What is your opinion about the Nurse?
She needs massive nerf.
delete this monstrosity from the game.
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She needs massive nerf.
Feels so clunky whenever I verse her. I swear it feels like she's hitting me with a jousting stick instead...
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She is fine with current status.
I find it extremely difficult to play as nurse so whenever i get killed by one i think they earned it.
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She needs massive nerf.
Give her a lot longer blink cooldown rather then just a few seconds, like 10 seconds. For what she can do, any nerf is fine.
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She is fine with current status.
She is overall fine currently, however she might stil be bugged, her FoV for some reason seems lower than on any other killer and some other stuff, but her strenght is alright.
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She needs massive nerf.
Now, an idea I have for Nurse as a means of a nerf, is that she no longer goes through walls. It's that simple. If you make her blinks too short she's beyond unplayable to new players, extend her fatigue state at all then the nerf doesn't do much. I believe it comes down to the Nurse's ability to move through objects that make her so powerful.
You can make it so she can still blink through dropped pallets or windows, but nothing else a Survivor can't use to make any distance. Will it help with open maps like Mother's Dwelling, Yamaoka Estate, or Coldwind Farm, likely not. But it will be a grace for indoor maps like Midwich, RPD, and The Game.
It will also be extremely useful for Survivors because now they no longer have to worry about The Nurse blinking through the wall, the can just keep running and making more distance.
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She needs minor nerf.
I feel like we can't kill the only killer who can handle competitive team, but at the same time she is definately busted still.
I think her power should work same as Wesker, but based on how much peoples are injured. If no one is injured: 6 seconds blink recharge, and if all survivors are injured: current 3 seconds blink recharge.
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She needs minor buff.
I'd say a minor buff to improve her speed a little, for casual players that's really punishing. Also i've noticed she gets stuck in a lot of terrain...
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She needs minor nerf.
I am no fan of nerfs but facing a good Nurse is just horrible.
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She is fine with current status.
More balanced than current Blight, no more map pressure or no cooldown thanks to old recharge/range addons, no more noed, starstruck.
now when she misses her blinks it means something for you in the chase, with double recharge she had all blinks back after fatigue.
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She needs minor nerf.
As long as the Nurse (and Blight) are like that, it will be hard to ballance maps and especially perks.
For example Ultimate Weapong might not be crazy strong on Trapper but completly broken on Nurse.
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She is fine with current status.
Her original best add ons have been nerfed already which I think puts her in a fair position now.
Of course she's still a top tier killer, but she takes a lot of skill to play well against good teams and with the removal of her recharge add ons, there's even more of a focus on skill, because you can't miss blinks and fall back on almost immediately being able to double blink again.
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She needs massive nerf.
delete this monstrosity from the game.
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She needs minor nerf.
The main complaint about nurse is how she ignores game mechanics thus lacking typical dbd counterplay. Bring back some of the old stuff survivors had against her, like stun fatigue and lightburn. Maybe increase her stun hitbox drastically mid blink to make blinking through pallets more of a threat, stuff like that.
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She is fine with current status.
no just fake her out more
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She is fine with current status.
i like that
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She is fine with current status.
uw on the pig go brrr