there are many times when I don’t get audio for him pulling up his whip or he just straight up doesn’t pull it up visually but still can whip. It’s just frustrating, and if it wasn’t an issue, they wouldn’t be a Killer I hate going against.
    2. Artist; not a fan of their gameplay, just setting up a crow and effectively creating an entire area that you can’t even enter, I enjoy the ranged Killer aspect, but the set-up part I don’t enjoy.
    3. Knight; Knight.
  • Member Posts: 3,081

    I might actually pick the same three, maybe swap in Knight for Trickster. Mostly because I almost never face Tricksters anymore.

    I hate SM, and for whatever reason, I detest facing the Wraith.

    Nurse and Blight are just their own thing. I don't hate them as much as just kind of go into autopilot and wait for the next match when I see them. I don't really even care about the outcomes of those matches.

  • Member Posts: 968

    Blight - Just dislike that his kit does so much, when he's already super oppressive compared to everyone else, His addons, the mobility, the utility, number of power tokens etc, Not to mention some of the techs. Come his update i wouldn't mind reducing his power tokens to 4, along with his addon adjustment's.

    Wesker - Main issue with him is sometimes you'll get a hit that looks super dodgy on your screen, Yes. I acknowledge that it takes a lot of skill to pull off but it isn't an intended part of his power. Survivors should know what the power can and can't do and these hugtechs / slide techs make that very difficult.

    Pig - Not the actual killer herself, just on the RNG aspect of her traps, which tbh they should just redesign that part of her power to be more reliable to her and less of a RNG for the survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,470

    Only Killer I hate playing against is the Blight but that’s mainly because hug tech unfair.

  • Member Posts: 2,439

    Trapper - because I am apparently incapable of looking down ever on survivor

    Knight/SM - because they both have 0 real interaction.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    1) Nurse: a guaranteed loss, always. But I appreciated people can use her.

    2) Skull Merchant: was the rework good? No, I hate her more. I prefer 3-genning.

    3) Doctor: annoying.

  • Member Posts: 2,251

    In our defence atleast, we're generally fine with any killer (barring 7 repeats in a row or something) as we like how everyones different so we can only realy "hate" the play style we face.

  • Member Posts: 359
    1. A god nurse (average nurses can be fun)
    2. A bad artist (the kind that is only capable of birding loops)
    3. Knight
  • Member Posts: 555
    1. Clown annoys me so much his laugh and his bottles. He also has very boring gameplay. Thankfully I don't see him that often due to how boring he is.
    2. Trickster really annoys me particularly with his new buffs he is a monster. He has always annoyed me but now he takes zero skill.
    3. Doctor just the constant screaming and once again his laugh. Doesn't annoy me as much as other two though.
  • Member Posts: 562
    edited December 2023
    1. Artist
    2. Nurse
    3. Xenomorph
    4. Skull Merchant
  • Member Posts: 1,836
    edited December 2023

    1: merchant

    2: knight

    3: artist

    they all promote holding W, it makes me wanna fall asleep

  • Member Posts: 2,426
    edited December 2023
    1. Spirit - might be some leftover trauma from when she was even stronger but: never was fun to play against her, too strong for how simple/easy she is to play, going from top 1st or 2nd to 3rd best isn't much of an improvement imo on the receiving end. Playing as her is a power trip though.
    2. Myers - either boring and weak or has busted add-ons. Lack of counterplay to the power besides praying to the luck lords that you have a good LOS breaking map generation isn't fun either. Exposed last too long. Not gameplay related but people exaggerate how weak he is imo. Not great by any means but not worst or 2nd worst killer. Very much a "not super strong but very annoying" killer.
    3. Freddy - Sleep mechanic is tedious and the lullaby is super annoying
    4. Hag- Do I even need to explain?
    5. Skull Merchant- see above.

    List is not ordered. That said my most disliked is Spirit lol.

  • Member Posts: 9,029
    edited December 2023

    You said 3 but what if I did a tier list #getsigmamaledon

  • Member Posts: 65

    If I saw Nurse/Spirit more often I'd pick them but thankfully I don't.

    1 Legion - Mend simulator 2000

    2 Huntress - Janky hitboxes + a lullaby I hate + almost every one of them plays the same (aka proxy camping).

    3 Ghostface - I'm bad against him in general but in addition janky reveal mechanics. If he see's my pinky toe and I'm staring him in the face I get exposed and he doesnt get revealed.

  • Member Posts: 2,036

    Nurse, blight, and that order.

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