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PSA: End Game Collapse

Survivors, please stop going to the exit gate and immediately opening it before your teammates are ready, have you never heard of 99ing? As soon as the EGC timer begins you give the killer free pressure because if they hook someone, they pressure you to either come for the hook and risk trading/more people dying, or leaving your teammate for dead. Also, start healing each other before opening the gate all the way, the only reason you should immediately open the exit is if the person the killer is hooking is on death hook/almost at death hook on the hook timer, or the killer has NOED. I'm really tired of like every game I play and get hooked after last gen is complete, the survivors rush the exit gate and start the collapse. Please stop doing this for the love of behavior.

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  • Member Posts: 6,342

    Good game sense isn't as common as it once was imo. Comms would certainly help in those situations, but solos can get borked badly by such stuff.

  • Member Posts: 96

    Sure Sure team game and all, but if I'm about to get a personal meet and greet with Rancor, I'm OUT. GL y'all, but I gotta put me first.

  • Member Posts: 6,342

    Rancor, NOED, and hurt & on death hook are all legit reasons to get tf out, especially without being on comms. The frustration comes from that lack of coordination and/or game sense much more than from thinking anyone is a cowardly chickenshytt player.

    Plus there's challenges and dailies to do fam! πŸ€ͺ

  • Member Posts: 35

    I can agree with the other people commenting that certain situations call for immediately opening, but most of the matches I play and do good all game, make it to the end, just to get singled out and hooked just for my teammates to start the timer has gotten out of hand. All the timer does is pressure survivors to leave, leaving the gate closed gives more margin for error and less pressure to get everyone to the gate immediately. Hook grabs have been removed, so not going for the unhook (unless you're on death hook, or there's rancor or you're injured + NOED) at the end game is just ridiculous. 99ing would save me a lot more than it doesn't.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    99%ing definitely isn't the right call all the time. i always full open if i'm gonna leave the gate to help out a person in chase or attend to an unhooking ceremony. but if i have no info where anyone is at that moment, i'll leave it 99 and stick around so i can pop it in case someone comes with the killer behind them.

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Something that irritates me is people who open the gate right as the killer hooks so blood warden activates

    ive lost games because of this

  • Member Posts: 504

    I intentionally open the gates most of the time because I've never viewed 99ing gates as being balanced and I like it better when end game collapse is more of a "every man for themselves" phase in the trial which is why I feel like either a system needs to be put in place to prevent gates from being left at 99% or end game collapse should have its timer start as soon as one of the gates reaches 1% to make 99ing gates pointless while making it so it doesn't trigger whenever No Way Out triggers.

    I always found it to not be fun on the killer side when it happens and that's why I feel extremely bad for killers when it happens while I'm on the survivor side.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    99ing has killed me or my friends (when not in a full swf) way more than people straight up opening the exit gate. If EGC timer isn't enough for you to save someone, that's really just on you. At most, 99 the exit gate before fully healing, then open it. But keeping it closed while someone is getting chased is the worst choice u can make

  • Member Posts: 35

    How is it the "worst choice"? EGC doesn't help survivors and I'm tired of being left on the hook just for everyone to leave because the timer is started. That is an even worse choice imo.

  • Member Posts: 7,779

    I'm solo queue - I'll do what I want!

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Or just do it like me: open the gate after seeing No Way Out + NOED, getting hit with Blood Warden and still getting everyone out.

    Endgame chat was funny. My teammates were somewhere between being happy for escaping and "duuuude, are you out of your mind?!"

  • Member Posts: 974

    I'll open the door every time. There really is no correct way of leaving the door, I'm positive I've seen more players hating the exit gates being left at 99%. Gotten myself or seen others killed many times because someone left the gates at 99% cause they were forced to stop for that 1%. Once EGC starts the timer count downs more slowly when someone is downed or on hook which should give you plenty of time to heal up, go for the unhook, and escape.

    Every player had their own PoV about it. This might be a team game for some, but for me the so called team mates are a useful convenience to have in this every survivor for themselves game.

  • Member Posts: 2,663

    Agree here. I have died or had a teammate die because hitting that last 1% can take a second you don't have the luxury to lose when being chased.

  • Member Posts: 35

    I literally don't understand the point of not 99ing, as I said before all the timer does is give the killer free pressure. Opening the gate just makes it to where you get forced out, if solo queue teammates would 99 more people would escape, instead of having the timer pressuring you out and you just leaving teammates for dead, opening immediately seems like a way worse choice to me.

  • Member Posts: 2,663

    99ing is used to prevent Blood Warden from activating if the killer is using it.

  • Member Posts: 41

    It's really annoying when I 99 the gate, see NOED hit, try to go find the totem before a hook rescue and the others just open the gate and leave the person to die on hook. Especially when I'm running a totem build specifically to get rid of it quickly.

    Comms would help, but there are a lot of survivors that think the escape is what's most important, just like the 'slug for the 4k' killers thinking no one should escape. This game has a lot of opportunities for selfishness, as well as misplaced altruism.

    Piece of advice tho, don't 99 vs trapper πŸ˜‚ and like others have said, if you don't know where the other teammates are, or someone on death hook is being chased and you can't sabo/blind to save them, just LEAVE. Give them an opportunity for hatch or just to let the others know you won't be around to help. Don't just stand at the gate so you can teabag or whatever, especially vs certain killers, because things like blood warden and gate-blocking add-ons for their powers exist.

    Also I just want to say, endgame is the only time I'm fine with being insta-unhooked. Gate's open? Yeah sure follow the killer as they're carrying me and grab the unhook, that's great. DO NOT do that any other time during the game tho. That snowballs into tunnel/camp/sacrifice by 3 gens Everytime. Use chase/hook time wisely, stop crouching to watch teammates get chased/downed/hooked before you touch a gen, you should be progressing the game while the killer is distracted. Literally the safest time to do gens is when they're in chase, why would you not use that time? Lol I really have a way bigger problem with bad teammates than annoying killers.

    They should really improve their tutorials and gameplay tips on loading screens, not just the random perk videos they make for Instagram or whatever, but stuff actually in the game, for the casuals and such that don't bother actively trying to improve by finding streamers videos. Give us load screens with real info. Info about applying pressure, explaining that if gens aren't getting done, killers have no real incentive to leave the hook. Anything to help the noobs PLEASE IM BEGGING.

    My biggest piece of advice for survivors tho is to play as killer. It helps the most I think in learning about powers/perks and how to counter them, when they get killer instinct, if you should be expecting NOED or endgame perks.

    Sorry for rambling. I haven't played in a few days for these exact reasons (and too much Chuck πŸ˜‚)

  • Member Posts: 3,937
    edited December 2023

    As others have said, I'd died far more from people 99ing gates and having to path to do the last tick of the gate after a save, than I have from the EGC timer being started.

    You have 2 minutes, 4 if someone is down/hooked. If you can't get them out in 4 minutes, you ain't getting them out.

    The only reason to 99 a gate is if the killer is about to hook a player to ensure you don't proc blood warden. At all other times I open the gate to ensure that the fast getaway, is actually a fast getaway.

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    The correct way to 99 a gate is to stay within a close proximity to it as much as possible, so that you can open it when you hear the TR or see all the other survivors. People 99 the gate then just run away to do whatever, which is what leads to those moments where it costs a hook/death. If going for the 2 man strat to guarantee the unhook, the person who takes the injury should run to the exit gate to be the designated opener (they're already wounded, so no bodyblocking.)

    As for the timer, it can make a difference regarding hook trading. It might not take you the full 2/4 minutes to save someone, but someone else could get in trouble during that time, and the team will have even less time to save them.

    I get why a lot of people open the gate instead of leaving it 99ed, but you can have your cake and eat it, too.

  • Member Posts: 3,937

    Correct for a SWF... for SoloQ... that's a LOT of faith :P

  • Member Posts: 3,966

    You can always be the change you want to see~

    I try to be the designated opener whenever it comes down to it, for lack of faith in my teammates.

  • Member Posts: 2

    This isn't a PSA. This is just your salt spilling

  • Member Posts: 84

    I am a team player all the way except for when I see or notice clear self-concerned actions by other survivors. I tried to pay close attention to every survivor's motives. For those who are aiming more for rituals being done and getting out I just accept it and help them if I can, and still try to get everyone out. I have often sacrificed myself by taking those risky yet oh so fun actions at the end game. And I also try to encourage good sportsmanship and teamwork by trying to lead those stray survivors LOL. I love this game immensely and I love benevolence.

  • Member Posts: 35

    Lol, sure. I feel like most survivors now have no idea how to 99 or what it even is, and I have valid points to back up my claims for why I think people even in solos should 99. It's not just a rant, I'd much rather die because of 99ing, instead of getting hooked (on first or second hook state), gate gets opened, and all other teammates are pressured out of the door. It leaves no chance for the player on the hook to survive when this happens, at least if you get unhooked, run to a 99% exit gate, open it to start EGC, and still get downed you had a chance to escape. As I said before EGC only hinders survivors and gives the killer immediate free pressure. Your comment is absolutely incorrect.

  • Member Posts: 1,168

    I do find it odd that given many perks have now become useless in the end game e.g. Decisive strike and OTR that people do open the gates so much.

    I know killers don't like 99ing and there were plenty of calls for it to be nerfed. But now I think it's more of a valid tactic.

  • Member Posts: 109

    You're not a pro e-sports tournament competitor. If your team can't get out by the endgame collapse, then you guys probably weren't getting out anyway.

    Sure, I'll 99 it if they're about to hook someone, on the one in a million chance someone is actually running Blood Warden. But otherwise I'm opening it to let my teammates know that they have a path of escape.

  • Member Posts: 2,096

    It's as I say, either leave or don't leave after the gend are done.

    Plus that "pressure" is alleviated by a good 2 minutes when someone is downed or hooked (a feature I have on many occasions said needs to be removed).

    You have plenty of time, probably more than you actually need to get them out alive.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    It's more done just so that the survivors aren't on a timer to save the hooked survivor.

    Blood Warden is incredibly rare and 99ing wouldn't be the norm if it's only job was to counter an incredibly rare perk.

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