Why can't Onyro just be fun
Every time I face Onyro it's just the same thing teleport slug and just kill by hand there's just no fun in it I don't even know how they find it fun since it's just seems boring. She's like Wesker and Bubba with Wesker constantly tunneling and original Bubba's constantly camping with Onyro it's just being boring in my opinion with how I've faced Onyro she is more boring to face then the once in a blue moon Twin's player.
Pyramid Head - Can Kill you by his hand, but requires you to be 2 staged before.
Onryo - Can Kill you by their hand, requires them to spam TV teleports.
In about 3-4 years when Behaviour remembers that Pyramid Head is in the game, they will change Onryo to require two hooks just like P Head
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And then we can put her back to F tier.
She is only strong because of her lethality to just kill you. Her chase is still pretty bad.
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This is true Pyramid head has an M2 attack so he is good in chase Sadoko doesn't give her an M2 attack or at least improve her in chase then I think they can nerf her.
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Personally I think just her map wide condemned when teleporting should just have a smaller range. If she's teleporting to a gen that's being worked on then anyone within x meters should get a stack of condemn instead of allowing her to spam it on everyone with no real skill. A simple nerf like that will help her stay powerful while also forcing her to actually strategize her power
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Because pyramid head has amazing anti-loop and Onryo is an M1 killer with no anti-loop so getting the two hooks in god pallet simulator is near impossible vs good survivors?
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no reason not do spam teleport since her mori is unaffected from hooks and her chase is bad
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PH mori is like a quick kill on last hook. Or quick hook (cage), all he needs is setting trails on chock points.
Sadako mori requires build up, if she requires 2 hooks before mori, the condemn rate is kind of...doing nothing.
Not that I defend her teleport spamming gameplay on her.
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She is boring to face, yes. You need to grab a tape. After that her teleporting doesn't do anything anymore. From that moment onwards, you just loop her like a M1-killer.
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I hate how they changed her
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As a Killer she lacks any kind of skill expression.
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It's a number problem she's overtuned, if her teleport had a real cooldown and stacks/tp was 0.5 instead of 0.75 it could be manageable for solo Q, right now if they play knock out-sloppy slug playstyle you can just go next
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Sadako feels like she's just a pubstomper. SoloQ is weaker against all killers but I feel like Sadako is especially bad due to how the TVs work. Especially when they're running Ring Drawing, which most do.
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Because playing killer is not fun right now. It's almost at the most unfun it's ever been. There's not a lot to do outside of running a broken-ass build in a broken-ass game.
If BHVR made other options less frustrating for Sadako players, they'd take them. Same goes for killer players in general right now.
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Have you tried to play Sadaka normally? It's awful, you get more out of her kit with hit-an-run tactics and teleporting away than chasing. Just an awful experience bothering to chase with her.
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she is still a M1 Killer whit no Anti loop and chase Power and u want to see her nerfed ?
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Everyone has different tastes. I'm sure there's some killers I find boring that others absolutely love. Sometimes you just need to put up with the boring matches.
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Something being unfun for you doesn’t automatically make it problematic.
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like to know whats a fun killer? one that a party clown for the survivors.
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On top of what others have said, she's an M1 killer at heart and can only really mindgame out of demanifest, and even then I find most experienced survivors can outdo the intermittent phasing.
IF they did make her more in line with Pyramid Head, stacks would need to cause debuffs as basekit to balance her weakness. Stuff like maybe similar madness like Doctor, Yoichi's Fishing Net basekit, possibly the deafening status that hag has, definitely hindered for MFT, and at the very least make max condemned an exposed effect.
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Yup it's all rinse repeat and gets old.
In solo q we mostly beat her badly, but sometimes matches go SO LONG because the slugging, we still win but my goodness, 40 minute matches, it's SM all over again.
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People don’t grab tapes early enough and ignore her power than complain she’s OP.
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Agreed 👍 lol
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Facts! Like people need to learn how to counter her instead of complaining
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That what she was before, and it wasn’t effective for most onyro players, plus survivors easily ignored her power and TVs.
plus when the gen is done there is no reason to go back to it, so nobody would get condemned in that area. 🤷🏼♂️
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Her teleport mobility should be like it use to. Just keep condemn on a cooldown like it is.
Post edited by MechWarrior3 on0 -
Funnily enough I'm at a point when I'm not being ironic when I say I'd rather face a Blight/Nurse than an Onryo.
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With the right add ons and perks (and a decent player), she's difficult to deal with even if the survs do exactly what they should. Taking a tape early is a curse if she knows where you are when you do.
Before, the condemnation mechanic was an afterthought, almost a non-factor unless you played like a total dbag. Now it's too prevalent.
Without getting into the details, I'd like to see it dialed back (not all the way into non-relevance, but like halfway), and buffs to her freaking chase. Or Stealth. Remove her lullaby for one thing, regardless of anything else.
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Because she's designed that way. Since the rework, she's just awful.
Hopefully this will change in January-February.
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Using condemned doesn't mean you had to play awful.
I was pretty good at it without iri tape, slugging or tunneling.
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Old Sadako was awful too. That’s why she got changed in the first place.
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But the changes made it even worse.
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Then she shouldnt constantly teleport to areas with a completed gen. There is no way that a slight nerf to that range would really make her like she was before. Also, why can't killers be responsible for being better with their chosen killer like survivors are expected to be better than tunneling? Seems like a double standard when they could just make her more fair to go against
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Killers are held to that standard constantly lmfao
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Not really. They get plenty of leeway because "survivors are op"
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Why is tunnelling exclusive to wesker all of a sudden?
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I want to see her nerf.
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She's awful in chase so the only time you wanna chase someone is when they're fully condemned and you can kill them. Until then yeah you're just gonna spam teleport and look for easy hits where you can.
Not very fun to go against but they'd need to buff her chase, otherwise nerfing her mori makes her garbage again.
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I mean DBD literally popularized the hell out of the "what about my fun!" complaint in gaming. Due to the nature of 4v1, killers have always largely faced the brunt of this dumb community obligation to "play fun and skillful" cause they're 100% of their team, so they can control all da fun levels!
since 2016 this has been true
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Its lot easier to pull Mori for Sadako now, why do you want old Sadako?
For me with Trapper with alot of buff/changes, I dont like how Trapper being now, I prefer his very old form, that I can live with carrying 1 traps.
- Less traps, but more powerful and easy to know where to set trap. I dont waste much time to set trap, and its harder for survivors to find and disarm traps.
- Things that used to hide traps.
- More grass
- More fog
- Realms were darker.
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Sadako’s chase is really bad, so the optimal strategy is to minimize chases and just do hit and runs which she excels at due to her teleports.
Rather than lose a chase 3 times before being taken out of the game, condemning a Survivor and getting them to lose one chase is more time efficient, which is what makes current Sadako much more easier to use.
As for Slugging, it’s the same as pre and post rework Sadako. Her power doesn’t incentivize hooking and it counters potential saves from Background Player gamers.
If they want to nerf her Condemned aspect, then they will have to buff her in other aspects like her chase etc.
But making Sadako a chase Killer will probably yield complaints like “her antiloop is boring”. People don’t want second objective Killers but they also don’t want oppressive antiloop Killers like Nurse. Can’t please everyone lol. People use the word “fun killer” but in reality it means “M1 killer with no threatening power”.
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Because it is too easy to use her. What a few dedicated players where able to pull off with practice is now something that anyone can do while spamming a button against soloq.
I want the more interesting and skillful Sadako to return.
Even if that means, that she will be weaker for a majority of the playerbase that don't want to put in the time to learn her.
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Her power isn’t OP in her current state. Survivors just wait too long to do anything about it until it’s too late and then blame the killer.
Grab a tape at the beginning of the match. You can’t be condemned now. She’s an M1 killer too, so there shouldn’t be an issue.
it’s not hard to get a tape to cleanse especially now with TVs spawns right next to each other.
Survivors just need to learn how to counter her better is all, but they don’t want to so they complain she’s OP.
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Only worse for the survivors that don’t grab a tape. Survivors actually have to do something about her power now. Versus before you could ignore her and her power. It was too easy.
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I can't remember the last time I had an enjoyable match against her. Its always the same thing. Sloppy butcher with the condemned healing add on, spamming their teleports etc.
So boring.
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Blame BHVR they forced her to be this way because they gutted any and all other playstyles for her lol.
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I’m okay with the upcoming rework behavior wants to do with Sadako. I’m a P 100 sadako and have no issue condemning the old way before rework.
Problem is survivors complained about that too. I didn’t drag matches out though. If I needed to hook to end the game I would. I don’t care about the 4K condemn mori as long as my target is dead.
Suggestions/Ideas for new rework sadako early 2024
*Remove global condemn. Survivors will be condemned within 16 meters of any tv upon teleporting. 1stack
*Tapes: revert tapes. Now give passive condemn while holding onto it with one stack added to your meter. (Like before…Also lore accurate)
*Injuring: Hitting a survivor with a tape destroys the tape. 1 stack of condemn is given to the survivor. (Or 0 stacks but tape is definitely destroyed)
*TV’s: Being within 8 meters of a tv slowly builds condemn. Even more if you’re looking at the tv. (Or just while looking at the tv. Also lore accurate. You’re not suppose to watch the tv)
Yoichis fishing net should be reverted. 12% faster condenming when holding a tape or within 8 meters of a TV.
PTB edit - they could bring back when a survivor gets hooked with a tape it’s destroyed and all other survivors get 1 stack. (Very neat feature, but if not doable or too strong with other ideas then forget it :)
Survivors will have less frustration as well because they’re not constantly being condemned globally by the killer spamming the button.
Overall more lore accurate for her too :)
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I have zero fun play as and against her after her rework. I hope her upcoming changes are good or just bring back old Onryo.
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I hate her rework so much, I could literally play blindfolded and stomp 90% of my matches by going only for condemn kills
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She was killed for me too. I hope they give us the old version with buffs back, she was far more fun back then.
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So many players in this thread should try again while always holding a tape.
The difference in experience will be night and day!